4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 43: Childhood shadow

It is a distant and ancient legend...

In fact, it is not a legend. It should be a real thing that can be almost completely confirmed.

This is when Tucker is still a cub, it wanders around with the tribes, hunting, and still young, it is constantly learning skills, living in this era of monsters everywhere, the need for incomparably powerful capabilities.

Xiaolong has a specific name for each dragon, just as the brainworm has different names, but there is no name between different tribes, so Lin calls their tribes ‘losters’.

This is also related to the tribal habits of Xiaolong. Their races are so living, they have no place to live, wandering around, chasing prey and living.

The Xiaolong tribe usually consists of a leader and ten to fifty members. If the number is too large, it will separate and form a new tribe. The tribes will rarely come and go, and will almost never meet, but if they encounter the dragons of the order, They will accept it to join the tribe.

Tuck's tribe is a tribe of about 30 dragons. The cubs will learn all kinds of knowledge with the elders of the ethnic group for about three years, and then they can basically hunt themselves.

The shape of the dragon is not very strong compared with other dinosaurs. It can even be said to be small, so they usually prefer to live in the dry wasteland. There are more small and medium-sized dinosaurs in the wasteland, but it is safer to say that the wasteland is safe. The lack of water, the trap plants grow, the huge worms travel through the ground, and the danger is everywhere.

This is especially true for a small dragon tribe.

Tucker, who is still a cub, is hunting with the tribes today. Usually the cubs will follow the mother who produced it, but the dragon is a little different. Their ethnic group will pile the eggs together. Then the cubs born are raised together. There are no specific dragons to take care of them.

Under the sun, the 'Rogues' group is besieging a Dome Dragon, they rarely attack such huge prey, but they are now in good fate, encountering an older and single-dragon dome, Tucker And the other cubs are hiding behind a stone, watching the leader attack with the people.

The other scorpions of the ethnic group used wooden thorns to puncture the abdomen of the Dome Dragon to encircle the behemoth, and eventually the leader slammed the thorn. Piercing the throat of the Dome Dragon, the body weighing more than 30 tons crashed down on the ground, and all the people, including Tucker, made a cheering voice.

However, they didn't celebrate much time. The dragons immediately took out the stones or the wood thorns to cut the meat of the dome dragon. They couldn't carry away this huge creature, so it was necessary to collect as much meat as possible.

But the screams of the Dome Dragon before the death spread on the wilderness. Within a few tens of kilometers nearby, every creature with a good hearing can know, and those who have a good sense of smell can even smell the dragons. The smell of blood flowing out of the meat.

There are countless carnivorous creatures in this era. But the biggest danger comes from the air.

A large number of small pterosaurs hovered over the body of the Dome. Suddenly, they all spread out, at the same time, a huge creature from the sky, its wings obscured the sun's glory, in the shadow of it, all creatures fled in horror.

Tucker already understood this truth when he remembered: "When the sky is covered by shadows, you must flee in desperation."

But it didn't seem to remember at this time. Tucker watched the dragon dive down from the sky and landed on the body of the Dome Dragon. All the dragons fled and immediately fled.

In this era, the dragon is one of the most powerful predators. It is huge, wearing armor and vomiting flames, but it is only looking for food, and will not chase these thin dragons and give up the dome. The body of the dragon.

Tucker quickly reacted and began to run away with the ethnic groups, but the reaction of the dragon was unusual. It did not stay there to eat the Dome Dragon, but flew again to the sky and chased the runaway dragons. When they approached the dragons, a raging fire came out, and several dragons instantly turned into a burnt body in the flames, including the leader who also died at this moment.

The dragon's goal is entirely their ethnic group, and the remaining dragons fled in horror. The dragon landed on the ground and jumped from the back of the body with several white dragons scattered around to chase Tucker. Ethnic groups, piercing their hearts with wooden thorns, whether they are adult or young.

Although they are small in number, with the help of the dragon, Tuck’s ethnic group did not even have the chance to fight back.

Tucker himself was saved because he was hiding in a group of giant tortoises.

After that, only Tucker himself was left in the desert, because with the giant tortoise, it did not suffer from the predation of carnivores. Later, it joined a group of dragons in the desert and became one of them. Live the life before.

Tucker always thought about his former ethnic group. When the baby was not fully mature, he had a great dependence on the ethnic group.

However, this new ethnic group also died because of a dragon attack on a certain hunting trip. At this time, Tucker and some other dragons managed to escape. At this time, it was remembered. Those who ride on the back of the dragon are all like salt. Generally pale white dragon.

Bai Xiaolong is extremely fearful of Tucker and other deserted Ganlong tribes. They often drive the dragons to drive these wandering dragons and kill them.

Tucker grew up in an environment that avoided the shadows in the air. With an occasional chance, Tucker saw the nest of the white dragon, they built the nest with wood on the higher stone pillars, and Tucker also discovered that the dragon was also Produced in this place.

Later, in an attack, Tucker and the ethnic group dispersed. It reached the jungle and joined a group of dragons there.

Since then, it has never seen the dragon and the white dragon, but Tucker still remembers them.

Lin's pompoms retracted the flat tentacles with the display function, and Tucker's history seems to have been confirmed.

In fact, there are not many words that Tucker understands. Some scenes are thought out by Lin, and then placed on the display to let Tucker see it.

Because Lin had already guessed it almost, so it was almost always correct. In short, Bai Haolong was a ‘air group’ riding a dragon. They would kill if they saw Tucker’s ‘Wandering Dragon’.

It doesn't seem to be eating, but Tucker said that the white dragon would eat them.

These white dragons have great advantages, the most important thing is not knowing why they have reached a symbiotic relationship with Feilong.

They used to seem to swim in the air, but now the white dragons are dead under the ground, and even the dragons are extinct.

This is obviously related to fungi... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~ The monthly ticket of the 胤~

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