"It turned out to be..."

"Is it more like a living body than a living..."

"What are you talking about? Veronica classmates?"

"The reason they want to kill us. The fastest update"

This is a... playground.

The ground here is dyed red by a lot of blood.

Although it has always been popular, it has become very bright now, in addition to blood, there are still a lot of...


They were originally living gangs, but now they are all incomplete corpses and pieces.

The spy is now holding a fairly complete head, testing the thoughts of these broken hand members.

This reason is mainly because... there was a big fight before.

Outside the large group of broken hand gang members, using weapons to launch a full-scale shooting on the spooky house where the spy is located... The spy did not fight hard with them, but hid back into the haunted house.

The shots of the broken hand members did not stop, and their shooting sounds caused the monsters in the haunted house to wake up.

Because in addition to the previous gargoyles, there are many creatures disguised as statues in the haunted house... After they wake up, they attacked the broken hand that was shot outside.

It may be that they are too noisy.

Lin knew this before, so she specifically went back to the haunted house.

These creatures are different from the previous gargoyles, and they are quite spirited and tall, so they cut the broken hand into...this is the way it is now.

They escaped a part, but most of them were bitten into pieces.

Lin also learned from the memory of a broken-handed member that they are all crazy, although they are intellectually higher than the big butchers of the previous.

But what's important is that they have aircraft.

"Let's go." Dropping the head in his hand, the spy walked to a place. From the memory, the member of the broken hand gang can be said to be a self-made helicopter just aside from an entertainment facility. Parked in it.

I don't know if the helicopter is here, but since the gang members have arrived, it should be here.

"That... Veronica classmate..." Bielu followed the spy and asked a little cautiously as he walked: "That... are you ‘seeds'?”

'Seed' is a special student in the college... and other students from the lower grades slowly accept a small part of the transformation to the higher grades, and then began to completely transform and strengthen the difference, some students from the lower grades because of the strong performance Adaptation ability, began to accept reinforcement very early, this kind of students usually have more ability than the average student, but also a lot stronger...

Before the spy was just ‘resurrection’, there was no fight with Lu, and now there are more battles. Even if it is more than Lulu, it will feel a little... doubt.


After simply answering, the spy and Bilu have come to the place where the helicopter is parked.

This place is a place called ... Children's Sandy Field, where a helicopter is parked in the center of the field.

I learned from my memory that this seems to be made by an engineer in the broken hand gang. It is not like watching.

It's just like an ordinary helicopter. It's exactly the same as Lin's place in Ershi. It's nothing special.

After opening the cockpit, the spy sat in.

"Do Veronica's classmates still open this?" Bielu also sat in with a look of surprise, and with the sound of the engine, the helicopter also flew high.

Flying to a height much higher than the Ferris wheel, looking down from the sky, you can see this jungle...

It has become less like a jungle, and there are all kinds of waste-type buildings everywhere.

Those red vines can only be squeezed between these ruined buildings... It seems that this is not a jungle, but a big city ruin.

Among these ruins, you can see some mutant creatures in the waste soil space, and you can see some Ershi people.

They all came here and seemed overwhelmed, but some of them shot at the helicopter.

Sure enough, there are a lot of madmen in the wasteland... It’s higher for safety, but to test the data of these buildings, you have to fly lower.

The appearance of the building will have an impact on the space here, and it will be filled with energy similar to transmitting energy.

Lin feels that controlling this energy may be the key to manufacturing space, so...

‘Hey! The helicopter also rang through the sound of bullets.

"Ah! Veronica, why are you flying so low!"

"You can't wear it."

The outer casing and window of this helicopter are not so simple to be pierced, because after all, it is usually open over the waste soil.

Although Lin felt that it should not be self-made, but from which military base it was stolen.

The helicopter flew over the wreckage of a tall building. There were many people in the upper and lower sides of the building. When they saw the helicopter, they shouted and shot there.

Feeling the loud snoring on the window, the spy controlled the helicopter flying around the building because...

'boom! ’

Suddenly, the building was covered by a shadow, and another larger building appeared in the sky above the building. It directly crushed the whole building and slammed it on the ground.

Sure enough, the energy detected here was strong, so Lynn felt that there would be new buildings.

The building is a building resembling an indoor sports field, and it is now smashed to the ground.

Because the position of the helicopter flies is...suitable, it was not picked up, but the energy data here was also recorded.

Then, go somewhere else.

The spy adjusted the height of the helicopter to a higher place. As the field of vision became wider, the surrounding phenomenon was everywhere.

More buildings have emerged... and these buildings coincide with the original building.

As a result, they collide, which causes severe vibrations throughout the place.

The creatures in the building had to escape and hid in the surrounding jungle...

Lin noticed that these creatures are not just waste space, and there are many other doomsday spaces. It seems that they are all mixed in here, which means...

Maybe other buildings in the doomsday space will be mixed in here?

It’s just that the building is okay to say that if something else, like water, is more troublesome...

Because there is a doomsday space... all water.


And when Lin thought so, there was a sudden change in the sky...

Huge water column emerges from the huge hole that appears in the sky... (to be continued...)

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