4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1984: Panic and crack

"What should we do now?"


Deep in the underground, Lin and Bilu are still in the training ground of the swamp.

Just now, Lin has learned about the series of attacks from the research team from a public mind of the research team.

The main purpose of this plan is to get students into fear and crisis... the more dangerous the better.

To this end, they prepared this attack plan like an accident.

The college is unaware of this, and it is indeed normal training for the college.

Therefore, Lin believes that the college is already dealing with it, but now they are not likely to go to the underground rescue at this time. The research team cut off the communication methods and access methods.

Therefore, you still need to stay in the ground for a while before you can wait for the rescue.

During this time, the research team has enough time to complete their plans.

Of course, after this, the research team may no longer be able to cooperate with the college, but they should not care about this kind of thing, as long as the purpose can be achieved.

Although it is now waiting for rescue, Lin has some things to study, such as... the purpose of the research group.

Every student with ‘generator energy’ in the body will have something special when it is extremely frightened.

But this research group... It is not clear what this is, they just ensure that the plan is implemented smoothly.

So Lynn is also very curious. What happens when the students are extremely frightened? How does this relate to the energy in their bodies?

Although Lynn feels that Ershimin's emotional changes... there is no connection with this energy.

"Oh..." When Lin thought about it, there was a sigh of relief... I saw a large group of mechanical bodies coming over here.

"Go to a safer place." After contrasting the words, Lin stood up and headed for one direction. Bilu also quickly followed up... leaving a research group that was examined and remembered by Lin. .

It's in a coma, but those machines won't attack it... they only attack students.

Lin and Bilu ran fast and quickly reached the edge of the swamp training ground, where Lin found the door to the next-door training ground.

Although it is OK to stay here, you must go to somewhere else.

So Lin and Bilu went to the next training ground... This is a scene that looks almost dark with the swamp.

The sky was made into a beautiful view of the moon, while the ground stood with a seemingly ancient medieval building.

In this environment... I became excited when I was Luton.

"Vironica classmates! It seems like it is fun! Let us..."

"Ah!!!" A scream covered the voice of Bilu, and I saw several students running in the street ahead, and behind this group of students, still chasing... a crack.

Accurately speaking, it is a crack that is constantly spreading. It seems to be conscious. No matter how these students run... they will follow them and even follow them.

"You...you run!"

There were a total of five of these students, and the one who ran the front of them noticed that Lin and Bilu began to scream and scream.

So Lin and Bilu also followed them along.

With the panting of panic and the constant pace, all the students ran into a stone building.

"Wow... Veronica, I was the first time I was chased by this kind of thing! It feels so interesting!"

"How can you be chased?" Ignore the excited Bilu, Lin asked a few students around.

"Where do I know..." The student who called the run before replied: "We suddenly saw the ground cracked... and then the crack has been coming to us, there must be ghosts inside..."

‘Boom! ’

A burst of vibration interrupted the students, and the whole building suddenly began to tremble.

"It wants to collapse this building!" The student was shocked: "Come on, go out!"

The gasping student door ran again because the building had a back door and they all ran out from the back door...

At the moment of the rushing out, the building collapsed in a burst of bang, and at the same time collapsed the ruins... The crack appeared and extended towards it.

"Ah! Come again!"

In the horror of the cry, the students turned and fled again, and the rift was still behind.

It seems to keep track of the students at a certain speed, not catching up with them, but not giving them rest... Obviously it is not a simple crack, there must be something in the ground.

But Lynn is not paying attention to cracks, but...

Lin pulled out the ‘light sword’ from the waist and saw that the bottom of the light sword’s hilt was constantly flashing.

Lin just noticed this reaction of the lightsaber. This reaction indicates that there are dream creatures nearby.

It can detect dream energy... and dream creatures, and it will react differently when it detects normal energy and creatures.

It is now detecting the reaction of the creature...accurately, there is a sudden reaction of the dream creature appearing nearby.

And the main source of this reaction is...

"What are you doing? What is that?"

The student running on the side sent a question because it saw that Lin was holding the lightsaber against it.

"Let me cut it." After Lin finished the sentence, she took the lightsaber to the students' heads. The students suddenly became shocked... It quickly rolled on the ground and escaped Lin's lightsaber.

It seems that this student has undergone a lot of transformation and training, and the action is faster than the general Ershi people...

However, it did not choose the direction when it rolled, and Lin found it rolled over the crack.

The ‘咔’ crack suddenly increased at this moment. It was originally only a dozen centimeters wide, and now it has grown to a few meters, as if suddenly it was opened up by huge forces.

And the student who rolled over... just happened to roll into this sudden increase in the crack.


The other four students noticed the situation and one of them screamed.

"You..." Another student shouted at Lin: "You killed it!"

"It hasn't died yet." Lin also noticed the reaction of the lightsaber when answering, and found that the light sword's reaction was stronger.

This seems to be related to the more intense emotions of these students. Is it ......

"It... it stopped!"

Who shouted, then all the students noticed... The enlarged crack stopped at the same place.

The students who were running didn't stop there, but continued to run a distance and hid in a building that looked solid.

"You just... you just cut it!"

This is the first sentence that Lynn heard after stopping.

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