4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1663: Partial camouflage

"Although it is a joke to leave the sea, you must also pay attention to checking the travel and reducing the possibility of species invasion!"

A ship sailing between the layers of ice is slowly advancing, and passengers sitting on the ship are standing on the deck fence, watching the changes appear on the outer ice layer, occasionally making a marvellous sound.

"This is the kind of new creature!"

Suddenly, a passenger on the ship screamed and saw a huge pile of things slowly crawling between the ice.


“Why have you always seen the image of the tour group recently?”

Inside the dormitory, the spy stayed on the soft sofa and looked at the video screen, with a documentary about the Arctic tour group.

This documentary contains a variety of creatures described in the Arctic, many of which followed the Arctic continent, and some of which were originally owned by Ershi, such as a creature called a polar bear, because of the environment there. Very close, so it is not suitable for plugging any species in order to avoid ecological collapse.

"Is there because there is no field activity recently? But there is no way, because there are dangerous things in the jungle below." On the sofa next to it, Tritti spoke to the spy while processing the report in his hand.

The spy looked at the report on the hands of Tritic, and the main content written above was the plan for the generation of hero adaptation.

The content is to select some of the students here as the adaptation of the hero. The students are not adapted to the body. Here is to transform these students into adaptations.

Lin is also a bit interested in how they will be transformed, but the facilities related to this plan are still under construction.

Then, continue to stroll around here.

Thinking, the spy left the dormitory and went outside to enter the elevator. Lin found that the elevator was generally used by employees. Because the spy has a relationship with Trinity, it can also be used.

As the sound of the elevator stopped, the spy also came to an open area. This place is full of students, and most of the students are holding a variety of weapons, some with weapons, some That show off, their weapons are bought here...

This is also a fun place for the college. This area is called the 'arms-selling area', and the students of the combat department can buy weapons that match their ability to strengthen.

But just bought... hot weapons can't be used, only unlocked when they go to the training ground or the right place.

In addition to weapons, there are many other equipment, the spy comes to a selling point in the area... The selling point is actually a three-dimensional three-dimensional screen with a lot of information rolling.

The spy saw a lot of equipment... like shoes and gloves that could be attached to walls and branches, backpacks that could be rocketed, and many parts and equipment that were replaced by half-machine-reformed students.

It seems that it is not a modification of part of the trunk and the head, but it is not a machine madness to transform the limbs. This seems to be a very fun phenomenon.

There are many more types of weapons, including all kinds of firearms and... cold weapons, coupled with students with various abilities, this college has produced a lot of special forces.

Although it is useless to say that the Void War is very good, it is very powerful in various small-scale wars, such as the recent...

These students played a small role in dealing with a small amount of transpiration in the jungle.

But I also encountered some problems, thinking that the spy went to the other side of the screen, and also sold a lot of weapons on this screen, but the price is much cheaper than before, because the goods sold here are... second-hand weapons.

Many students will also sell used weapons and buy new ones. Therefore, these prices are much cheaper. The spy reaches out and brushes a rolling weapon to lock a weapon called ‘ash ash rose’.

The spy took out a card and made two strokes on the name of the weapon. Then the floor under the screen gave a karaoke and opened a hole, from which a large...saw was applied.

In addition to the college's production, these weapons are also made by these students themselves, so there will be a lot of weapons that pay attention to the appearance...not the practical ones.

Students buy things here with a point called 'College Points', and the spies have not been formally strengthened so there is no point, but because of the Teli card, the card can be 'checked'. Take a look at the weapons you are selling.

This sickle-like weapon was used by some of the students who went to the jungle to search for the vagrants. Some of the damaged parts above, perhaps because of this reason, it is not needed, and it is sold here.

However, the damage is only displayed on the screen pattern. There is no damage on the actual file from below. The handle is also covered with a seemingly beautiful... pattern, just like a new one. The same as a sickle.

When the spy put his hand on the position where the sickle should have been damaged, he quickly knew why the sickle was not damaged, because the gaps above were all filled.

And of course, the gap is filled with... some metal pieces of the transpiration.

They camouflage exactly the same as the sickle, but the weapons sales system does not seem to be detected, so the screen shows the damaged file.

This is quite peculiar, and the sales system has not had any abnormalities at all, so it is mixed up by the transpiration.

But the fragments of these tranpers seem to have nothing to do, they are just attached to the weapon and blend the appearance with the weapon.

As for other weapons... It seems that no transpirations are coming in.

"Vironica classmates! You are actually here!" The spy suddenly sounded a voice behind him. I saw that it was in the jungle. The student named Bilu came over and said, "Wow, a big sickle... ...Is Veronica a student who has points to buy weapons? But why bother to break it?"

"Maintenance." The spy was pinching down the pieces of the transpirations attached to the sickle by hand, and after all the pieces were removed, the sickle was put back.

"Is it? Veronica's classmates are really weird!" said Bilu. "Yes, I heard the news before, saying that we can strengthen it in the day after tomorrow!"

"in advance?"

"Yeah! I have to go to the regular course for a long time. I didn't expect our class to be strengthened so early. It's great! I don't know what ability I can strengthen!"

Strengthening in advance, Lin feels that there may be any special ideas in the college...

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