4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1691: Legendary

"I know, this is the legendary monster!"

"...no blood will not release the skill."

In the red hall, two...the creatures are squatting.

One side is holding a single-molecule blade, and the look is serious and nervous, while the other side is expressionless, but it has a blood mark on its face.

This was just a short time ago, the blade of the dew was scraped out.

"It seems to be very powerful, but I am stronger than it! So you don't have to do it with Veronica, let me fix it!"

Bilu said that he slashed again and the other side jumped, jumped from the front of Bilu, and rushed to the ... spy.

The protagonist of this game...

The spy saw its fingertips popping out sharp nails, slamming through the spy's eyes, and hit a little bit.

It wants to attack again immediately, but its body is already...can't move.

"Ah! I said that Veronica students don't want to do it!" Bilu turned and saw... the protagonist was completely entangled by the hair.

"Forget it, then just smash it!" Bilu was trying to cut it directly, but the spy quickly said: "Wait a minute."

"Vironica classmates, do you want to sympathize with it? But it will **** blood!" But even though Bie said...but he still collected the knife.

"Check it out." The spy used the hair to detect the protagonist...

This protagonist... It's made very fine, but it's not alive, it's a machine, but it's a complete imitation of living things, its skin is highly simulated, and there are simulated blood vessels under the skin.

Its body has a skeleton of metal, and there is a system in the brain to control the whole body.

There is also a blood-sucking device in the body, the blood sucked from the teeth on the mouth will be stored in the body, and in the system settings, if it **** more blood, it will open a stronger ability to move.

"It turns out that this game protagonist is specially created by a legendary monster vampire!"

Bilu said very proudly: "I have seen a lot of their legends... It is said that they are quite afraid of garlic, but I didn't bring any garlic, I don't like it... Hey, wait, this doesn't mean In a doomsday space, is there a guy playing a game that plays this vampire, is it running this protagonist? It sees us!"

"...we should be able to see it too." The spy said, reaching out and grabbing the head of the game's main character and pulling it hard... With a burst of sound, its head was directly split into two halves by the spy.

"Wow! Veronica's classmates are so strong?"

In the expression of Bilu’s surprise, the spy pulled a piece of mechanical equipment from the opened head.

"What is this?" asked Bilu, looking at the machine that the spy had taken out.

"It's the main system." The spy released the body of the protagonist, and then his body fell weakly on the ground.

Then, the spy adjusted the main system... slightly.

"Ah, how come out is dead!" Suddenly, the main system made a voice: "How is this game of red fog ruins so hard to play, when it comes out, it meets so strong..."

"Is this the voice of the player?" Bilu said: "What is it talking about?"

This language is the language of other countries. It is obviously incomprehensible to the dew, but after the spy continued to adjust, an image on the main system popped up.

"Wow! This is... that player?" said Bilu.

"...Yes." Before the spy found out that the main system had these functions, it was obvious that the machine was specially designed to let it be seen here...

Of course, to discover this feature, you must first dig out the system from the main character's head.

The pop-up picture is divided into two parts, one part is an Ershi people wearing black clothes and glasses.

It should be the game player, and the other part of the screen shows the game screen, which shows ‘You are dead, do you restart the game? confirm cancel'

"...still play it again!"

This player seems to have a lot of fun, not like the guy who lives in the last days, Lin can barely see behind it is a dim small house.

After pressing ‘confirm’, the game’s picture was instantly transferred from the hall to... another place.

"Vironica, isn't this protagonist broken by us? How did it start the game again?"

"There are other protagonists."

Now the picture has been changed to a room, it should be somewhere in this foreign house, the decoration in the room is very similar to this hall, covered with red carpet, with red walls, and there are a lot of... …coffin.

‘砰’ A coffin was opened, and a...the same young protagonist climbed out from it. "I... need more blood."

After climbing out, the protagonist began to talk to himself, and the bottom left corner of the game screen constantly reminded of the need for blood.

"If you don't have blood, you can only move at a very slow speed..." The player with glasses said to himself: "But, where is this going to find the blood? Going to find the two just now?" But in case it was killed again..."

Under its operation, the protagonist staggered away from the room and walked into a corridor, which seemed to...

It looks like this to the hall.

"It's there!"

Bilu said that he ran to a door on the right side of the hall, and the spy soon discovered that... Lulu also appeared in the corridor of the game screen.

"Ah? It's it!" The game player was surprised and quickly operated the protagonist to attack Bilu, but the protagonist did not **** blood, and unlike the last sneak attack, this time is a face-to-face battle, it does not touch Bilu He was cut off by the dew.

"Ah! It's dead again!" The player saw the anger and said: "Why is there such a powerful monster at the beginning, there is no way to fight without blood sucking!"

"..." The spy looked at the game screen and walked along the footsteps of Lulu to the promenade.

"Hey, I want you to attack us!" Boli smugly looked at the headless protagonist whose feet had fallen to the ground: "That, Veronica, we want to cut all the protagonists here." Light, so is it that there is no way to play again?"

"The protagonist has... there is only one left." The spy said to the picture.

In the picture, the 'remaining number of lives' displayed in the upper right corner is displayed as 1, it seems that the number of protagonists in this foreign pavilion is not much.

After hesitating, the player still pressed... Confirm to restart the game.

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