4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 39: Waiting for the dragon of death

Tucker placed the egg seven meters from the Du Mesa tree, and then surrounded a circle of engraved stones.

Lin's little flying man followed it, curiously watching Tuck's movements, and after setting the stone, it began to dance again.

Lin found that the movements of the jump were not the same as those I had seen before. First raise the claws, then shake the tail, then shouted: "Sang! Hey!"

Among the words, it means the meaning of light, but I don't know what it is called for.

Speaking of Tucker will do quite a lot of strange moves, its ethnic group is also, why? Is this related to their high intelligence? The brain worm will also do a lot of strange movements, but Lin can understand why it does, but Tucker's action, Lin is completely unintelligible, they seem to have no meaning at all, but they just like to do... ...

Tucker jumped for about a hundred seconds, then he squatted on the ground. He pointed his head to the tree, and then his mouth touched the ground. Because the station was behind, its mouth did not reach into the water.

After doing this series of actions, it shouted to the tree again: "Hey!" After that, nothing was done.

Tucker was standing at the beginning. It had been standing at the tree for nearly 10,000 seconds, then took a break and drank some water from the pocket.

Then I was staring at the tree all the time.

It didn't seem to want to go out, and didn't want to go find it. It stayed here, staring at the egg and the Du Mesa tree.

In this way, a day and night has passed, and Tucker has never moved, although sometimes it will move the body. But there is no intention to leave...

After two days and nights. Lin found that Tuck’s body became obviously weak. Although it doesn't eat food and doesn't move for a long time, if you don't drink water... maybe it won't be a few days and nights...

Even if Tucker understands this, it just doesn't move... It seems to have the idea of ​​wanting to die? In addition to breeding, the average creature is basically the most important to their own life, but why is Tucker like this? That egg is not born of it, and Lynn is really wondering why there is a good egg there.

At this time, Lin has been slowly moving the troops from the roots to the trunk. Because it grows while fighting, it takes a long time. At this time, a large number of Lin's troops have gathered into a ball in the trunk and began to absorb the surrounding nutrients for growth.

It takes some time to grow to the pterosaurs. After all, the Dumeisha tree is not to be supported. It not only attacks with swords, but also secretes a lot of toxins, and is determined to drive away this 'parasite'.

At the same time, Lin wants to form a new unit, which is not the same as the previous pterosaur.

And also want to see... Tucker will have limits? Will it stay here until now? Or will you look for food in an unbearable situation?

This seems quite interesting, this creature is full of unknown behavior.

Next is the third day and night... during this period. Tucker still does not move, Lin found that there will be some Maoyu occasionally ran here. These hairy jade are more interesting, some will go to drink the water on the ground, and then be petrified, while some of the older looking Maoyu knows not to drink water.

It seems that Maoyu also grows by learning. This way is not suitable for the small-scale species with a fast pace of life, and the mutton ants seem to never come here. It seems that they understand this place very well. Danger.

And Tucker didn't even bother to catch them when he watched them grow in front of him. It was still there... in a daze.

It has no special emotions. Lin even suspects that it is poisoned, but in fact it has no problem with the body, just in a daze.

At present, it is not weak to a certain extent, so we need to continue to observe.

Lin also let the pilots wander around, and found that the body of the white dragon has begun to rot. For these two white dragons, Lin thinks that they were fleeing separately for a certain reason, they may be doing a 'gambling '.

Gambling is to hope that Tucker will drink the water from the Dumeisha tree that infiltrates the petrochemical toxin, but if the two of them escape in one direction, Tucker will catch up and the roots of the Dumeisha tree will follow, so that they will die together. ......

So, two white dragons flee separately, do they use one of them as a sacrifice to let the other survive? I feel very correct, but they don't seem to think of Lin's pterosaur as Tucker's companion.

As for other problems, they have not yet been clarified, such as those skeletons that have been eaten by a large number of minced ants, as well as a large pile of fragments and a complete egg...

On the fourth day and night, Tucker has shown a more obvious state of weakness, mainly the symptoms of dehydration, but it still has no intention of leaving.

On the fifth day and night, Tuck was still there, staring at the eggs and the trees, motionless.

Is it waiting for this egg to hatch? However, Lynn speculates that this thing may take dozens of days and nights to hatch. Tucker is obviously hard to live until that time... If this continues...

On the sixth day and night, the leader of the outside dragon group had left with the other members of the group. They stayed there for a few nights and nights in the place where Tucker and Lin fell, but eventually they did not find a way to go, so they planned to leave. .

But Tucker still looks like this.

The seventh day and night.

Lin felt that perhaps she should end her observation. Tucker really wanted to die here. Lin didn't know what the motives for this move were. Maybe it was related to that egg? No matter how much, it is now dying. The weak one looks like a white dragon. It is thin and weak, the whole body is weak, and the head is on the verge of almost stopping. It seems that it is time to come out...

"Oh..." The trunk of the Du Mesa tree slowly split, and a large amount of juice spattered out of it. Tucker, who was almost in a coma, suddenly became a little nervous and wanted to prop up. Body, but there is no such power.

Among the bursting trunks, a tentacle stretched out first, it squeezed the bark on both sides, opened the crack bigger, and then the whole body was drilled out...

The creature slowly floated in the air, and as it slowly approached Tucker, its look became more and more tense.


The creature emits the same sound as the pterosaur, which Lin used to call it so often, after hearing it... fainted.

It seems very very excited.

The creature pierces the tentacles into Tucker's body and injects Tucker's massive nutrients from the Domesha tree.

It is estimated that it will be fine soon... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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