4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 41: Continue to explore



Deep in the dark cave, a white fluffy floating sphere is slowly advancing with a dragon, the ground is covered with eggshell fragments, and the dry air is filled with rotten smell. Did not explore completely, so came here with Tucker.

Lin's pompoms emit more light than the pterosaurs, and they can also be used to match the brightness. It is very convenient. At the same time, Lin is also teaching it a variety of vocabulary. Lin does not need it to understand the meaning. Need to follow, Lin wants to see how many sounds Tucker's vocal cords can make.

Lin found that Tucker could make more sounds than previously predicted, but their biological pronunciation is very troublesome. The brainworm has a separate sound capsule, and the dragon has many limitations because the vocal cord is in the throat.

If you find the limit, you may try to make a look at it. Some minor adjustments may make a richer sound.

There is no need for a transformation now.

"Cave!" Tucker knocked on the ground full of eggshell fragments, and made a 'beep' sound, then it immediately opened the eggshells, and found a lot of ground on the ground under the eggshells. crack.

Tucker slammed the cracks, and as the sound rang, all the cracks cracked together, and a cave appeared in front of Tucker.

"Hey!" Tucker screamed excitedly at Lin, and then entered the cave.

The emotion of Tucker's exploration of the cave is much higher than that of Lin. This is related to the white dragon. There may be hidden dragons here. Tucker still wants to kill the white dragon here.

Maybe before, did its ethnic group and Bai Longlong have any wars? The dragon on land should be a race that runs around. They lived in one place for a while. Then go to the next place, which makes them very easy to conflict with other creatures, Aztec is like this with the brainworm population...

The cave in front is dark and narrow, and Lin doesn't know how long it will take. Lin is now paying attention to the island of fungi.

The war on the island of fungi can be said to be ... quite calm, the phage is slowly covering the entire island, and the fungus is constantly digesting itself, recently. Lin found that they almost digested the mushrooms of the entire island, and now they only have some withered shells.

And they are not flying away or escaping from the sea. Lin estimates that the digested parts actually penetrate deep into the depths of the island, but they are so secretive that even a trace is hard to find, but Lynn I have recently decided to dig this island to see.

But there is nothing very urgent about it at the moment.

Now back here, Lin's pompoms and Tucker have been walking underground for thousands of seconds. The caves here are very strange. The surrounding cave walls and the ground are relatively flat, just like creatures dug out.

On both sides of the road. Occasionally you can see some sharp stones, or some dinosaur bones. Most are corners or claws.

When Tuck sees these things, there is an angry mood, where it goes faster and faster, and as the road becomes more and more spacious, there are more things around.

It is like a variety of wooden thorns for hunting, some black wood, some small bone pieces that are strung together, and holes with carved marks.

In the end, Tucker reached a strange area, this place... eggs are everywhere on the ground.

It was exactly the same as the white dragon egg that Lin had seen before, and the eggs were complete. When Tuck saw the eggs, they immediately took one of them with their claws and then squatted on the ground.

The ‘啪’ egg is broken and the inside is empty.

This egg may have been put on for a long time, the flesh and blood inside has long gone, and even the outer shell has become very fragile. The eggs that Lin sees before are not so easy to break.

Then Tucker picked up the eggs around them one by one, and smashed them one by one. With a burst of cracks, a large number of eggs were crushed by it, but all the eggs were empty.

Lin knows that Tuck just wants to kill them. He doesn't want to stay alive, and it is very careful, one by one, for fear of missing eggs.

Lin didn't care about it, drifting into the depths of this cave.

Lin found that there were eggs everywhere in the cave. There may be hundreds of them. Lin slowly floats on these eggs and observes them. Most of them seem to be randomly thrown on the ground, but both With a complete look, Lynn also saw that an egg had split into two halves, and there was a small skeleton at a distance of more than one meter from the egg.

This baby seems to have died after he has not climbed far after birth. Most biological cubs have a full set of life skills when they are born, but the dragons are different. If there is no elder protection, it will not last long...

But the question is, how long has it died?

The pompons floated on the skeleton, and some pieces of the tentacles that had been swallowed were bitten and some fragments of the skeleton were swallowed and decomposed, judging from the state inside... This seems to have died for 90 days and nights.

Feeling according to the outside state, it seems to be a little short, and then Lin found some similar cubs in the vicinity, they basically died in the ground climbing posture, and they all climbed in one direction...

Lin drifted in the direction of their climb. I saw more and more skeletons on the ground. It seems that many eggs in this area have been successfully hatched. So most of the eggs here were once 'live'. Finally, Lin saw the young. On the ground where the bones gather, there is also a skeleton of an adult dragon.

This dragon is a posture on the ground, its forelimbs tightly holding the skeleton of a baby...

It seems that something happened here, let them all die here, and this dragon looks like Tucker, and is waiting to die there.

Things here seem to be getting more complicated...

Lin flew over these cheekbones. In the second half of the cave, there were not so many eggs on the ground, and there were a lot of broken, some wood thorns and sharp stones, and even some incomplete adult dragon skeletons. It looks like it has been fighting.

Lin flew to the end of the cave. The wall here was flat. It was covered with a lot of dust. When Lin took a light shot, they sprinkled like rain, and there was a cracked wall.

Maybe there is a passage behind here...

The pompom sticks out of a thicker tentacles, and is preparing to squat on the wall...

"Oh!" Suddenly, there was a scream from Tucker that interrupted the tentacle movement. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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