4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1747: Attack?

Here... there seems to be a lot of indigenous creatures.

The helicopter was slowly flying in the air, and the spy observed the situation below in the helicopter.

Below is a large piece of sand, with broken red vines everywhere in the sand.

And between these vines, there are still large creatures crawling.

They look like some of the people, they have a big body and hands, but they have no legs, they are wrapped around the body... just like a bandage.

They float at a height of more than a meter, so it feels like their bodies are filled with gas for floating.

Because the detection system in the brain is updated, the spy can detect the difference between the original living creature and the non-indigenous living here.

These creatures are all living creatures here. The biggest difference between them and non-indigenous people is that they are not connected to the transport organ of Ershi.

But they should not be solidified for some reason at first, so they can live here for a long time.

After watching it for a while in the air, the spy controlled the helicopter to descend. When it landed, the creatures that wrap the bandages all gathered underneath and waved... The arm seemed to want to catch the helicopter.

It seems a little dangerous, so the spy did not continue to land, but observed in the air.

When they saw the helicopters not coming down, they quickly dispersed, and the spies watched their behavior... These creatures seem to be only wandering here, not doing anything special.

Then, go to the next place and have a look.

Other places have some reactions from the living creatures, and Lin thinks... there are other transport organs here.

The transport organs in the amusement park are mainly used by these people who come here.

However, there should be a transmitting organ that acts on earlier creatures like blood dragons... These creatures may have been put in by Ershi, although they came early, but they are not as fully integrated as the aborigines. Here.

No matter what, it is necessary to find out...

‘嘀嘀...’ While Lin was thinking about it, I suddenly heard the sound from the watch... I saw the face on the watch.

"Veronica classmates! Where are you? The college has been attacked here!"

"What is attacking the college?" the spy contrasted.

"There are a lot of..." The words of Lulu were not finished, and the communication was interrupted. It seems that there was any interference. It seems that I have to go back and have a look.

The possibility of attacking colleges is that the various gangs of the waste land, because they see the college is intact, comfortable places are likely to want to live in.

However, they should have no means of interfering with communication... In short, go back and see.

The spy-operated helicopter quickly flew back, passing through the previous playground, and saw that the gang members who were hinted at by Lin were starting to dig.

And the hero...the spy saw it sitting on the side of the excavation process, not knowing what it was thinking.

However, Lin gave the gang members a hint that they would kill anything that hinders the excavation, and if the hero wants to do something, it will be attacked.

Regardless of this, the spy operated the helicopter and flew to the college, when approaching the college...

The spy saw a flashing object flying in the jungle below, and it collided with the helicopter.

'boom! ! ! ’

After a roar, the helicopter flew down from the air while spinning, while the spy left the helicopter and landed on the ground faster than the helicopter.

It seems that really all kinds of gangs are besieging colleges...

The spy hides behind a vine and looks forward. You can see the college gate not far away, and a large group of people in front of the college gate.

They all carry a variety of weapons, most of them do not wear things in the upper body, and they depict various patterns on the back, which is very wasteful.

Moreover, from the patterns on them, they are not just a gang, but a few gangs.

These gangs were united and formed a team close to thousands of people to gather at the entrance of the college.

The helicopter that was just approached was hit by a guy with heavy weapons.

However, the most conspicuous of them is a large armor.

This machine is more than 20 meters high and stands on two feet. The whole body is painted in gold and looks very shining. It also has a long sword in its hand. It is completely made according to the shape of the Ershi people. .

Although there are a lot of two-legged mechs in Ershi's body in Ershi's various film and television works, the Ershi military is... no one has created any two-legged mechs, insect-like and There is a wild animal shape.

Obviously, the body shape of Ershimin is not suitable for actual combat.

But I did not expect that the gang of wasteland would have such a mech.

And it is still emitting some kind of...interference signal, it seems that it interferes with the communication of the watch.

"We will give you the opportunity!" Under this machine, a gang member with no hair but huge body is yelling: "Now all the members have come out and surrender! Don't force us to attack!"

"..." There was no reaction in the college. There were no students or teachers in the entrance plaza in the gate.

However, if you really want to fight, the number of students can be much more than this group of gang members.

"Have you heard it? If we don't come out, we will attack!"

The members without hair continued to yell there, but there was still no reaction in the college.

"Damn, try it first, let them know that fear!" Under its angry words, I saw that the large mech lifted the left arm and aimed at the college gate...

'boom! ’

The left hand palm of the mech shot a ... warhead, which caused a bombing when it hit the college gate.

Countless debris splashes, the college gate turned into a piece of debris.

"Everyone kills in! Kill!"

The gang members who had shouted before were the first to cross the broken door, and the rest of the members followed it to the college.

Soon, there are only ten... and ten players.

It seems that there are very few people who have come to see this mech. If so... then take advantage of this opportunity.

After seeing all the other members break into the buildings of the college, the spies walked out of the vine forest.

The ten members have not noticed this, they chat with each other at the foot of the armor until the spy approaches...

They can't notice the spies anymore.

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