"Vironica classmates! This place is so sweet!"

Here is another amusement area in the amusement park...

To be precise, it is the eating area.

As before, here is a large, non-gravitational area, and in the air here, there are all kinds of food floating around.

Most of these foods are called ‘hamburgers’, and there are many other solid foods... they are almost full of space.

Although there have been few small restaurants in the previous area, this is the real place to eat. Visitors who come here can enjoy the dining pleasure by taking the air as a plate during the floating process.

However, the tourists who come here are not the people of Ershi, but a lot of birds.

They flew around before the food, some were eating food nearby, some were playing, and some were there... staring at Lin and Bilu.

Lin did not stare at them, but looked at a vending machine attached to a distant wall.

The food here is from the vending machine. There are many vending machines in the whole area. Most of them are attached to the wall, which is convenient for tourists to buy food.

It can now be seen that most vending machines are in a state of out of control, their outlets are not disconnected, and a large amount of food is spewed out from there.

This is also the reason why food is floating everywhere.

Lin also noticed that, next to a vending machine, this Ershi people is floating, it is the one who directs the birds.

It should be a research group. If it can investigate more things, Lin jumped in the direction of it.

"Vironica classmates!" He was grabbing a hamburger and eating it.

"Strange? No effect?" The Ershimin also noticed this. Lin found that it took out a square object and pressed it. All the birds around... I looked at it at this moment.

It seemed to give up some kind of signal that made them hostile to it, and they all flew over here.

"Giggle!!!" The birds kept screaming in anger and slammed their eyes into the direction of their eyes.

They seem to be quite aware of the weaknesses. After Lin waved a group of chickens flying over, he noticed that the Ershi people had already arrived far away.

It is wearing armor, and the armor has the function of propelling the flight. Lin feels that this may be escaped by it.

"Don't run!" Bilu smashed a goose biting it from the head to the body, and the other birds around him suddenly appeared... fear.

They fluttered their wings and fled, giving way to Bilu, so they quickly took out their pistols and fired several shots at Ershimin.

'boom! There was a bullet in the armor thruster behind the Ershi people, and it immediately sounded a sound of Karakala.

"I hit! Veronica classmate!"

It was indeed better than Lu, the Ershi people hurriedly took off the propellers behind them, and the propellers flew to the distance themselves, and then they smashed into pieces.

Ershimin himself grabbed a pillar. There are many pillars in this place, which are used to catch tourists.

When it was doing these moves, Lin jumped to it as quickly as possible.

"Come on to block it!"

Ershimin shouted, and several birds were rushing around. Among the birds, Lin saw the relatively large birds known as turkeys.

But when they rushed over, they seemed hesitant, which was also a kind of 'side effect' brought about by the high intelligence.

They are now more afraid of death.

Especially after Bilu had just opened the goose, the surrounding birds began to feel a lot of fear.

Therefore, Lynn easily flew the birds that were close and jumped to the side of Ershimin.

"Why are you not affected?"

When the Ershi people asked this sentence, it also slammed the pillars with their legs and raised their fists and jumped over to Lin.

It... Is there no weapon?

Lin did not evade, but also jumped over to Ershimin, punching his fist and punching it on his face.

‘啪’ Lynn heard the cracking sound.

Its helmet... seems to be quite fragile, and Lynn easily broke the transparent panel and slammed it directly on his face.


Ershmin made a scream and flew backwards, but Lin pulled his leg, picked it up and hit it again.

"Are you guys..."

This is what Lin said after he stunned it.

"What, is this ostrich that commands the bird so weak?"

Bilu just jumped over now, and some disappointedly looked at the Ershi people who were stunned by Lin.

Lin is directly testing its brain.

It turned out to be... It is indeed the research group... the last member to stay here.

The research team has been studying the 'soul plan' in this amusement park before, and they have placed a large collection of dream creatures here.

As Linde knew before, these Ershi people are using this dream creature to carry out the 'soul plan'.

They don't just take animal experiments, but they also experiment with tourists here. After all, tourists can't feel it, and... they will only be more happy after being infected with these energy.

But of course this was not what the research team wanted, so they stopped research and closed the amusement park.

And make some ... kidnapping behavior, let the college notice that this is their base.

In fact, their purpose is to make the entire amusement park a trap.

First, let the troops coming in and explore be infected with energy, then lost in the amusement park, and then let the birds install bombs.

The entire amusement park was blown up.

The main purpose of this trap program is to see if these birds have any value.

If the value of use is high, you can continue to use them to do something later...

Although there are a lot of smart machines and things, they always feel that... cell biology will be more useful.

This may also be because they are themselves the cause of cell biology.

The information that is known from this Ershi people's brain is like this.

Now almost all the members of the research team have been evacuated, leaving only one of them to do some final work here.

After doing it, it is almost time to leave.

This means one thing.

That is... the ‘door’ that it left, has not been closed, and Lin can follow it to the next base of the research group.

Speaking of their base is really much, this base is the headquarters of the Dream Research Base.

Going there, Lin should be able to know the details of the research team's research on dream energy... or something else...

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