4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1777: Abnormal change

"They...the speed is a lot faster."

In the arena, spies, and Billy and vampires... Especially the vampires are looking at the buskers on the court with some surprise.

Previously, it participated in the capture of the bus man, and played against the bus man, the bus man at that time can not keep up with its speed, but now the bus man, seems to be much more responsive.

"We have become more just. We are stronger. We can really recognize ourselves."

Moreover, they did not have any headaches. The bus man stood up from the ground one by one. There was a busman who came out and pointed at the spy and said, "You have already stopped here, and evil will surely fail!"

This man is the forgotten man.

It watched the spy rushing over, and the spy immediately turned around to avoid its attack, but Forgetting Man quickly responded and turned and punched the spy's head... This allowed the spy to fly out.

"Vironica classmates!" Bilu immediately came to help, but it was also flew out by another bus rush, and rolled on the ground for a few laps.

It seems that they are indeed stronger than before.

Lin thinks that they should be more adaptable to the body of bus creatures. In the past, their fitness was very low... so they played very incompletely.

But now, they are playing a lot more, then... it will be difficult to deal with.

Although their intelligence levels do not seem to change, they still have certain weaknesses.

"The muscle idiots have become more difficult to deal with." The vampires, the dew, the spies, are now standing up and squatting together.

The four buss are close to each other in four different directions. They are very large in size and look like three cubs surrounded by four... fitness champions.

However, Lin feels that there is still a chance of winning, although... Lin believes that the significance of playing them now is not very big, but...

Still have to play a dozen.

"Remember, the weakness is still the head." The spy whispered.

"It was just a big idea, I can solve them all!" The vampire suddenly slammed into the nearest busman, and at the moment of defense against him, it spread its wings and flew to the top of the busman, then jerked A punch hit the other's face.

"Ah!" The busman made a scream of screams, and he fell heavily on the ground.

Sure enough, Lin believes that their mutations have just ended, and the brain is still in a fragile state. Although their heads are inherently weak, they are now much more vulnerable than before.

"Damn! Accept the sanction of justice!" The remaining three busmen saw the spy and the dew, all of them rushed to the siege of the vampire.

The vampire immediately ran to the distance, while the spy and Bilu attacked behind the three busmen at this time.

"It's useless to use the same trick!"

This time, these bus-mans did not move quickly, and the two who were attacked by the spies and the dew immediately turned around and blocked the kicks on their heads.

"Ah!" But there was another busman who screamed and fell to the ground, because the spy's hair quickly gathered into a hammer and slammed the busman's brain.

But Biro was caught by the busman who caught it and slammed into the wall below the audience table.

Looking at the screams of Bilu, Lin felt that she might need treatment later... but it is also used to it.

There are still two busmen left, and the one who lost the Lulu turned to attack the spy. It constantly fought and fought hard, but these fists were hidden by the spies.

Their speed has indeed accelerated, but it’s still not as fast as a spy. Lynn thinks it should be almost...

The spy jumped and all the hair burst out. The busman immediately grabbed most of the spy's hair, but was hit by the fist of the next spy...


When it screamed and fell to the ground, the busman on the vampire side also made the same call, it seems that it also solved the last bus man.

After all, their degree of variation is still beyond the mythical creatures of spies and vampires.

But after they have completely mutated, it is possible, and now they have not reached ... 100%.

Most of the brain is not fully integrated with the bus structure, so they are not strong enough.

Lynn checked the head of a bus creature and also dragged the dew from the wall for treatment...

At the time of detection...Lin found them seem...

I used to contact a certain creature here.

They used to draw large paintings on the ground at the college and do it on that creature... summoning, that kind of painting can actually be said to be something like a password.

The detection of the password is to transfer the organ.

When the transmission organ detects the password, it sends a signal and attracts a certain creature, or sends a certain creature to come here.

To be precise, it is transmitted around the bus man.

Previously, Ershi put them in the dark space of the college, and the reason why Busman came here was mainly because Lynn used a small transmitter.

It may be that the small transmitter has some effect on the transporting organs, causing a bit of error in the transmission, and the organ puts the bus man here.

However, because the bus man had already painted the painting before, the ritual of transmitting the creature... continues.

Because their brain variability is more complete than before, they also have more... knowledge.

It’s not like you used to

The detection of the password is to transfer the organ.

When the transmission organ detects the password, it sends a signal and attracts a certain creature, or sends a certain creature to come here.

To be precise, it is transmitted around the bus man.

Previously, Ershi put them in the dark space of the college, and the reason why Busman came here was mainly because Lynn used a small transmitter.

It may be that the small transmitter has some effect on the transporting organs, causing a bit of error in the transmission, and the organ puts the bus man here.

However, because the bus man had already painted the painting before, the ritual of transmitting the creature... continues.

Because their brain variability is more complete than before, they also have more... knowledge.

It’s not like you used to

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