“We decided to build a new home here and continue our life here.”

The cylindrical rocket appeared on a wide ... ground.

However, it did not actually move to other spaces, and it is still in the end of the ocean.

Just changed to a location, this location is a very large floating island, about one kilometer in diameter, there are sparse plants everywhere on the island, and a small number of buildings.

You can see a lot of people who don't wear clothes and have bags on their heads. They are building these houses with materials such as wood stone.

In addition to the building, there are many...the same cylindrical rockets, as if the residents here are taking the rocket to this place.

"We are going to live here because it is the quietest space." After the rocket came out... Red and white said to Bilu and the spy: "Although we started construction, we are confident that we will build it here. The previous space was bigger."

"I think the waste is better..." The vampire whispered aside.

"Just you hate water." Red and white said: "But according to comprehensive considerations, this is the best."

"Cut... I went to see my sister." The vampire ran to a relatively large building in the distance with dissatisfaction, while Red and White said to the spy and Bilu here: "You can also live in Here, after all, the end is happening, and you..."

Red and white looked at the spy and said: "I may be able to inherit my position."

"Why are you so sure that the end will happen?" Bilu said: "I can't say anything!"

"Want to see it?" Red and white looked at Lulu and said: "We can go to the place where the last day should happen..."

"Do you know where it happened at the earliest?" the spy asked.

Red and white said: "Of course... do you want to see it?"

"Look!" Bilu immediately said: "But where are you going to see?"

"Of course, go to Ershi to see, come with me." Said, red and white with a spy and Bilu back to the third layer of the rocket.

Red and white sat in the middle of the position and said to the spy: "You should have learned to use these props to move, but in fact, there are ways to go directly to Ershi, as long as this..."

“Strange?” Red and white said: “How did you not respond?”

"No response?" The spy did not detect any red or white signals or brain waves. Originally, Lin thought it would signal and contact the transmission system to move the rocket, but...

"This is the first time..." Red and white said: "We..."

'boom! The red and white voice was interrupted, and a violent explosion came... from the outside, and the otherwise plain sky outside suddenly became dim.

"What is this change?" Red and white looked at the situation outside with some surprise, and Bilu was more excited: "What? Is this the last day?"

"No... that time hasn't arrived yet, and it won't happen here..." Red and white said: "But this is..."

"This is where they come," the spy said.


'boom! The sound of the explosion outside rang again, and there was a huge whirlpool in the sky, and among these vortexes, a large number of flashing objects flew out of it.

Some of them fell into the sea, some hit the ground, igniting raging waves and smoke, and a smash that directly gave a house.

"Damn! Come out of here! Take the rockets!" Red and white shouted, and it seemed to be in some way to communicate with all the residents of the place.

After a while, many residents in various buildings ran out, including the former vampire.

I saw the vampire holding a blond hair... It should be the hand of his sister, and several other well-dressed companions quickly ran to a nearby rocket.

Other residents have also fled into the rockets around them. They are moving fast and not too scared, so only a few things that have fallen from the sky are caught.

"Well, we should go too... let's go to another space!"

When a piece of things hit the rocket, red and white immediately launched the rocket's transmission, and the scenery outside the rocket changed into the waste land familiar to the dew and the spy.

The ruins of large buildings are still the same as usual, but there are still things that are different from usual, such as animals that are running everywhere.

Most of these animals are mutants in the waste soil, and some are from other spaces. No matter which one, they were originally hiding in the ruins of the building, but now they have escaped from the ruins.

"How are they at large?"

When Bilu just said this question, a building not far away suddenly disappeared.

What makes it disappear is a ray of light that flows into the geyser. It emerges from the ground and shines directly into the sky. It also instantly turns the exposed buildings into fly ash.

'boom! ’

And it's not just one place. There are violent lights everywhere coming from the ground. The vibrations and roars caused by them make the animals here go crazy.

"Is this the same way?" The red and white saw the rocket again, the scenery outside the rocket changed instantly... and appeared in another doomsday space.

This doomsday space is an evolutionary space with rich creatures...

It seems that this was the case.

What is now showing off the rocket is a sea of ​​fire, whether it is a huge plant, an animal, or a sky, as if they have become very flammable objects and are ignited.

"What the **** is going on here... Why is there something different?"

It seems that because the burning fire is not so big, red and white stopped here for a long time, and made amazement.

"This is a hybrid phenomenon," the spy said.

"What is a hybrid phenomenon?"


It seems that there is no way to explain them well, but Lynn knows that this is a kind of ... space squeeze phenomenon.

To put it simply, another space tries to mix with this space, and the two spaces are crowded together, causing these anomalous effects.

The space that is squeezing these doomsday spaces is actually...solidifying the void.

The objects that fly in, the strong light, are caused by substances or creatures in the solidified void.

The spy can detect them.

Although it is still unclear how it was caused, this phenomenon is obviously also suitable for the end, just... seems to only affect these spaces.

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