4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1745: amusement park


A small bullet slid through the air and plunged into a creature's chest...

"Ah!" With a scream, the creature fell from the height where it stood and fell to the ground.

... seems to be very useful.

In one of the vines, the spy was holding a... sniper rifle aimed at the amusement park ahead.

Just now, the spy has shot several members of the ‘hot body’.

The bullet of this sniper rifle is not a normal bullet, but a special bullet that is mixed into the cells of the cockroach.

After this shot, it will cause the injured part of the target body to enter the solidified state. It was not sure before, but it was found to have a definite effect after shooting.

...Although it may be easier to kill the target directly.

To observe whether there is any effect of solidification, it is necessary to specifically target non-critical hits. If it is aimed at killing targets, then it is indeed unnecessary to use such weapons...

In short, it has been observed almost, so you should know about them.

"Who is it! Who is attacking us! Go out and check out!"

In the amusement park, the gang members have been in a state of panic, and many of them are hiding in recreational facilities.

A seemingly bossy guy hides in an amusement facility called a rotating space car. It yells out to investigate, but after several of the outbreaks are shot by the spies, no one member dares to come out. It is.

They don't know where the spies are now.

However, there is an Ershi who knows where the spy is... It is better to say that it is watching the spy behind.

"You...the shooting is really good."

This is the hero of the wasteland with a statue. Before the spy chatted with it, I found out that it also knew about the doomsday space.

It was originally a native of the wasteland, but it met a traveler at some point.

The guy took it to an underground ruin in the waste soil and got a lot of high-tech equipment there.

Using this equipment, it became the hero of the savior on the waste, and the guy who traveled left.

Before leaving, it tells the hero about the location of the conveyor and lets the hero take care of the device.

And it can also use this device to go somewhere else.

This story seems quite simple. Later, the hero did not do anything big on the waste soil, and was slowly forgotten by the inhabitants of the wasteland.

In fact, it is to use the conveyor to run another space to take risks.

Later, the hero encountered a huge danger in a certain space. After he finally escaped, it decided not to take risks any more. He built a small room under the statue and stayed there to hide in the world... until now.

It just told the spy that it had been watching the conveyor, but it was just watching and not going to take care of it.

Even if it is now occupied by these gangs, it does not care.

It wasn't until the spy came here that it told the spy that there might be some problems with approaching the conveyor...because the conveyor is a bit strange now.

If a gang member who is not 'hot to help' approaches it, it is likely to disappear.

The former gang members had caught some other Ershi people, and they all disappeared when they were brought in.

I don't know why the gang members are all right. The hero thinks that it is better not to approach them casually.

'boom! The spy fired another shot, piercing the members hiding behind a chair, and then said to the hero behind him: "How do you know that I am looking for this transmitter?"

"That is because..." The hero said: "I have a detector that can detect that you are not a resident of the Doomsday space."

"You should come from the outside... Generally, you will know these outside," said the hero.

"Is it?" Although this statement is somewhat suspicious, the spy does not care so much.

Continue to look into the playground, there are now more than a hundred gang members, they are hiding in the entertainment facilities, there is no way to continue to smash them.

If this is the case, then go straight in, as the hero said that the incoming Ershi people will disappear...

Lin also wants to give it a try.

"Wait, you really have to go?"

In its amazed words, the spy stepped into the playground gate and walked to the space shuttle of the first entertainment facility.

I thought it would be sent to other places, and now it seems that there is no such thing...

Thinking of it, the spy went to the center of the playground, where the conveyor was located... During the time the spy walked, the gang members who were hiding around seemed to come up, but did not dare to come out.

Maybe they don't think the spy is a sniper. Instead, they feel that the spy is a bait and will continue to be attacked once they come out.

Although the spies are armed with guns, they may be more suspicious.

Therefore, the spy easily reached the location where the conveyor was located.

There are two huge columns on the ground. They look like stone pillars. They are about ten meters high and one meter in diameter. In fact, this is quite suitable for the decorations of the playground. It looks like there is no sense of violation.

But actually this is...

The spy gently put his hand on the stone pillar and could clearly feel the internal situation.

The transmitted energy is 'flowing' inside, and according to this energy, the spy can feel that the whole is a structure that is many times larger than the playground.

And it is almost completely buried underground, only the two pillars are exposed.

At the same time, the spy can also detect that the conveyor may contact every Ershi people in the place and keep them in a state of not solidifying.

Because spies can't separate cells now, it's a bit difficult to study the whole device, so...

Maybe need some helper.

"come out."

Looking at the entertainment facility of a rotating space car next to it, the spy said to him: "You are the leader of the gang."

"Yes, I am the leader!" came a voice in a space car: "Why are you attacking here? You...who is it? Is it another gang? But no matter who you are, you will... ..."

'boom! ’

The spy did not speak, but fired a shot directly on the car.

The bullet penetrated the glass of the space car and hit the inside of the leader. After it made a scream, there was no sound.

Then, the spy continued to raise his gun and aimed at other nearby entertainment facilities.

"It is to attack us! Kill it!"

There was a sound that sounded like it was before they did use the spy as a bait.

Now that the spies are snipers, they immediately emerge from the hiding point and launch a full-scale attack.

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