4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1687: Small town

"Vironica classmates, why are there no monsters here! Isn't this a game? There are no monsters!"


In the dark night, the darkness of the jungle echoed the screams of the swarm, and the moonlight penetrated through the gap between the branches and leaves, illuminating the two figures moving around the forest.

Veronica and Billy, at this time, are walking in a world of games.

But here, it's actually a very real...the world, whether it's the surrounding trees, the microbes floating in the air, or...no monsters.

The spy and Bie have been in this jungle for a while. In the original game, there are many monsters in the jungle, and there are many kinds of monsters that will attack the protagonist... but now there are no monsters at all.

"The game without monsters is not a game! These little animals can't be used as monsters!" Bie took an arm that was pulled from the main character of the game and threw it on a tree.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the tree. Many creatures named squirrels ran down the tree, and there were also... some flying creatures flew out from the branches and danced under the moonlight.


Speaking of it, is this the 'month' on Ershi?

Lin looked at the sky. Now there is no cloud. I can see that a golden world is hanging high in the sky. The general terrain can be seen clearly.

The pictures of the month that I saw on Ershi are the same, that is to say...

"We are here! Veronica classmates!"

Bilu suddenly gave an excited voice, because in front... it seems to be the destination, it is a medieval town.

The whole town is surrounded by wooden walls of up to six meters. It can be seen that most of the buildings inside are wooden, with some torches on the walls and a faint heat wave.

"I said, are we going directly in the door? Or are we politely going in?" Bilu is now standing next to the wooden door: "I think we should..."


Without waiting for the action of the dew, the wooden door opened, and a guy dressed in the armor, holding a sword and wearing a medieval dress, came out from behind the door.

"Oh? There is a guy who looks good to play, can I play with it? Veronica classmates?" It has a look to be played in a relationship that I don't understand.

But maybe because the age of the dew is very small, the other party did not put it in the eyes, but said: "My guard here, the news of your coming here, the former mayor has told me, I am here to pick you up."

"What is it talking about? Veronica's classmates?" Bilu looked confused.

“Mayor?” the spy asked. “How did it know?”

"The mayor said that you broke something..." The guard said: "I don't know the specific situation. You should go ahead."

In this way, the spy and Bilu entered the town... After arriving in the town, Lin found that it was quite lively.

The neat lanterns on the roadway illuminate the entire street. Under the brilliance of orange, there are many...small stalls on the street. Many residents come and go here and buy and sell all kinds of items.

"This seems to be delicious! What is this? That is..." Bilu was quickly attracted to the past by the roadside stalls and soon ran to the distance.

"Hey, don't run around, the mayor will talk to you..." The guard screamed and said, but he didn't care.

"Don't worry about it, I will go." The spy said to the guard.

"Yes... well, but I will go back to it immediately after I take you there."

Said, the guard moved quickly with a spy, and soon arrived in front of a large house.

Most of the houses are also woody, much larger than other houses. After entering the gate, there is a large yard.

Walking slowly along the gravel paved road, you can see the yard full of flowers and plants, and there is a small pond with many creatures called... squid.

"It’s finally coming."

And that...the guy who should be the mayor, stood at the end of the road paved with small gravel.

"Mayor, I brought them here, but the other one is lost. I will go find it now. Let me talk to this one first." The guard paid a respectful remark to the mayor and left. Only the mayor and the spy are here.

The spy carefully looked at the mayor. It looked very special, because the other residents here are black hair, and it has a long white hair and a green and white robe.

"You..." The mayor smiled and said to the spy: "Break the ‘protagonist’.”

"...Yes," the spy said.

The mayor said that it should be the previous one... The protagonist of the game, after the spies and Bilu came in, took the protagonist apart, which led to some...the situation, for example, the voice of the desert aborigines outside.

"This is a bit of a hassle." The mayor said: "This is going to recreate one... But before that, I know that you have a lot of problems, come in and talk slowly."

"..." The spy followed the mayor into the house, and the decoration inside the house... was quite special.

This is a hall with a diameter of more than ten meters, with a lot of leather sofa furniture, etc., all of which surround a bonfire in the center of the room.

The bonfire pile has a diameter of one meter and there are many... barbecues around.

“Do you feel hungry?” The mayor walked over to the campfire and picked up a string of meat standing next to the campfire: “This is delicious.”

"...still discuss things," the spy said.

"Okay." The mayor put the meat back and said, "What do you want to ask?"

“Where is this?” the spy asked.

"This is the game..." The mayor said: "You should have thought about it before, but it is actually the month."


"Yes, the one in heaven is fake. This place is the moon itself."

"Of course, this is not the same as the month you know..." The mayor continued: "Because it is a life... a very rich place."


When the mayor had not finished, the sound suddenly sounded outside, it seemed to be the guard.

"The monsters are attacking, which is much earlier than usual!"

"I know." The mayor said: "You must first stand up, I will arrive soon, I will prepare some things."

"Monster?" The spy questioned.

"It’s just some special creatures." The mayor said: "There is no big danger."

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