4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1653: Cut and increase

“Reporting that the target volume is 20% damaged...but...the target volume has increased by 100%.”


Under the stars of the void, soot and debris are floating.

The original city of transpiration, its ... has disappeared a lot on the left side, and there are countless dusts and fragments scattered in the disappearing position. They were originally part of the city, but they have now become smoke.

This was the effect of the annihilation ship. The second annihilation ship was successfully embedded in the potholes bombarded by the fleet. The explosion caused by the annihilation ship directly destroyed about 20% of the volume of the evaluator city.

This power is not very good, the captain thought before that he could blow up more volume even if it could not be destroyed.

But the captain is still calmly executing the order. After all, there are many ships that are annihilated. If you continue to attack and use the corresponding method, you can destroy the city.

However, after the captain heard the report behind the system, it could no longer keep calming...

"Increased...100%?" The captain looked at the picture with an incredible expression, only to see that the city of the vagrants did become... even bigger, more than double the original.

"Sir, the lemming ship No. 1 that had disappeared before went to the No. 3 monitoring station for unknown reasons." The system said at this time: "Now it has returned."

"..." The captain was silent. Although he wanted to know the reason why the annihilation ship was not seen before, it was more concerned about the current situation. The city is already huge to this extent... The previous tactics are no longer working. .

“Can you contact those who are trapped underground?” the captain told the system.

"I can receive some ambiguous signals and can't communicate..." the system said: "But most of them are still alive."

"Yes? This means they have not been attacked." The captain said: "We must adopt new tactics..."

............ At the same time, on the other side...

It seems... there is nothing here.

Here is... In the jungle under the big hollows of the Antarctic, Lynn occasionally pays attention to this place, because Lynn has created an excavation unit here, and has been digging deep into the ground to find the organs of Ershi.

But now I dig a depth of almost one kilometer, but still can't find anything, although this depth is very shallow compared to the whole Ershi, but in general this position can detect the organ of the star bus.

But it is still undetectable. In the process of excavation, there is nothing but a lot of hard rock. This makes Lin think... there is a possibility... anyway, continue to dig.

Then, Lin continued to focus on the battlefield, the city of the tranfers has now doubled, which is actually the second merger, and another engineering site has merged with it.

At the time of the merger, the site will... change shape, and they will all take all the buildings in the original project site into the interior and replace it with the building of Ershi.

Therefore, it can be seen that it is all buildings on the surface of Ershi. As for the types and positions of these buildings, it seems that they are completely random and do not consider any planning and construction.

If all the projects are merged, the city of the tranfer may become something as big as Ershi, so the fleet has no possibility of destroying it.

The tranfer may be planning to use this merged project to directly contact and direct their plans, and let Ershi be a ... temporary controller against Midgart.

But do they have to be this temporary controller? Is the transpiration really unable to control it by yourself?

In any case, they are moving forward. Seeing this situation, the captain can only continue to think of a new tactic, that is... enter the interior of this huge project and blow it up.

Mainly just when they approached and when they bombed, the evaluators did not carry out any attacks, which gave the captain the idea of ​​gambling, that is... close to the target, buried in explosives.

To be precise, put the locator inside the target, and also blast a space of sufficient size.

Because they can't put anything into the interior of the tranfer city, and they can't pass objects into the space where the space is insufficient. Therefore, they need to open a annihilation ship that is enough for a hundred meters in the transpiration city. Enter the space and locate the coordinates there so you can blow up the entire city.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible, but the vagrant city does not seem to attack, only progress, so the captain sees a possibility.

Although Lin feels that they have better methods, such as dismantling the annihilation ship, sending the explosives inside the city, or... in short, let's take a look at their actions.

"Reporting the sir, the fleet of surprise attacks is ready."

"Okay, let them move forward, remember, chances are only this time... we have no more time, all firepower!"

At the moment when the captain's voice fell, the firepower of the fleet re-expanded. On the city of the vagrants, the pompoms with the clones heard the roar of the explosion again.

The Ershi fleet once again concentrated its firepower and aimed at a place to start bombing, but Lin found that the roar of the explosion...

It’s not Lin’s simulation from the ground, but the air.

"Sir! The other side launched a defense!"


The captain looked at the picture with astonishment and saw that there were a lot of objects coming up in the sky above the vagrant city. These objects looked like huge pieces of rusty metal.

And they stopped the firepower of most fleets, and those missiles and lasers inevitably collide with them, and a few attacks that bypassed the defense and hit the ground could not have much effect.

"They...have actually got an action?"

These metal blocks are not just in the place where the fleet gathers fire. There are a large number of such metal blocks in the sky over the entire city.

At the moment they appeared, they flew to the Ershi fleet at a very fast speed.

"The target attack will arrive in a minute!"

It feels like dumping metal trash, but these things cover a range of more than a thousand kilometers, enough to swallow the entire Ershi warship.

"Defense! Full defense!" The captain can no longer take care of the attack. The form in front of him makes it turn to attack, but when the fleet targets the metal blocks, the captain also said: "Let the surprise team wrap around the target." The rear! Continue the previous plan!" (~^~)

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