The whole fungus is slowly turning into a beach mud.

The 'Solutions' tactics are simpler. They are small arms of only about five centimeters long on the shape of the scorpion. From the tail, they can spray a new powerful solution for fungi that dissolves the structure of the fungus quickly. Among these sprayed lysates, there are tiny phagosomes that can phagocytose the dissolved fungi and then grow rapidly, eventually forming a large phage, and they also break down the swallowed fungi and find A method of filtering the helium released by them.

The plague fungus, the new way of Lin has not yet had time to react, and slowly disappeared.

The fungus's suffocation and squirting wood chips are not aimed at the new abilities evolved by Lynn, but because of their original ability. Because they have not been used for too long, they have not been used. It may have been fighting with any creatures, so there is such a way. The defensive ability, only those creatures that are not afraid of their infection, can let them use this defensive ability.

What kind of creature is it?

As the phage continue to expand and engulf the island, Lin does not know what organisms can fight the plague fungus. It may be a large creature, probably the kind of creature that produces the echogenic egg...

Compared with the big ones, Lynn thinks it is more effective to attack them with small arms. However, compared with using cells, Lin still likes to use micro-multi-cells larger than cells. The function of multi-cells is much richer than single cells.

By the way, you can try it out and create a unit of pure multi-cellular organisms. For example, it is not a single cell but a multi-cell in the blood vessels. It uses multiple cells to bear immunity. This feeling will be more powerful.

Now phagosomes are slowly phagocytizing fungi. It may be a lot of day and night to swallow all the islands that are so big. Lin’s other pilots flew around to find out if there were more islands...

This may be the last island. Before coming, Lin was looking around. There are no islands in this area. In fact, the islands infected by fungi only account for half of the islands found in the mainland. The next half is a desert island covered with dust.

Changyou are also seen in this area. They always have a lot of sand on the island-like back. The fungus is isolated from their infection.

In the next few days and nights, Lin let the planes spread more to the distant islands to find fungi, found a lot of islands, but there is no trace of fungi.

Some islands have many creatures, and the whole island is covered by green. It doesn't seem to be infected by fungi. It seems like Lin thinks that the previous one is the last island.

The fungi are of course not extinct, they don't know where they will appear, but at least they can't be found in the mainland.

Does that mean that the fungus battle has come to an end?

It doesn't seem to be that simple.

When Lin thought there was no problem. A lot of sea surface began to appear in the shadow of fungi.

These fungi are different from the past, they use a new method - to create a floating ability. The pompons with a diameter of about one meter, these pompons appear in the sea, they float to some biological islands, and begin to proliferate and infect the island.

They seem to have drifted from far away, this pompon floats far more than the general dust, and it can be loaded with a huge amount of dust, is a new way of transmission, but Lin does not know Are they fighting Lin in this way, or are they just just thinking about a new way of communication?

In any case, Lin has no fungus in the mainland, and these pompons that have been used for infection from a distance provide new clues for Lin. Behemoth will go to find the origin of the pom-pom , looking for the roots of fungi.

At this time, Lin also has an exploration of the mainland.

It has been a few days and nights...

The sky is bright again, and with the rise of the scorching sun, in the desert in the mainland, Lin will re-dissolve the body of the 'Aphid pterosaur'. In fact, this pterosaur is already a member of Lin, the cells in it. It was also swallowed up by Lin, and finally Lin added a structure of floating airbags in its body, but it still couldn't fly, and it was estimated to be related to the body structure.

Finally, the overall structure was reduced. The original seven-meter-long wingspan was reduced to three meters, and the whole body was much smaller than before. This armored creature finally rose into the air!

This may be the first pterosaur with long scales and armor. The main reason for this is that the flying structures of these creatures and arthropods are too different. It feels quite troublesome. During this period, Lin also Suffered from attacks by other small pterosaurs.

But now it is finally finished. Under the scorching sun, it unfolds its wings and flies quickly to where the dragon is.

The pterosaur's method of flapping wings is very different from that of the limbs, but Lin is still very familiar. After flying through the desert, Lin returns to the place where the dragon was originally located. There is a rock in that position.

