4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1710: Running around

"Report! They have escaped to the entrance to the cabin a!"

"Good, stop chasing! Open the a cabin entrance!"

On the side of a large warship, a small hatch opened. At the moment of opening, a group of armed crew members screamed silently and tumbling with the surging airflow to the void outside the ship. in.

It’s not just this warship. It’s similar in many warships, because they have been invaded.

Not long ago, after scanning the body of the crew, the scanning system detected a large number of 'suspicious characters'.

Although these characters are exactly the same as the crew, they also have limbs and soft skin, but they are simply...

Not a cell creature.

In the deep examination, the internal conditions of these organisms are exposed. They have no internal organs, but a large number of cryogenic liquids and iron-like bones... inorganic organisms.

Ershmin first gave them the name, although I don’t know when it’s time to get the crew to fear...but they acted quickly.

Most of the locations where these creatures appear are in large warships, although there are also occupants, but few.

After being discovered, they did not panic, but immediately picked up the weapons and began to exchange fire with the crew of the ship.

These creatures have a characteristic, that is, while crossing the fire, they flee to the exit around the warship, as if they want to escape from there.

This feature is convenient for the Ershi people, as long as the creatures escape to the hatch, they open the hatch directly... let these creatures float into the void outside.

They have extremely tough vitality, and even if they wander in the extremely cold vacuum, these creatures will struggle with their hands and feet, but they will solve a lot when they are out. The laser guns of warships and guards will quickly turn them into flying. gray……

At the same time, a series of roars are also taking place on the satellite's surface.

The ground-ground fusion bombs have already flown in. They drilled holes in the thick ice layer, drilled deeper, and then exploded under the set program.

The energy of the explosion set off dust and huge waves that were enough to drown the peaks. The changes caused by them ravaged the surface of the earth, and the strong storms that followed the waves swept across the surface...

This is only a negligible friction for the entire satellite. The huge objects of more than 3,000 kilometers continue to move, and there is no plan to stop.

"This is really a terrible sight."

Within a rocket, three... creatures are watching the roaring flash.

The rocket was not on the satellite, but in a forest full of insects, but still able to see the scenery on the satellite.

The originally calm ice sheet has disappeared, and the storm composed of dust is being blown on the ground. Seeing such a scene is a feeling of horror than the guy who is not afraid of death.

Of course, there is red and white around it.

Red and white said that it once saw the war outside, but the war is completely incomparable with the present. The current scale... is really too great.

What Lin wants is not the explosion caused by Ershi people, but the situation caused by solidified organisms.

Just now the Ershi fleet was attacked and the interior of the fleet was invaded. These were all caused by solidified creatures. They could be so here... The organization’s attack on the fleet was a bit surprising to Lin.

Because before, the news from the 'other sounds' is that it does not directly control most of the solidified organisms.

So it is also difficult to form such a large direct attack.

This may be what it hides, or its control... has improved.

The new news that Lin is currently learning is mainly about the reasons for the abnormal sound attack.

Originally, it was believed that the emptiness of the vacant vines caused an obstacle to the study of this void.

But for now, that's not all.

There is another reason for it to attack Ershi, that is, Ershi seems to have been studying the solidification of the void.

It is like a mythological space, a technique in which multiple doomsday spaces on the moon do not affect each other but are together with each other... It seems that these techniques are obtained by studying the solidification of the void.

The solidified void has a more 'formal' name in Ershi, and that is the 'high-level world'.

Although Lynn feels that everything is similar, Ersh is studying these ‘high-level’ and acquiring the technology to make these independent spaces.

The abnormal sound recently told Lin about these things, and it also said that it was discovered recently.

Therefore, it intends to attack Ershi at all, but it did not say too much, nor did it say that the Jupiter satellite crashed into Ershi whether it did it.

"That is... that is coming!"

Suddenly, Bilu, who was next to him, gave a scream. In the picture of ‘live broadcast’, you can see a huge object appearing in the sky.

The murder ship of the Ershi army.

These annihilators are similar in appearance, like the shape of a 'cigar', surrounded by high-strength armor to defend against external attacks. Only a small part of the interior is used to place explosives, but it can cause destruction. The power of sex.

‘Boom! ’

The loud noise rang, but it was not the sound of the annihilation of the ship's explosion, but the sound of the annihilation of the ship... hitting the surface.

It did not fly into the hole where the missile was blown in. The huge hull hit the ice layer heavily. After the ground caused numerous cracks, the ship slowly slammed down and the entire ship was horizontal. Pour on the ice.

It... stopped there.

No explosion, it seems that there is no damage to the inside, just like this... it doesn't move.

“Why didn’t you blow up?” he said, he said, “What good explosive results?”

Although I saw the explosion of the fusion bomb before it made it one by one, but now it is not fried, it is not happy than the dew.

"What is going on here!" And in the Ershi fleet, there is the same problem as the dew: "The lemming 101 did not blow... and did not enter the target hole!"

"I am currently investigating... No. 101 has completely lost any response and can't contact it!"

"How can this be..."

The annihilation ship, the passengers inside were completely scanned carefully, and should have not been invaded by any invasion, but now the ship is quietly lying on the ice.

"It seems... it has been solidified."

Seeing the situation of this warship, Lin came to such a conclusion, although it can not be fully confirmed, but...

This is indeed like the situation.

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