4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1712: accelerate

It turns out that it is not so easy to play...

During the war, Lin has been observing and observing the tactics and operational plans of both sides.

The attack on the Ershi fleet is mainly solidified creatures. They seem to be called 'to come without a trace'. These creatures can easily attack the Ershi fleet, raiding the dock and invading the interior of the fleet.

But it doesn't really look so simple, because each time they appear, they all have a lot of randomness.

Maybe the abnormal sound is ready for the troops that can cause damage to the Ershi battleship, but it can't put these troops in the right position...

To be precise, not every time you can put it in the position.

Whether it is the solidified creatures in the void, or the creatures that invade the interior of the ship, disguised as the people of Ershi, the place of occurrence has a lot of randomness. When the abnormal sounds send them from the solidified void to the void, they will appear differently. s position.

Some are in the Ershi fleet, which is just enough to attack the Ershi fleet...

Some distances are very far away, so there is no point, some are far away, and they are eliminated when there is no attack.

The creatures that invade the interior of the warship are also, although there seem to be many successful invasions, but there are more... when they are sent, they are transmitted to places hundreds of thousands of kilometers or more.

They are floating in the void, and nothing can be done.

Another problem is that the abnormal sound can't command these solidified creatures, so even if it invades the inside of the ship, it can't let these creatures kill the key characters such as the captain. Although they can be installed, they are only found. Can run around.

Perhaps I don't want to use this random attack method. The abnormal sound directly opens up a huge ‘entry’, which is the one that looks like a whirlpool.

It allowed the solidified creature to enter directly from the entrance, but it had to be closed because the Ershi people almost blew the entrance.

This battle seems to be the advantage of solidified creatures, but it is not. If the people of Ershi notice these weaknesses of the enemy, they can fight back well.

After all, most of the solidified creatures are only...close to the battle. They have a powerful 'power' that can destroy the strong battleship armor, but they can't cast long-range attacks.

If it is not accessible, the Ershi warship can easily solve them.

Therefore, the biggest key to winning the opposite sound is the moon of Jupiter... This satellite has many strange places.

It is not just a battleship that can solidify the surface, but also some... special things hidden in the moon.

"There is not much time left!" The Ershi fleet has now made the decision: "We must start all the transmissions and transfer the satellite completely... transfer!"

"But we have never transferred a big object! I don't know if it will succeed!"

The hesitant voice and the determined voice are colliding with each other. The original Ershi fleet wanted to blow up the satellites, and it would be much easier to transmit the fragments than to transmit a whole world.

But now because of the state of the annihilation ships, they are unlikely to implement plans to blow up the satellites, and they can only directly transmit them.

"We have no chance to hesitate."

The voice of the chief commander sounded: "Start the transmitter of all the monitoring stations, we will send it away with the utmost effort!"


After receiving the order, the fleet did not hesitate. Dozens of warships that were more than three hundred meters long flew out of the fleet. These ships were special. They were called ‘transportation ships.’

Their mission is to mark satellites and direct the transfer of energy to ensure that energy covers the entire surface.

They do not need to touch the surface, they only need to surround the satellite for positioning.

These warships sailed to the satellites, and other fleets stared at them to prevent any solidified creatures from attacking.

There are no solidified creatures present, but this is not an abnormal sound that gives up the attack, but... it is no longer needed.

"what is that……"

A captain issued such a question, not just it, the whole fleet saw that the satellite's ice blue surface... there was a silver glow shining.

It seems to be a beam of light that is shot from the ground. It easily penetrates the atmosphere and goes toward the void...

Although it is light, it is slower than the real light, but it is not too slow.

This silver light column directly hit a flying transport positioning ship, under the illumination of the light... This huge battleship instantly collapsed into countless powders and dissipated in the void.


Surprise, fear, panic, all kinds of emotions echoed in all ships in a flash, and a captain gave a surprised cry.

"Attack... is it from the surface? Is the enemy on the surface?"

"Don't destroy them! Bombing the surface!" The voice of the command suddenly sounded, and all the warships responded. The mounted weapons on these warships instantly aimed at the surface of the satellite.

This is followed by a barrage that pours down. This barrage rain is more spectacular than any storm, because it seems to cover half of the world, and the entire satellite's surface is instantly overwhelmed by it.

The thick ice layer collapses in the high temperature, and the annihilation ships fixed on the surface are also shattered in the roar.

But they did not bloom more violently, and these annihilation ships disappeared on the surface earlier, before being completely submerged by the fleet's fire.

"Good, that's it... continue to position!"

With the support of powerful firepower, the positioning ships continued to start their creatures, but...


A silvery light once again emerged from the surface. It rose in the rain of the barrage and seemed to be unaffected. What kind of missile could not prevent it from advancing, it shot directly into the fleet in the void. .

The large ships of the fleet first launched the nano shields, but they collapsed in an instant, the light column did not slow down in the shield, and penetrated the outermost one of the fleet... two...three... altogether Four warships continue to move toward the rear warships.

Under the horror of the driver of the fifth warship, the beam of light that disintegrated the four warships disappeared.

Its disappearing position is only ten meters away from the fifth warship.

But when the driver has not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, more light...

Light up on the surface of the satellite.

"Do it all!"

After a simple, no-simple command, hundreds of silver beams were fired from the surface of the satellite.

It is like a surging spring, and the Ershi fleet is like a bug flying on a fountain.

It seems... no resistance.

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