4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1659: Original discovery

“This college is a training...excellent place, and most of the students here have received genetic enhancement, so they are very good at...something in a certain field.”

“They will also work in this area in the future, so that our development will go further.”

In a corridor within the ‘Tiangong Academy’, the spy was moving with Trinity, moving it and introducing the spies about the college.

Although Lin came to guess before coming in, because I saw very flexible students, in some rooms passing by, you can also see that there are many students in sports and fitness.

“There is the most common aspect of physical strength enhancement,” said Trity. “Because physical fitness can be used in many places, there are also many special enhancements. There are many special weapons, mechs, and only intensive people can operate. ......"

Triti introduced the situation to the spies with great interest, perhaps because it used to be a teacher here, and the teachers here are hardly intensified, but they teach students how to use the intensive ability.

"We have to ride this past."

Walking around, Trite stopped, it opened a door next to the corridor, and after the door opened, Lynn saw a...transparent cylindrical object.

This...should be an elevator.

After entering the cylindrical elevator, Triti said: "No. 10." Then the elevator moved. Lin found that the elevator seemed to shuttle through the building and could see all kinds of colleges. Classroom, because the passage of the elevator is built in the classroom.

These classrooms are very colorful, there are many kinds of tables and chairs...the normal type, the whole is the pool, the woods, the battlefield, the simulated virtual environment, etc., if not Terry said I still don't see these places as classrooms.

As the elevators passed by, the students in the classroom were completely ignored and continued to do their own thing.

Finally, the elevator stopped in front of a gate and walked down the elevator to open the door. You can see a room opposite the corridor with the words 'No. 10 Staff Quarters'.

"You stay here first, remember not to run around, I will do something first, and I will come back soon." After the spy was placed in the staff quarters, Triti left.

This dorm... looks pretty good, covered with soft carpets, with furniture that looks luxurious, and a large disc-shaped image device in the middle.

Lin used to poke the device and looked at the information in the book. Lin first saw that there was a lot of information about the college.

In general, this college and Terri said that a college that trains and strengthens students is mostly in the physical strength, as well as mental strengthening, adaptability, and special ability to strengthen. For example, some students can discharge.

Lin noticed that there were some students who specially carried out the ‘Dolphin Brain’ enhancement. This kind of reinforcement can make half of their brains sleep, half of the brain wake up to work, and use the brain shift system, they don’t need sleep.

However, most of these enhancements are in the experimental stage. It is said that a college is actually a huge testing ground, but it seems that there has not been any unexpected appearance.

The purpose of Tritte's coming here is also very simple. The hero headquarters seems to want to choose among this group of intensive students... Some adapt to the individual to cooperate with the bus body as a hero.

There should be a lot of adaptation to the individual, and if not, they can... make something.

Because some methods of 'creating adaptive bodies' have been discovered at the headquarters of the heroes, but they are also experimental, and they seem to be going to be tested here.

Next, Lin investigated the news about the history of this place.

To be precise, there is a language about the country and so on.

Because the college not only teaches intensive courses, but also has ordinary courses, such as courses on... language.

Although they are all mainly used in the official language of the ersh, they still have the language they used to learn, and on the way, Lin noticed that many students are using the original language.

It seems that the popularity of this official language is not so comprehensive... comprehensive.

And these original languages, after Lin looked for a bit, did have a lot of words, Lin... know.

This is indeed very interesting. These words are like some creatures on Ershi, and they are known by Lin 'original'.

This is really wonderful, Lynn feels that there is a special connection between Lin and Ershi.

Because, Lin actually doesn't always know which type of creature ‘herself belongs to. At present, it feels more like a dream creature, but it is not exactly the same.

It may have something to do with these ancient stellar buses, but I still can't find Ershi... itself.

What's more interesting is that Lin found that Lin knew the creatures and vocabulary earlier than they appeared.

What does this mean? The civilization here has actually appeared a long time ago? Or to say... there may have been special circumstances...

All in all, you need to continue to explore.

"I am back, are there any embarrassing?" Suddenly, Tritic opened the door, and it led a lot of things to come in: "I bought a lot of things in the store here, you...there is a language here. Interested?"

When I saw the information that Lynn was watching, Trity came over and asked.

"Do you understand the language?" Lin asked.

"I don't know much, I just think it's quite complicated... Many students say that they are used to it, they can't change it." Tritty said, throwing a bag of things to Lin: "It's delicious to eat this." ”

"Enhanced beef jerky..."

Lynn looked at the text on the package, which was written in the language of the country, and other languages ​​were added below.

After opening the package, the spy ate the meat, and the taste seemed to be nothing special, just like the one on the ground.

Most of Ershi's food is now synthesized by microorganisms. This seems to be the same as the dried meat. Although this finished product has many processes in the initial synthesis, Lin can still detect some of the above microbial species.

This microbe...

It seems that there are some kinds of knowledge in it.

“Where is this produced?” Lin asked Terri.

"These are all colleges that are transported from the ground. Didn't you write the production floor? Ask what to do?"

Triti seems to be very confused, but there is no place to produce it...

Lin feels that she can go down and have a look. (To be continued...)

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