4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1629: Feathers and deals

"What is going on here..."

In the darkness, a dozen Ershi people and a spy are slowly moving behind a metal wall.

They all turned their attention to the entrance gate of a less dark place.

The gate of the second base is currently open, and the light is shining from it.

However, if you look inside, you can see that the light is not emitted by the lighting equipment inside. In fact, all the buildings in the base or the equipment that can be illuminated are all closed.

The things that glow in the base are made by things that look like mounds. The height of these mounds is... one to two meters, and at the top of them are placed a golden object that emits brilliant light. The mound is everywhere in the base, and this scene is very strange for the people of Ershi.

"Contactless..." The general manager lost his face and put the phone into his waist. "I don't know if anyone is in the base."

“What happened to those mounds?” one of the soldiers said: “I have never seen such a thing before...”

"That is the golden egg." The bright Ershimin went on to say: "That is also the experimental creature... The idea of ​​an idiot suddenly thinks of the experiment, saying that it is to make a living gold."

"Live gold?" the soldier asked with amazement: "What is that?"

"There is a biological egg here, and the embryo inside will glow when it grows up." Viktor said: "An idiot in the laboratory has developed... a drug that can be used to inject light from the egg. It is brighter and will not hatch for a long time, but it will remain active and will not die. The purpose of studying this egg is to sell it on the market..."

“Does this creature's egg shine?” the soldier questioned: “Is it not easy to eat a glowing egg?”

"The original purpose of this kind of creature is to eat the egg." The brighter Ershimin said: "The cubs in this way have food to eat at birth. They are considered parasitic animals, and so is the egg. It is easy to not hatch."

"You actually did this kind of thing..." The general manager was surprised and said: "What happened to these eggs later?"

"It’s not what we did. It’s an idiot in the lab who is not very normal.” Brighter said: "As for these eggs, there are a group of them going to sell them, but during the transportation... they were attacked. And then it has not been recreated."

This bright people seems to know the way the institute looks. Lin feels that it should have a deep relationship with it.

"How come these eggs are here?" The general manager asked: "What are those mounds?"

"I don't know, it may be that other creatures have moved in." The brighter people said: "The eggs that were transported were completely destroyed after they were attacked. They may have been removed by some other creatures..."


Its voice did not fall, and there was a sound in the base. Lin and the Ershi people here saw a lot of creatures around the mounds... feathers and limbs.

"It's a feather!" The general manager said: "Did the eggs and the mound are all brought by them? How did they invade the base?"

"Hey!" More and more feathers appeared around the mound, and Lynn noticed that they were like... birds, including the head and body and feet, but their upper limbs were closer. Shimin's hand, with three fingers, can flexibly grasp things, but it seems that they can't fly. They yell at the side of the mound, and Lin finds their emotions very excited.

"Okay, you are finally here."

At this time, Lynn heard a voice of ...

I saw that the gate of the largest building in the base was opened, and a group of Ershimins came out from the inside. Lin found that the head was... The Ershi people wore very strange clothes. They wore feathers all over their bodies, and they were covered with sharp masks. It seems to be imitating the feathers. As for other Ershi people around it, they wear very normal combat uniforms and carry weapons in their hands.

"The base is fine! They are still there!" One soldier said that he was ready to go out, but was stopped by the general manager.

"Wait, the situation is very weird..." The general manager said: "Let's take another look and decide."

"Hey!" The Ershimin, who played the feathers and wore the feathers, first called the feathers and said a few words. Then he said in normal Ershi: "Is the egg you brought this time a little less?" This will not give you a good reward."

"Hey!" The feathery side also has a headed walk to it in front of it, while a group of feathers behind it dragged a long thing.

"This is..." The Ershi people who played the role suddenly showed excitement, because the feathers dragged the black object, Lin thought... it should be the thorn of the previous sea urchin, but not It's exactly the same, this one is smaller.

"It's really good, you actually got this kind of thing." Ershimin said: "In this case, then I have to say good rewards to you, hello, move the apples over!"

As it spoke, Lynn also saw a group of soldiers, Ershimin, moved a box of red fruits, each with more than a dozen boxes, and they stacked them in front of the feathers.

"As I said, an egg is replaced by a box of apples. As for this thorn, how can I change it with two boxes of apples?"

“Hey!” These feathers seemed to be extremely exciting after hearing them. They immediately agreed to this request. After the feathers like the head collar slammed a few times, the other feathers immediately robbed the apple. Empty, and then ran out of the base, leaving only those golden eggs and the thorns still there.

"They actually...doing a deal with the feathers?"

The general manager who peeked out of the door and all the Ershi people looked stunned, and the general manager was the first to react... It immediately ran out and walked into the gate.

"Hey! You!"

In the second base, the soldiers who were collecting the golden eggs were all shocked, and the Ershi people who wore the feathers were also stunned. After seeing the general manager, it said: "Hey, Louis, how come you come here. Already?"

"What?" The general manager said angrily: "Jack, how are you dealing with them?"

"What's so strange about this?" The feathers called Jack's feathers said: "If you don't want a profit, if you don't want it, would you miss it?" (~^~)

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