4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1782: Dismantling

"You mean, one of the... three-dimensional images have gained self-awareness, and then want to kill us?"


"...well, I will kill them before then."

The spy is now in a narrow space, where the spy continues to detect things about the image that controls the Mirage.

In fact, it is almost detected... Because this place is where its main system is, so the spy knows the general history of this ecological image.

It is quite interesting because it has concentrated on the mind information of the phantom group. It seems that this main system of images has become the intersection of the phantom missions...

Although the phantom group's thinking information is mainly concentrated in the main system, the consciousness is reflected in the stereo image controlled by the main system.

It does not regard the main system as 'self', but as another.

Of course, it also always wants to completely control the main system, so it is constantly researching... How to control the main system, or to get rid of the constraints of the main system, can freely move outside.

Recently, it came to mind a way to kill the enemy.

In addition to it, other ecological images have committed suicide. Lin has carefully studied the way they committed suicide... and found that there are records in this system.

This is a very simple way of suicide, just like ordinary suicide.

In other words, if these images are suicidal (such as jumping from a height), then their system will start the self-explosion program, so that they will not appear again, and It’s the same to commit suicide.

Although it seems that the system controls the ecological image, the behavior of the ecological image also affects the system...

Therefore, this image will come up with the way to kill the enemy. It wants to kill one or two of the spies, vampires or dews, and let the rest run.

This way the main system may start another program... ‘catch-up procedure’.

Because it made a move to chase the enemy, the main system may let it leave the entire building area and go outside.

Moreover, if you are far behind, the main system will leave this space and move with it.

At that time, it can try to study the main system carefully... I feel these ideas... very simple.

Its character should be influenced by the images in the various buildings here. From the data of the main system, it often learns things by observing the activities of images in various buildings. It even learns some special ones. technology……

For example, let the surface of the phantom group cover a mechanical structure that produces a phantom.

All in all, it is all free to move out of here, so we are constantly working hard.

So what should I do now?

It may be convincing that it does not attack the spy three, but its current attack idea is still very strong.

Because the target of killing must be Ershimin, in order to let the main system start the killing process.

So it didn't attack those **** dragons, because there was no way to start the killing process... As for why... This program is set this way, I don't know why.

Although spies and vampires are not considered to be Ershi people, the appearance is just fine, and there is no need to worry too much inside.

If this is the case... then take it off first.

Thinking, the spy started on the ground... dismantled.

The disassembly method is very simple. Just open the ground and then you can see the complicated parts inside, and then knock them down one by one.

The main system of ecological imaging is quite complicated, at least...a big one.

And the part of the data stored is very simple, much like the computer of Ershimin, everything that the ecological image has done will be stored in a piece of equipment.

So Lynn can easily get information from here.

Now, Lin wants to take it down and all the other parts.

"Hey! It's useless to do this! It doesn't make sense!" The sound of the ecological image is still echoing around... It can monitor the situation here, but can't do anything about it.

Moreover, Lynn feels that it does not want to do anything, it may be a bit like Lin.

Because, if Lin casually removes it, it may trigger the system's self-protection program.

Previously it was for the Phantom to make the system casual, causing it to start the program to move to this space, but if the protection program is triggered in this space, it may move the system back.

But that is actually impossible.

Because Lin has detected the ... transmission system here.

The system is equipped with a small transmission device, and this device has no energy.

So it won't be transmitted anymore, and there is no other way to defend it.

The spy is constantly moving, grabbing any part with his hair and hands and hardening it, then using a small conveyor to send it out.

Lin plans to reorganize these parts outside and can make them into a... interesting thing.

this is……

When he quickly dismantled the mechanical parts, Lin suddenly found a special object.

The object is completely golden, looking like a golden brick, and an Ershimin is printed on the brick.

This Ershimin seems to have seen it there... but there seems to be no memory.

In short, it is also transmitted, then...

"Stop! This can't!"

The sound of the ecological image rang at this time, although the test did not control it and sent the gold nugget outside.

At the moment of transmitting this thing, Lynn heard a ‘咚’.

Then, the entire room...the whole system stopped working.

This phenomenon is quite wonderful...

Although Lin had left a lot of parts, it seemed to have no effect on the operation of the system. After the gold nugget was transferred, the system here suddenly closed.

It seems to be something special, and the information about this thing is not in the material that Lin had viewed before.

No matter how much, let's continue to transfer... The parts here are very suitable for assembly. Lin feels that they can use them to make useful items, and Lin will also study the consciousness of the Mirage group through them...

The energy of the small transmitter is not enough to transfer the entire system, so after transferring some parts, Lin will go out to replenish the energy and come back here to continue the transmission.


And when Lin thought so, suddenly there was a ... flashing...image in front of the spy.

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