‘Hey! ’

A figure is like a mouse, but only the creatures of both limbs... flew out.

It hit the wall heavily and stopped moving on the ground.

However, Lin did not pay attention to it, but paid attention to the next... another five ‘rats’.

They are now coming together to Lynn's Veronica.

The blade that slammed at high speed slammed, and Lin quickly reached out and grabbed the body of a rat that was stabbed in front.

It suddenly slammed the blade and cut a large piece of meat on Lynn's arm.

Around the other mice also pierced the blade into the abdomen, back, legs and other positions, Lin can feel ...

It hurts.

But because of this, they couldn't pull out the blade, and Lin quickly twisted the neck of the mouse on the hand... it stopped moving.

This creature is similar to a real mouse. It is head-based, and then Lin grabs it and uses its head blade to stab the mouse that is stuck around the body.

They are now writhing their blades and want to cut more meat on Lynn's Veronica.

But before that, Lynn pierced them one by one with their similar blades, including the one behind, and Lin could twist his arm to an abnormal angle to pierce it.

Then quickly twisted the arm back.

After all the rats that had stabbed him were solved, Lin looked around.

It seems that... it’s safe, it’s safe for the time being, and the bodies and wrecks can be seen everywhere, including the Ershimin...the mouse.

The bodies of Ershimin occupied most of them, but they were not completely slaughtered. When they were frightened and fleeing, these Ershi people also trampled a lot of rats, so it was not too many mice to attack Lin.

These mouse-like creatures have a sharp, vibrating blade on their heads, but their bodies are still very fragile.

As for the others, most of them are Lin and ... than Lulu solved.

Now Veronica's lungs and stomach, calf thighs and arms are pierced, and Lyne can feel that these organs are constantly sending information about the pain to the brain.

In general, Ershi people have already died, but Lin has stopped bleeding and repaired these wounds.

At the same time, Lin also came to Bilu.

Bilu is now also in a pile of corpses. It is mainly pierced by three mouths in the abdomen, and the whole body is also cut into a blade... very blurred bright red.

However, except for the abdomen's mouth, the other is just the damage on the surface of the skin. The most important thing is that it is still alive, and this kind of injury can still be revived.

After all, I didn't hurt my brain.

Thinking, Lin put his hand on the position where Pei was pierced, and then slowly healed it.

Lin is not only treating the dew, but Lin is still paying attention to the smaller Ershi people who are hurting around, and then save them.

Lin also wants to know some of their situation from these people.

But... Lin soon noticed that it couldn’t stay for a long time because the walls here... became transparent.

In fact, from the time when the mouse broke in, the walls of the whole place slowly became transparent.

Now that I can fully understand the situation outside, I can see that a large group of mice are coming out of the street outside.

Should... leave here first.

However, they are not rushing at full speed, and Lin feels that there are still hundreds of seconds.

Lin went to the corner to get three protective suits, put on one of them... and also wore one for Bilu.

Another one is for Ershimin. Lin found that a relatively small Ershi people had a small degree of injury and was easy to save.

After putting them on, Lin dragged them out of the back door.

There are many entrances and exits in this building, which can be said to be in all directions. However, most of the streets outside the entrance and exit have mice, so Lin chose an entrance without a mouse.

Dragging them, Lin walked into the empty street.

Lin looked back and found that a large number of mice had entered the building, and they were not interested in the body.

Even if they don't completely die, they won't want to go up a lot more, but they will look around, and soon... they noticed the Lin who was dragging two Ershi people out.

Then, they all came to the entrance and exit where Lin walked.

It seems that they want to kill all of them, and one does not stay.

Lin immediately dragged two and quickly ran, followed by a large group of mice, and their number was hundreds... This number is unlikely to fight them.

However, their speed is not very fast, at least not really fast mice, they are two-legged creatures, and because the blade of the head causes the body to be less balanced, it is difficult to run faster.

Lynn thinks that they should be weapons of a certain creature, perhaps a corpse worm, rather than an independently evolved species.

But they obviously don't just use the tactics of chasing.

Lin suddenly saw a few mice appearing on the road ahead, and they slammed as soon as they appeared.

‘Hey! ’

Lin waved her hand in the dew, and flew the first mouse out, then waved another Ershi... and flew a mouse.

When Lin continued to fly these mice, she continued to move forward, and there were always mice jumping out of the surrounding houses. The number of these mice was small, and they all rushed to attack when they met, and Lin took them one. All of them are flying out.

Use Ershimin and Bilu.

This kind of tactic seems to be very effective. Lynn has been running hundreds of meters away, and those mice are not close to each other, but the number of these creatures is increasing...

"Veronica... Veronica classmates!" After Lin used a dew and flew a mouse, Bilu suddenly made an exclamation, and he woke up.

So Lin put down the dew.

"It hurts..." Bilu said with a belly: "Vironica classmates, we are still... alive?"

"Now still alive," Lin said.

"They...there are so many!" Biro jumped up and saw the situation around him: "Vironica classmates... I always wanted to say this sentence!"

Bilu looked at Lin and said with a smile: "Give it to me here! Go ahead!"

After that, it rushed over to the large group of mice that had been chased in the back, waving their blades... and fighting them together.

"Veronica, what are you doing!" After two cuts, Bielu turned back and said, "Come on! I will hand it over to me! I will block them!"

And Lynn is still in place...

"You don't have to go." Lin said: "This is where... can be positioned."

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