4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1722: disappear


Among the captivating eyes of the captives, the bridge that extended to Ershi broke.

Now, the moon is less than 10,000 kilometers away from Ershi. These bridges... are enough to fill this distance.

But they are broken, and not because of the fighters, because they have not launched an attack, it seems that they are also very doubtful.

Suddenly, the whole picture flashed a bit and disappeared.

"What's wrong with this!" A prisoner suddenly slammed the screen angrily, and the screen flashed again, and a picture appeared.

The angle of the picture changed from the original direction to Ershi to the direction behind the moon.

This angle can see the floating fleet floating in the sky, they have been following the moon, but there is a strange object in this group of warships.

"What is that? Is it a pipe?" Under the captrine's reminder, all the prisoners were suspicious.

In the void beyond the fleet... can be seen very clearly.

It is like a tube because it is very long and seems to be hollow inside, but what exactly is this object, how big is it...

It is hard to see through the screen in this room.

Only when you are outside can you see the complete posture of this object.

"Captain... What is that?"

"Damn... what monsters have appeared again!"

A warship full of scars is watching the moon in the void and observing this sudden appearance.

The captain looked at the data displayed on the screen with amazement, and the data showed the length of the object...

There are 100,000 kilometers.

Its interior is hollow, with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers, the big one can almost swallow the entire Ershi, and this moon... is like a child in comparison with this object.


It appeared at a time... earlier than expected, and earlier than the transpirations expected.


In the void, Lin looked at this huge pipe floating in the void.

At the time of this war, Midgarth... itself was slowly awakening.

Slowly regaining vitality from the organs in the body, Lynn noticed this phenomenon earlier, and predicted the recovery time of this pipeline.

However, this was faster than expected, and it immediately moved when it woke up.

It seems to know that the transpirations are doing the action here... so they rushed over.

Midgart's transport organ seems to directly ignore the limit that Ersh can't transmit here... So what is it going to do?


"Captain, what should we do? Do nothing. Don't do it? Are you sure?"

If it weren't for this war, the captain would certainly scream for this huge object, but it is only praying now...

Pray that this object is not their enemy, pray that it is... to help Ershi.

It seems that guessing is half right.


The moon shook again at this moment, and the building on the surface of the earth flew again, and the bridge that formed the void was taken to Ershi.

But after a flash of light, the bridge collapsed again.

At the same time as the bridge collapsed, there was an unparalleled brilliance around the moon. After the light ended, 100,000 kilometers of huge pipes appeared behind the moon.

If the side of the moon against Ershi is 'positive', then Midgart is now on the back of the moon.

The distance between the two is only a few thousand kilometers.

"Is that... city?"

And the remnants of the fleet, between the two sides, looking at the huge ... pipe mouth of Midgart, the crew of the fleet can clearly see that there are countless illuminants on the pipe wall.

That is very similar to the flash of urban civilization that they have seen in the void in the past.

However, nowadays, when watching the scenery, the captains drove the engine to the maximum after a brief bounce, allowing the warship to flee at the fastest speed.

Although... no matter which side they care about them.

The shape is huge, but the pipeline does not have any gravity around it, which makes the fleet easy to escape.

The moon... also wants to escape.

It suddenly moved and flew towards its target, Ershi. It re-established the bridge and kept moving, as if to want to connect to the top as fast as possible.

However, at this time, gravity is generated in the pipeline.

The whole moon suddenly fell, and all the towers on the surface of the building were shaken violently. The object of more than 3,000 kilometers changed from advancing to retreating.

The whole moon, under a wonderful and powerful gravitational pull, is slowly being sucked into the entrance of the pipe.

It struggled, countless flashes lit up on the surface of the moon, the moon became shining like a star at this moment, and at the same time... the dazzling brilliance hit the giant mouth of Midgarth.

Although the brilliance of the explosion is very dazzling, it does not make any sense.

Under gravity, the shape of the moon slowly fell into the pipeline, as if it had been swallowed up...

At the same time, the surface of the moon was covered by the shadows in the pipeline. At the same time, numerous cracks broke out, and various buildings and towering buildings in the summer were all collapsed under the spread of the crack.

The surface of the moon is pulled apart by powerful forces, and the blocks are covered with the surface of the building, and the mountains are...

They all left the surface of the moon, floating in the air, and further shattered into smaller pieces.

After the surface was stripped, the next deeper rocks were pulled apart by powerful forces and flew into the void... into powder.

These countless pieces are like raindrops. They are scattered on the inner wall of the pipe and form a seat on it...


It seems that Midgart is cracking the entire moon and transforming it into a part of its inner wall.

Under that strong gravity, the vagrant's moon has no resistance, and the entire 3,000-kilometer-diameter object is bit by bit...

Made into crumbs.

At the end of the day, the entire moon disappeared into the pipeline, and its powder was made into a building on the inner wall of the pipe, which seemed to be completely mixed on top of it, without seeing the original moon.

On Ershi, the battleships in the void, and the fighters that originally attacked the moon...

They also saw this scene. When they were frightened, they were also imagining what would the pipeline do next? Just leave? still is……

Come to Ershi?

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