4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1764: Variation effect

"No! You can't do this, you can't help but know me! I always think about you!"

"Who are you? I don't know you!"

On the roof of the college... a very interesting scene is happening.

The Forgotten Man who commanded all Busmans is now on the ground, and in front of it is a... Vampire.

Forgetting Man seems to have done everything for this vampire, but the vampire does not know it at all.

The other bus man is also looking at the Forgotten Man with a strange look.

"What do you mean by that? You let us collect these things all the time, just to give it?" Whiteman stepped forward: "All the time, let us do things that are meaningless!"

Forgotten Man heard the words and said: "What do you say? This is a very meaningful thing!"

"No, it doesn't make sense!"

"It makes sense!"

"Go to death!" Bai Xia suddenly punched the face of the Forgotten Man, and the Forgotten Man also slammed a fist: "Dead is you!"

Then they hit each other, and the other chivalrous men around were not interested in participating in the battle. After they saw it for a while, they all dispersed.

And the vampire... Of course, I didn't plan to go in. It also decided to walk away after looking at it, but when I left, I also tossed a box of food.


Bypassing the inextricable forgotten man and white man, Bilu and the spy came to the side of the vampire.

"You two!" The vampire was surprised to see: "Why is this place?"

"I want to ask why you are here!" Bilu said: "Why are you going to direct those crazy men to do things?"

"I don't know them!" said the vampire: "I want to go back!"

"Go back?" The spy asked: "Where to go? Explain in detail."

"Detailed description...?" The vampire wondered: "I came from from there."

Next, the vampire said a more detailed situation... it used to be in an abandoned building warehouse.

The original vampire and its companions were in the mythological space, and they themselves intended to continue living there... but there has been a great change recently.

It is said to be a kind of change that can be called 'space collapse', and the mythical space has undergone a 'collapse' phenomenon.

Therefore, the vampire and its companions, once again tried to adjust the rocket to leave the mythological space, and finally in the continuous transmission ... many times, came to this space.

It was this completely dark place, the vampires said they found an abandoned building somewhere and planned to settle there.

And, the vampire directs some of the blood-sucking creatures it carries, letting them go around to find and collect food.

And recently, just recently, the vampire found a bat flying back. The bat said that there was a lot of food somewhere and took it in one direction.

After walking with the bat for a while, the vampire saw the college, and after climbing up the walls of the college building, he saw the group... and the food on the rooftop.

It turned out to be the case.

Lynn thinks that it may be the case that the vampire sent out and directed the blood-sucking creature to collect food signals may be received by the Forgotten Man.

Then it also began to act in accordance with this order, collecting a large amount of food on the roof.

As for why it receives the signal used to direct the blood-sucking creatures...may be related to the variation in its brain.

Because these heroes' brains are constantly changing in a state of being eroded by the bus structure, it is possible to change the way they become able to receive signals from vampires.

However, what is the specific situation... I still have to check it to know.

Now, there is just this opportunity.

Because Forgetting Man is fighting with White Man, their two fighting abilities are comparable, so the result of the battle is...


Both sides slammed a punch and hit the other's brain at the same time, and then both sides fell to the ground at the same time.

"You...good, I admit your strength! You too, I haven’t played such a happy fight for a long time..."

Although they fell to the ground, they all smiled and recognized each other. It was like a scene in a movie.

However, they soon couldn’t laugh.

"Ah!" With a scream, the two men were stunned by the spy and Bilu at the same time.

Because they have fought to almost no physical strength, and the helmet that White had been carrying before was also destroyed in the battle.

So this is quite a simple matter. After stuning them, the spy will perform a detailed test on the brain of Forgetful Man again.

Sure enough, this forgotten man's brain...some special structural changes, because the bus biological components in the skull began to mix into the brain, and its brain produced many new structures and variations.

There are some new structures that allow it to... receive signals from the vampire's commanding blood-sucking creatures, so the act of collecting food is completely signal-receiving.

There are just some wonderful places in it.

Because, Forgetful Man seems to know in advance that the vampire will come to the rooftops, so the food is placed here to meet it.

The vampire was originally unintended, and it didn't even know that there was a college here.

what on earth is this kind of happenings? It's not clear yet, but it seems like the Forgotten Man... I foresee that the vampire will come here.

Maybe this is also a special ability, because the variation of these chimes is not over yet, and I don't know what they will be like when they are completely mutated.

I don't know... will they become complete bus creatures?

But Lin is more concerned about the situation of the space here...

"...these strange guys have the ability to receive my orders? Forget it, I don't care so much... Now I have to go back, my sisters are still waiting."

The vampire came to the edge of the roof and was about to jump.

"Go together." The spy stood behind the vampire.

“Why?” asked the vampire and Bilu.

"I want to try to use the rocket." The spy responded.

"... is it? But you don't have to come over, just wait here." The vampire said: "I will be back soon... with my companion."

"What are you doing here?" asked Lulu.

"Is that still used?" said the vampire: "Of course it is occupied here! This college is much better than our building... Although it is not comparable to my foreign pavilion, it is still suitable!"

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