4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1683: Space journey

"Let's travel, oh! Let's go travel! Today is awesome, let's go travel!"

This is a vehicle that travels in the desert...known as a motorhome. Bilu and Veronica are sitting in this car, watching the scenery receding around and driving towards the target. Ground.

"Vironica students, this kind of travel feels really good, so we both traveled in a vast world of doomsday... but I didn't expect Veronica to drive, we don't seem to be able to open this age. ""

Bilu is obviously very excited. It chews a bag of potato chips in the air and keeps looking around.

The spy grabbed the steering wheel of the vehicle and was also looking at the surrounding environment.

Now, the distance from the previous poacher base is already several tens of kilometers. With the driving of the RV, there are fewer and fewer buildings surrounded by deserts, and more are the vast desert environment.

How big is this place?

Lin did not know that the poachers did not know, although some information was found in the base that the poachers had explored in this place, but it was too big and could not find any useful items. They also give up.

In the memory of White Star, you can probably know...

This desert has a creature that can be said to be an aboriginal.

These aborigines should also be Ershi people. They live in this doomsday world, but at present they only know such information, and they don't even know where they are.

So go and find them.

Although the RV is made of wheels...the old shape, but the endurance is very good, there is a lot of food and water on it, and the structure of the wheel is also suitable for desert movement, which can travel a long distance.

Although I don't know if this distance can find out what the aborigines are.

"Vironica students, it seems that we have left the city..." When the voice of Lulu fell, Lin also noticed that the surrounding buildings had disappeared, and the RVs drove out of their range and came to the endless wilderness. in.

"Wow... it’s going to be hot outside, so there’s air conditioning in the car.” Looking at the desert landscape that was distorted by the heat waves, Bilu had a disgusting mood, but the mood quickly became excited: Veronica, you see there is a guy who looks like a fool!"


As soon as the spy stepped on the brakes, the RV stopped and the spy opened the door.

At the moment of opening the door, the heat wave outside came on the scene, but Bilu didn't seem to care. He jumped off the bus and walked with the spy to the guy who was just called the idiot.

This ... stupid, is a squat on the ground, wearing thick white clothing, a headscarf wrapped around his head, a wooden basket beside it, the basket is empty.

Obviously, it is already dead.

"How is this idiot so thick to wear here?" Bielu kicked and kicked the body: "I feel so hot when I look at it."

"This is an aboriginal." After detecting the body, the spy quickly concluded that the clothes worn by the people of Ershi were made of certain creatures...

And it died soon, so it can be known from the brain that has not completely rotted... It was born in this world, and lived in this desert from small to large.

But more of the situation is not known, because the part of its brain storage memory actually ruined a lot, mainly because ... its cause of death is not hot.

Instead, it was shot through the head. As for the bullets that the poachers used to shoot through, it was confirmed that it had encountered poachers.

“Indigenous people? Do they really live in this place? This place that has no night, has been so hot?” Bie’s face is incredible: “This is really... hard to imagine!”

"..." The spy searched the body, and Lin found that it had some food such as dry food and some things that seemed to be drawings.

On the drawing, a machine is drawn. This machine seems to be a kind of device for making water, and there are some language introductions in this country.

"Go to the place where they live."

After the inspection, the spy and Bilu returned to the car and continued to drive the journey of the vehicle on the desert.

And this time there is a clear goal, because know where they live, the RV goes straight in that direction...

As the journey progressed, the surrounding scenery quickly changed, and many trees appeared on the sand in front.

However, it is only a dry bar without branches and leaves, and many of them have fallen to the ground.

The RV traveled slowly through the dead tree. Lin felt that it might have been a jungle before, and there are still many creatures here, because there are still some skeletons seen between the dead trees.

"Veronica classmates! Look at this!"

The RV stopped after Bilu’s voice, because Lin found a large open space in front of them. These trees grew around the open space because it was originally a lake, but now it’s just a sand. .

"What is written on this? I don't understand. Why don't they always like to use the official language?"

He opened the door and opened the door, pointing to a wooden board standing beside the open space.

"Fog... Lake."

Lin saw that the word on the middle of the board had been invisible because of corrosion, but it still can be seen that it is indeed a lake.

And those aborigines...

"Not allowed to move!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Lin and Bilu turned their heads at the same time. They saw that after a few dry tree poles, they came out... a total of ten Ershi people.

They are all wearing tight-fitting armor that is often used by poachers, and they are all poachers.

"You!" screamed when he saw it: "Dare you ambush us here? I want to cut all of you into pieces for a while! Kill!"

Bilu yelled and jumped to the group of poachers. A poacher quickly buckled the trigger and a bullet suddenly flew, and Bilu quickly waved the blade and directly smashed the bullet. two.

Then the bullet that was opened by the dew shot two holes in the chest and fell to the ground.

...and died again.

"If you don't want to die, don't move!" The poachers did not see the spies, so they didn't continue shooting, but step by step.

"Do you know the original inhabitants here?" Looking at the head coming over, the spy asked them.

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