"Where is this? How can there be so many... pieces?"

"The spaceship cemetery is nothing more than strange."

"Isn't that strange? There is that... you see what it is!"

Here is the void.

It is also a special place.

There are a lot of debris floating around the void, some of them look like large metal, and some look like rocks.

The smallest is only a few meters, the largest is hundreds of meters, like a small island.

An aircraft of more than two hundred meters, known as the '11 Type Nether Exploration Ship', is slowly advancing in this environment.

Their mission is to track and find Midgart. It is reasonable to say that such a huge pipeline is easy to find, but...

In fact, it is not that simple.

"No signal... Why is such a large object disappearing?"

The role known as the captain is looking at the huge screen in front of the main control room in the exploration ship.

The screen shows the scenery outside, pieces of debris swept past its ship, and the brilliance of the stars shimmered in the gaps between the pieces.

There are no traces of any targets, which makes them quite...sadly.

Not long ago, the team of the research team made a fierce attack on Midgart, but before the attack, Midgart moved.

This seems to be an automatic transmission, and the research team quickly captured the location it was transmitting and chased it.

Then... they are sent to this place, and after they are transmitted, they lose the signal of the exact position of the pipe.

They have no way of knowing where the target is, and only what they can see is the debris that floats everywhere.

In order to find Midgart, the research team dispatched many such exploration ships to be scattered here, which is one of them.

Because this expedition ship is a bit special, Lin and Bilu are also paying attention to it.

"Veronica's classmate... It seems that the pipe is hidden!"

Lin and Bilu, now looking at the situation by exploring two small moving machines inside the ship, these two machines look like... The younger son of Ershimin, who was discovered underground in the college before, can pass the dream energy Connect to this machine.

Moreover, Lynn also found a head-mounted controller, so it can be directly at the college... control the two machines.

This machine originally seemed to be used for geese, because the geese can also be connected, but the machine it controls is a goose-shaped small machine.

The members of the research team here have no special reaction to Lin and Bilu, and their attention is mainly on finding pipes.

"Now there is no reaction to capture any giant objects, captain, will it not be here?"

Now, Lin can see that all the crew around him are confused. They have conducted a number of wide-area searches just now, but they have not found any objects that match the size of the pipe.

"...I don't know, there is no news above." The captain said: "We have to move on."

The captain’s words allowed the expedition ship to continue to fly to the depths of the debris pile.

Although there were many different kinds of debris around, there was nothing special about it... So when Lin was quite idle, I asked the captain about the details of their previous attack on Midgart.

The captain said that this was a big and complicated operation, and it was just a small task... that is to send the geese out.

The main role of the goose in the previous attack is to let it locate the dream.

Mainly through the dream energy to locate some space coordinates around Midgart, the captain also said that it is not clear about the details.

However, it is known that it is not easy for Ershi people to accomplish this task. The reason seems to be that Midgart has recorded the relationship of the species of Ershimin. The geese are not recorded. They belong to the newly emerged intelligent creatures, so they can task.

The general situation is this... but in the end how it is positioned, what is it to do, and why the creatures that have just emerged can... These captains don’t know.

It said that the special weapons used to deal with the pipeline had only a few members of the research team to fully understand how they operate.

As for most of the members, they only perform tasks according to the order. They only need to know where they want to go to do something.

Because of this... there is no way to know the details of the previous attack.

But now if you don't find the pipeline again, then the previous attack is likely to have no meaning...

"Captain! Look, what is it!"

Suddenly, the speed of the exploration ship slowed down because of the large islands in the piles of debris in front.

It is more than a kilometer in size, and...

It doesn't look too normal, because the island is covered with green plants and there are many low-rise buildings... it's like a floating island.

But it has only one side, and the other side is made of rock.

"What happened?" the captain said: "Is there a creature on it?"

When the captain said this, the expedition ship was getting closer and closer to the island, and it was indeed possible to see the island's surface grow a lot... Most of the plant species that can be seen on Ershi are small plants.

The building above, like the building of Ershimin, looks like brickwork.

"This is very strange, the captain..." An operator said: "Would you like to send the expedition team to the top to see?"

"No, although it's weird, I can't waste time here, bypassing it and moving on."

After that, the expedition ship headed for the other side, but when passing through the island... Lin said to the captain.

"Let's go check it out."

"Yes! Let's go see it!" said the machine controlled by Lulu.

"You... well."

The captain had no objection to this, it directly let Lin and Bilu leave the ship...

Lin and Bilu landed on the island with the propulsion device that came in the body.

"Vironica classmates, there seems to be air here!"

After being within 100 meters of the island, you can feel... the island is wrapped in a layer of air.

But these airs are not a common mixture of gas on Ershi, but a kind of...

It is a poisonous gas for Ershimin.

However, it seems that there is no harm to these plants.

Because they are not real, they are fake plants made of materials like ‘plastic’.

Both the appearance and the details are quite good. From the distance, it is almost the same as the real one. However, if you are close, you can see it.

Why is there such a strange place here?

Lynn embraced this idea...and walked into a recent building.

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