4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1770: Abandoned things?

“Is this used to capture creatures? What creatures are captured?”

In the hall of the foreign museum... spies, Bilu, and the vampire is here.

Before the dew took the rocket back to this place, and the vampire came over together, so Lin told them about the general origin and role of this foreign museum.

These recent spaces can be called the edge of the solidified void.

There are many such margins, and they are usually not connected, just like the location where the college first arrived and the dark space now.

The college entered this dark space because of the explosion of the annihilation ship... The specific reason is related to a special system in the transport organ...

However, this foreign pavilion has arrived here very early, and it is here.

Before this, there should be only one edge of Ershi’s ‘sports’, and this dark place is the second.

This foreign museum is placed here by Ershi. Its role is to capture a certain creature... This kind of creature is a structure that has a heart, which can transport substances to the whole body.

However, the details of Lin are still not clear, but it is probably guessed that Ershi originally placed the foreign museum here, and also injected a lot of ... air into this place.

Therefore, the overall environment here is suitable for the normal state of Ershi people, but Ershi is not a lot of transformation for this... and there is no biological activity.

Just put a foreign pavilion as a tool to capture creatures.

The organ is transported to keep the museum in a state of floating, and it has never captured that creature, so here is... a place to be abandoned, or a place where Ersh no longer cares.

Until the college came in here...

"What? It's what it got..." After listening to the general description of the spy, the vampire said with a complaint: "I always plan what to do, then give up the plan and leave everything that is done, we The world character is really bad."

"...do not understand." But Lui’s explanation of the spy only has this reaction.

... indeed, all of this is the result of Ersh's research on the solidification of the void... It has been detecting the solidification of the void, and those space technologies.

Various spaces and creatures were created during the research...

Recently, Ershi put down these manufacturing things and the people of Ershi, and left. As far as the people of Ershimin, this seems to be quite...worse.

"Oh, in short, this is an boring space, and it is very troublesome." The vampire said: "It seems quite difficult to find a stable place to live now..."

"There are exports," the spy said.

"What? What does export mean?" The vampire immediately asked, "Can you leave here?"

"Yes." The spy said: "You can go back to the previous position and then return to the normal void from the previous position..."

"You seem to know a lot, no wonder that red and white are optimistic about you." The vampire said: "If this is the case, then go quickly!"

The spy said: "Go back... first of all, trigger the 'rescue system'."

"What is the rescue system?"


Next, the spies and vampires also flew back to the college on the rocket. In the process of flying back, the spy said something about ... leaving.

This space can come in and leave, passing the organ of Ershi.

However, the spy can't directly direct these transport organs, although it can detect the records in the investigation.

But because of this, the spy can know... how the college came here.

The college was sent here by the transport organ because of the explosion of the annihilation ship. This is mainly because of the ‘rescue system’ in the transport organ.

These transport organs of Ershi manage each creature and building entering the coagulated edge space.

When these things are in crisis, transmitting the organ will initiate a rescue system, as long as the target is supposed to be protected, the organ will send it away to avoid the crisis.

It seems that the organ thinks that the college and the inside are worth protecting.

Of course, it is not a crisis that will be transmitted. It may only be a huge enough crisis of the annihilation of the ship to start the rescue system.

Why not send the annihilation destroyer away? It should actually be delivered as well.

The transfer of the organ should be carried out at the same time by the exploding annihilation ship and the college, not just the transmitting party.

Therefore, if I want to leave from here, Lin feels that the more direct way is to trigger a rescue system again, and the organs may put the college back into the original space.

However, this method may be difficult, so you can use some other method, that is... to make a small transmission device.

The transport organs are usually quite large, after all, they are used to transmit huge objects, but if you only transfer a few Ershi people, it doesn't need to be too big.

Although I haven't made it yet, I can make a try, as long as I can come and go to these marginal spaces.

As for the material, it still has to be obtained from those bus knights.

Speaking of the bus man, Lin found that they also have some special places, that is, they have a connection with the transport organ.

After Lin tested the transfer organ, Lin thought that the current variation of the bus man was mainly caused by the transporting organs of the foreign museum.

As soon as the bus man came in, he was affected by the organ and thus changed. Lin felt that they had a deep relationship with the transmitting organs.

Although it is said that Ershi has no problem with this place, the organs here will continue to operate, and the organs may continue... Here are some plans for progress, and the organ may want to use the bus man to do something.

It may be that there is progress in capturing the biological plan...so these buskers have become able to receive certain signals.

It's not clear how it will become, but Lynn thinks that Ershi's transport organs are definitely 'smart'.

It will want to continue to run Ershi's plan, so it will use the new things of the bus man.

Anyway, anyway, grab a few guys to make a small transmitter.

If you can come and go to this space at will, it will be of great help to Lin's future research.

However, Lynn also wants to see what these chivalrous variations will look like in the end... So, Lynn decided to be on both sides.

"So, you can make a... small device? What are you waiting for, hurry up!"

After hearing the words of the spy, the vampire became very excited and ready to start...

Capture the bus man's plan.

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