4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1633: Observation room?

Is that place here...

The black plants are clumping around, the strange sounds echoing in the air, and the ground is covered with various metal fragments. This is a place once called the laboratory.

It is also where the spy is now.

The spy had asked about the location of the place from the bright people, so they came over. As for the soldiers who had solved Jack, they still stayed in the second base and resumed communication.

So Lynn’s spy came out and came to the jungle and reached the location of the lab.

There seems to be nothing left here... There are things about creatures, only metal fragments on the ground, according to the bright people, here is mainly destroyed by a big bang, but the cause of the explosion is not known.

They have doubts about ‘natural disasters’, and there are doubts about who has specifically blown up, but now they don’t know the specific reasons. Obviously, the researchers who brought the test to Amerigan are more suspected.

It seems that there are some things here...

The spy found a small disc-shaped object in a pile of pieces. This should be an imaging device. Lin picked it up and poked it, and then popped up a stereo image.

"Hello, what do you need?" The effect seems normal. It is the appearance of a female Ershi. It is standing on the disc and telling Lin: "As a guide, you can ask me anything. ""

The spy asked him: "Why did it blow up here?"

The image of Ershimin seems to hesitate for a few seconds, then said: "...no data, are you sure this is a question about the institute?"

Lynn changed the question and said: "...Introduce here."

"Okay, this life science observation room is built on...no data...the biological form of the purpose of observing large underground caves, the creatures here are considered to have escaped the ancient creatures left by many extinctions on the earth's surface. They are now here to evolve into a form that fully adapts to underground life, and has a very high research value... Next I will introduce you to the creatures here..."

Next, this image introduces many kinds of creatures including feathers, and also mentions that the leaves of plants here are black because they need to receive a special nutrient...

In the end, it mentions some creatures that were named 'ground animals' and were originally named after they were observed to eat the stone in the ground.

At first, it didn't attract attention, because many creatures would eat stones or sand, but Ershi people slowly discovered that this animal is not eating stones to help digestion or for other purposes, but to treat the stone purely as food. .

These creatures are bus-like creatures, which seems to be the first non-cell organisms that Ershi people encountered.

Because of its high value, the people of Ershi have captured research in large numbers. This place called the 'Life Science Observatory' is slowly being called a laboratory, because it has become a place for experimental organisms.

However, during the course of the experiment, they found it difficult to find bus-like creatures outside, and they... just like being caught.

Lin also found out that this time to catch the bus creatures and ... Ershi stopped communicating with the research station for the same time.

If you say this, does Ersh not communicate with them and may be related to this?

Later, the trial also entered difficulties, because the people of Ershi could not breed these bus-like creatures, and there were already many... missing.

This is considered to have escaped, but there is no trace of escape, and I have never seen it outside. Finally, after the ... the sea turtle that passed the 'improvement test' escaped, there was a bus-like creature. The research has almost completely stopped.

However, the sea urchin is not... the last bus creature.

There is also a bus-like creature in the lab, which is said to look very much like... a creature called an elephant.

As for what happened to this creature, I didn't know it. Later, the lab was destroyed, but the image did not look like the data destroyed by the lab.

However, Lin felt that the data it had retained was quite a lot. Then Lin continued to look around and there was nothing useful in this pile of ruins.

It seems that I should leave here. Lin feels that she should go to the depths of the forest to see it. It may be possible to find the nervous system of the stellar bus.

Lin has detected it before, in this direction...

Thinking, Lin's spy acted in the jungle, moving while watching the surrounding environment. This place did gather a lot of interesting creatures, but more interestingly, it is said that the ancestors of many creatures here are... Dinosaurs, these are very similar to the velcro dinosaurs.

Lynn feels that the creator and Ershi may also have some connections, because the dinosaurs on the pompons were created by the creators.

Maybe there have been creators who arrived in Ershi? Lynn feels that there is such a possibility.

Of course, there are no creatures like dinosaurs here. They have all adapted to the darkness and evolved into a variety of new forms, such as feathers and...

It seems to have arrived.

Lin found a large forest in front of them. These trees twisted and twisted and reminded Lin of the twisted plants, but they did not have any long leaves.

The plants here grow black and the leaves are mainly absorbed... a nutrient that floats down from the top of the cave.

The top of the cave here will be 'raining' regularly, and this kind of rain is mixed with a lot of nutrients, but this nutrient is not floating freely. The darker things will get more nutrients, this is the previous image. According to the introduction, Lin has not yet studied why.

In short, this has led to the longer and darker the plants here, and the leaves also have the function of absorbing nutrients.

And these plants that don't have any leaves are very rare, so it's worth noting...

When I touched a plant that looked like a withered tree, Lin felt it. This is... ordinary withered trees.

Originally with blades, but for some reason withered, the spies are all under their leaves.

When the spies touched each other, Lin found that most of the plants here were ordinary plants, but some were... very special things.

It is the exposed nervous system of the bus.

However, encountering them does not seem to mean that Lin can communicate with Ershi, because these exposed nervous systems are ascending with the trees... (~^~)

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