4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1714: What light is that?

"What light is that?"

This is a question that many Ershi people think at the last minute.

Or, they don't have time to think about the problem.

When the glare of the light descends from the sky, most of the residents on the ground hold their daily mentality... They are still thinking about the busy work, remember what to eat this night, and remember that tonight they are still alone, without a partner.

And at this moment, it all disappeared.

Nine lights hit nine areas, some are wild areas without residents, and some are lively cities.

For example... Tiangong.

This city floating in the sky is the first city to shine in contact with it. When this light hits the earth on the city, the solid surface begins to fall apart, and the towering buildings are beginning to shatter...

The sprinklers and advertising versions disguised as clouds became the real cloud at this moment.

The huge colleges that stand in the city, students with all kinds of abilities are still showing off each other's new weapons, but in the next second, their voices disappear.

The only floating city that quickly disappeared into the sky above Ershi.

The same is true in other areas.

After being exposed to silver light, the original building or something else was gone, leaving only a deep pothole.


Lin felt that they did not completely disappear.

However, no matter what... It seems that this war has temporarily ended. At the same time that nine white light hits the surface of Ershi, the moon of Jupiter disappeared under the light of transmission.

The location where it is transmitted is inside a star called the ‘half-horse Alpha star a’. The energy of the star should be able to completely destroy the satellite...

The Ershi fleet thinks so... but this may be somewhat different from their ideas.

"Are we...victory?"

Looking at the disappearing satellites, the fleet in the void did not raise much joy, perhaps because they now... seem to be scarred, perhaps because the warship that was commanded not long ago was destroyed, perhaps because of a light column hit. Ershi.

Maybe it's because of where it might come from... the monster that freezes the void.

The entire fleet did not feel like the end of the war, they were still in a state of tension and alertness.

... ten days and nights...

"It is a hero and the commander of our global joint fleet. At the last moment, it and its period resisted in front of Ershi... and its command is also the key to our victory."

"We will commemorate it forever... Now, please ask the new commander!"

Under the bright sky, there are countless people in a city in Ershi.

Most of them are saddened and look at a high platform in front. On the high platform, a person who looks old, but makes them feel very majestic, is standing there.

"I took this position in pain..." The old Ershimin said: "Now we know very well that there are a group of creatures, creatures from different stars, no matter where they come from, regardless of their purpose. what……"

"They will destroy our civilization...but we are the last winners, and I promise the world!"


"Is it really guaranteed? I don't know it..."

On the other side, among the mythological spaces...

Finally, the mythical creatures are still back here, along with spies and Bilu.

Bilu didn't know about the college and the city of Tiangong, but it also knew the tragic war.

These days and nights, the entire Ershi is in a state of full preparation, they use the maximum resources ... to produce more and more warships.

At the same time, a new commander was selected, and all the work was in progress.

What's more, the general people on Ershi are not too desperate. Although they have destroyed nine areas, the military has indicated that it has repelled the target and started to take full action... These people have also ignited No small confidence.

Even Bilu is the same, although it does not know the new commander.

However, this role is not a lot of people's understanding of the role...

In addition to preparing for the war, the most important thing for the Ershi troops is that...the previous energy event.

Before the positioning of the ship was not enough energy to transmit the entire satellite, but then suddenly there was energy, and then the satellite was transmitted.

This matter made them very concerned, so they kept investigating and quickly found the distance in the third station...

Appeared... a strange world.

"We have landed! This place seems to have a jungle environment that suits us well, and..."

Ershimin has quickly dispatched troops to land on the surface of a world where the world is green and the environment is suitable.

If it was not the relationship of the previous war, the people of Ershi might have colonized immediately when they saw this world.

And now it’s just a matter of some exploration teams carefully investigating the world.

"Captain, there seems to be... the village in front?"

This is a team of ten players who walked in the jungle for a long time and then saw...

A lot of houses made of stone and wood, like medieval houses.

"Come, what?"

Suddenly, the outermost room opened, and a creature from the inside wearing a golden armor and a big sword in his hand.

"Are you... a resident here?" The players raised their arms subconsciously, and the captain asked loudly.

"Hey, just a few days ago, I went to the extraordinary level, and there was nowhere to practice. There was a group of fools in front of me to test my martial arts. This is really helping me!" The golden armor creature took the sword and pointed at the players. Shouted: "Let's come!"


This is the first contact between Ershimin and the creatures on the bus.

In general, it was not very friendly, but the team members finally succeeded in reaching the village head of the village.

The village chief did not know why they understood their language and told them that they could gain the relationship of energy. It must be that their devout heart touched the heavens and won the blessing of heaven to defeat the strong enemy.


Finally, this group of players can only report to the above, there is a group of people living here...

Very primitive residents, although they don’t know why they speak the official language, they don’t know what the situation is... It’s strange to say.

However, according to the team members' investigation, the energy they originally obtained should be from this place.

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