4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1750: Scented man

It seems that... a big situation has happened.

The bee-shaped spy is flying high in the air at this time, and the jungle in the distance is echoing the sound of the boom.

It’s like an earthquake, but it’s not an earthquake, but a flood.

The huge floods are raging in the forest, pulling up large vines, drowning the ruins of the building, and heading towards it with an unparalleled momentum.

This flood... is the reason for the previous pterosaurs to escape?

However, Lin does not need to care too much, it may overwhelm the amusement park, but it does not affect the delivery of organs.

So the spy came to the amusement park with the flood, and the entire amusement park was completely submerged under the red tide.

A lot of water poured into the digging holes, but the gang members had already fled one step earlier, because Lynn sent them some evacuation signals when they flew up.

As for the hero, it did not run, but was flooded.

The flood was weaker after passing through the amusement park, and it slowly stopped... there was no energy that could reach the college so far.

Now, as long as you can dive, you can continue to study the organs, just... now Lin does not intend to continue.

Because, Lin feels that ‘stimulus’ is not enough.

It may be that the bee-shaped spy mimics the bus nervous system to a too small relationship, and the stimulation of the whole organ is so small that it can't make it react.

In short, you need a bigger organ, but it also needs more...the corresponding material.

It is to get the material from the bus creature.

Although it is possible to cut the transfer organ directly to obtain the material, Lin feels that this will cause its ... hostile reaction.

That is to say, the transport organ may attack the spy, so look for other bus creatures.

There should be no bus creatures here, but there are some students...that is, those superhero students.

Their bodies are made entirely of materials from bus creatures, so it’s good to catch them. According to the spies, in the past few months, many superheroes came to the Heavenly Palace from the heroic headquarters of Amiggen. College.

And initially there were two followers, so now the number of them should be... close to ten.

Lin did not investigate the exact number, but knew that the highest ranked ‘Xie Texia’ also came to the college.

So getting the bus material from it is good, as for its position... can be confirmed by the watch.

In general, most students turn off the location display of the watch, and the location display is usually only open to ‘friends’ and teachers.

However, the spy can confirm the approximate location of each student by feeling the transmitted energy connected to the watch, and also confirm their approximate size.

Because of the special structure of the body, the characters of ‘Xie Texia’ are usually much larger than ordinary Ershi people.

One should be its reaction, just around...

After confirming the location, the spy flew in the direction of the target, flying almost... When the distance was ten kilometers, the spy saw a parking lot...

Large and small vehicles are parked neatly on the large squares, and of course these vehicles have long been damaged.

It can be seen in the sky... The five people are slowly moving between the vehicles, and the group of people who lead is the target of ... spies.

It's quite easy to find.

It is dressed in a black and white tights and has an animal logo on the tights.

Shetman, as the name suggests, it is good at using... stinking.

It is said that it used to be called Skunk Man, very good at using odor as a weapon, usually can arrest the other party without harming the criminal.

Because it was very efficient in arresting crimes, it rose to the first place, but it was always filled with a smell...

The surrounding Ershi people said that it smells like excrement, so it is called Xie Texia... This has the meaning of excrement.

Later, even the official title became a Shetman. Although it protested, there was no way... I had to accept this name.

It turns out that it is quite fun.

Of course, its stench attack does not come from its own body, but only its own weapons.

The spy watched the guy's information with the watch and began to pay attention to what they were doing.

Shetman seems to be carrying a certain task as a captain with several players. The task now should be to explore and investigate.

So its mission is also...

"Hey! Captain, I saw a big wasp in the sky staring at us!"

Suddenly, the next player noticed the spy and immediately yelled at the nose and said to Shetman.

"The wasp?" Xie Texia looked up and said, "It's really big, but it's not about our mission. Just pay attention to it."


Said, this team will continue to act, they seem to want to capture something, so the action is quietly touched.

But from heaven, we can't see what their goals are, and the whole parking lot is only for them.

Forget it, get the material first.

Then, the spy flew directly to Xie Texia, and one of the following members shouted: "The wasp is here!"

"Give it to me!" Shetman turned around immediately, only to see other players immediately spread their noses, and it took out a weapon that looked like a flame emitter.

However, from there, there is a lot of ... stench.

This stench can indeed make Ershi people directly coma, but the spy is not the Ershi people, it flies directly to the target's head in the stench.

Grab the head of Shetman, open the sharp scorpion, and the bee-shaped spy bites hard.

Because it was the body of the bus creature, the head of Shetman was not bitten, but it was scraped off some... fragments.

The spy's mouth stuck to the debris and flew into the sky again.

"Damn, stinky doesn't work!" Shetman threw the weapon aside. It jumped directly from the ground, jumped to the height of the spy, and punched it with a punch.

However, he was bitten by a spy, and his eyes slammed his strength together. The spy then slammed Xie Texia to the ground.

"team leader!"

Other players started supporting at this time. Two players raised their weapons and two, and they were armed with close weapons. They were preparing to jump and attack.

This doesn't make much sense. The spy flies quickly to the heights, but will soon go on again, because the material... is better.

However, when the spy was ready to continue flying, it suddenly stopped.

Because the spies saw it... is that what they are trying to capture?

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