4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2001: Distant lens

"Oh... it’s here!"

Here is the depths of the college. .

Lin and Bilu... There is also a goose moving slowly.

Along the way, the geese played a wonderful effect, whether it was an elevator, a gate, or something else that had already been shut down by the college. It would start immediately under the touch of the goose and open the way for it. .

Many of the equipment here is not a college, but a research group, but the college did not throw it away, or left them here.

Lin has tried before, and there is no way to open these things with the cells of the research group. It is obvious... This goose does have something special.

This should be related to the dream energy in it. Perhaps it is a special role created by the research team, unlike other birds.

"I can feel it! Hey! It is calling me! It is calling me! I want to start my great mission here, that is to put all your races on the clips! Oh...hey..."

The scream of the goose stopped because of the blade that was in front of his neck. Bilu said: "I want to eat a delicious duck neck."

"I am not a low-level creature like a duck! I am a goose... Hey! I know! I will listen to you!"

The goose screamed as he walked to the front of a large door, and it touched it with his wings, and the door slowly opened.

This position...is a staff room in the underground training ground, and Lin feels that it should be the place to monitor.

Because the door is open, you can see that there are many stereoscopic image devices on the surrounding walls, which are of course closed.

"Oh! It is here, I can see the great truth here!"

The geese seem to have some brains because of the dream energy in the body...the idea that these ideas lead it to this place.

It went to the center of the room, poked the floor of the room with a slap, and the surrounding image instantly lit up.

"Hey! It belongs to me! That is my future! That is... Hey!"

The geese looked excitedly at the pictures around them, and Lin and Bilu looked at the surroundings with some wonder.

The pictures displayed around... are a large group of birds, all of which are exactly geese, they are chasing the Ershi people...

Ershi people screamed in horror, and they were chased by the geese. They all fled into the oven. The outside geese closed the oven and looked at the fearful face of Ershi people. Rattle.

This seems to be... the geese's imagination, because after the dew went over and patted its head, the pictures disappeared.

"What are you doing! You dare to bother me wrong!"

The goose looked at the blade of the dew and was scared to the side. Bilu said to it: "You should not bring us here... just to see your fantasies?"

"Oh? Of course not!" Goose said quickly: "I brought you here to...this!"

After it was finished, the surrounding picture flashed again and slowly showed the picture.

Lin found that the surrounding picture was triggered by the dream ability in its body, but the goose itself did not know what was going on, but it felt that as long as you tried to imagine it would appear.

This time, all the pictures show a starry sky. At first, nothing seems to be...

But slowly, a pipe-like object appeared in the starry sky of all the pictures.

"This is..." The surprised voice was heard.

"Oh! Yes, that's it, this is... oh... what?"

The goose looked at the picture with some horror: "What is this? I don't want to see this!"


Lin looked at this starry sky... Why is the pipeline here?

Thinking, Lin looked at the goose again.

"Hey? Why?" Goose quickly stepped back a few steps: "I know! Hey! You think I'm useless now, so I want to eat me?"

Lynn thinks this goose is very strange. It seems to have a lot of its own... logic and ideas. Generally speaking, it is not possible to raise a low-intellectual species to a very high level of intelligence. At least it will take a long time. Learning... will have all sorts of such ideas.

However, it has obviously not been studied.

No matter how much, Lin grabbed the geese and tested it on the brain... and then lost it, and then examined the image devices next to it.

After the test... Lin can almost confirm the relationship between them.

The video device here does require the activation of the dream energy activation... It has several functions inside.

One is to imagine that, as I just did, I can display the contents of the goose brain, which seems to be displayed only when the mood is happy.

The first goose came here very happy, so it showed the contents of its brain, but after being beaten by the dew... the content is not displayed.

Then there is the function of playing the internally recorded image. This function has not been triggered yet.

The last one is... connect somewhere else and play the scenery elsewhere.

This is also... what you see now, it shows Midgart...not the content of the record, but the instant.

Now it shows that Midgart is somewhere in the void, and the starry sky in this position...Lin knows.

In fact, Lin was seen not long ago, because in the void not far away, Lin has been chasing the research group.

In the process of chasing, Lin also saw the same starry sky as here.

It seems that the pipeline is not far away.

And this pipeline should be no longer a 'soul', and the consciousness of Midgarth is because the research group started the generator, so it is in the solidification void.

"Veronica classmates..."

At this time, Bilu suddenly said: "Is there going to happen again? This world... the ruined thing?"

"I don't want to meet again... this kind of thing..."

Although Bilu did not directly look at the previous Ershi was decomposed by Midgart, but later Lin also told it some.

It seems that I am more concerned about this matter...

“It’s hard to say.” Lin said: “Look at what they do.”

"Vironica classmates..." Billy said the name softly, but then it didn't say anything, just quietly... looking at the picture.

"It seems like the receiver is connected."

At this time, a sound appeared in the picture.

"Strange, is the plan not canceled? Why is the receiver still connected?"

"I don't know, there is a large number of equipment left in the underground of the college. It didn't seem to have time to move away... I didn't plan to move it later because they couldn't start."

"But isn't it starting now?"

"Yes, but that's not the college started, but...how are they there too?"

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