It’s not a long time ago, but the pterosaur that Lin’s transformation can smell its smell from the dry gravel, this creature has been going south.

Lin rose to the sky and looked around. There were many kinds of dinosaurs on the desert. It seems that they prefer this hot and open area compared to the jungle. Foraging those low plants.

The plants here are not weak, some plants secrete venom after being passively eaten, they prefer to eat dinosaurs in turn, some plants grow a trap-like structure, and now Lin just flies over such a plant Over the sky.

The plant looks like a tiny plant with a leaflet that is about ten centimeters long at high altitude. A dinosaur called a tree dragon approaches this place, and it just touches the spike on the ground.

'boom! ’

Suddenly, the surrounding sand slammed two huge, blade-like structures that were three meters long and two meters wide, and the inside was covered with green spikes.

The two leaves sandwiched the tree dragon, and the blood slowly flowed out of the gap of the leaves... Then the leaves began to slowly sneak into the sand and digest it under the sand.

This plant is called a cruel puncture. It is usually hidden under the desert, and the exposed tree is only used as a 'bait'. Whenever a creature touches it, the two leaves hidden in the desert will be combined.

This area is full of plants like this, and it is not easy for dinosaurs to live here.

It may be that the dragon is going to the river. Lin is now flying in that direction. Soon, Lin will see the river shining in the sun.

On the river, a group of dragons are fighting each other. It seems to be the breeding season. Their males are fighting for the right to breed. Lin flies over them. They don’t see the dragon, but they find it in the smell of floating on the river. Its traces.

It seems to go downstream.

Lin mainly wants to see how the life of the creatures of this dragon is, and Lin goes downstream with the flow of river water.

The river in this desert is about 30 meters wide, and the river is quite clear, so Lynn can see a creature moving in the water.

This kind of creature called the 'crocodile' does not seem to be a dinosaur, but a large reptile. Although it is still too big to attack the group of dragons, it is here to follow Lin. The pterosaur, it probably wants to wait for the pterosaur to get close to the surface of the water and then sneak it, so that's it...

Lin let the pterosaurs lower their height and fly over the river. The crocodile really speeded up and swung the body and swam from behind. At the moment of approaching, it slammed open its mouth and rushed out of the water, but Lin was there before. The wings were lifted to escape the attack, and an egg was thrown into the open crocodile mouth.

After the crocodile swallowed it, it was still unaware, and then it gave up tracking the pterosaur and swam away.

Now, Lin's pterosaur flies into a canyon, the river flows slowly between the canyons, and a huge, long-necked dragon slowly moves in the water...

This is perhaps the biggest dinosaur that Lynd has ever seen. Half of its body is in the water. Even so, when it looks up, it has a height of more than 20 meters. Every time it moves, it makes waves of the surrounding water. The dragon is called 'Poseidon Dragon', although it is spectacular, but it is not the goal that Linde is looking for.

The scent has continued throughout the river and slowly began to get heavier and heavier. These relatively calm waters retain the scent very well.

In the end, in the steep canyon, Lin found a trail that went up between the cliffs with the smell.

On the trail, Lin finally saw the figure of Xiaolong.

It was lying on the sand at this time, a few small pterosaurs were pulling their tails and legs, and it was motionless, it looked like it was dead, and at the moment when Lin flew down, these The little pterosaurs immediately dispersed, but they refused to fly far and flew around the week.

Lin carefully examined the dragon, it seems to have not died, but it is already weak, the main reason seems to be hunger and physical exhaustion.

Maybe this dragon is close to the end of life, is it necessary to help it? Or is it to break it down, look at the brain and other structures inside, and then go find their own community?

Lin was a little hesitant, and eventually decided to save it, and it was easier to follow a living creature than to find it.

Lin asked the pterosaur to combine a pure nutrient solution in the body and then drink it in.

After a few tens of seconds after drinking, Lin could feel that its heartbeat began to accelerate slowly, and the body was recovering rapidly...

It seems that it will be revived soon. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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