4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2052: Burning creature

The change of the second thousand fifty-two chapters

"This is the legendary island...the island of burning!"

"The island of burning? It is not burning."

"Not because it is burning, because the burning creatures are found here!"

Under the bright sunshine, a ship docked on the edge of an island.

A group of people dressed in bright costumes... The creature known as the Emerald Dragon left the ship and stepped on the beaches of the island.

"Oh... are you all down?"

Leading the group of bright emerald dragons is a dragon dressed by a soldier. He looked at the group of dragons who came down from the boat and said, "This is a place without danger, but please be sure to keep up with me so as not to go. Losing the incident, if it happens we are... certainly not responsible."

"Well, don't be embarrassed." A dragon with a gemstone beetle necklace on his neck said to it: "Where are you talking about burning creatures?"

"Oh... of course it is deep in the island." The soldier dressed up the dragon said: "Please come with me, I will introduce the wonderful things here."

"Our great captain Gabriès, who was driving his beloved ship on the ocean as usual, but... the sea suddenly burst into a storm, its terrible power to make the waves churn, but our captain did not admit defeat."

The soldier dragon proudly said its story: "It is trying to drive the ship..."

But a voice interrupted it: "Hey! It's a burning creature!"

“Hey?” The soldier was very dissatisfied with the interruption, but it quickly noticed that all the dragons were looking in one direction.

Then it looked in that direction, only in the sky above the jungle, flying a ... burning creature.

It looks like a huge bird, the wings of the burning wings are more than ten meters wide, it is flying in the air, the beautiful figure attracts the attention of many dragons here.

"What the **** is that... It's like a dream scene. It's a new discovery!"

When the dragons sighed, suddenly there was such a voice: "Come on it! It must be worth the shell!"

‘Hey! With this voice, several arrows were shot from the dragon group to the burning creature.

"Wait!" the soldier yelled quickly: "You can only watch, you can't attack!"

However, it was too late, and the arrow had hit the creature in the sky, but at the moment of being hit, the creature turned into a flash of light and disappeared into the sky.

"How did it disappear? Is it an illusion? But we all saw it!"

The voice of doubt kept ringing, but no dragon knew what was going on, the soldier... certainly didn’t know.

The dragon dressed by this soldier is actually just a crew member of the fleet. They recently found burning creatures on the island. When the crew shouted to catch the creature, the captain emerged another The idea, that is... bring some of the people in the city to the sea to visit this brand new creature to earn travel expenses.

This method is very feasible, because they have observed this creature for a long time and found that it has no threat, just flying around in the sky.

But... it’s being beaten now.

"Hey! Which arrow was just shot!" The soldier looked angrily at the dragon group: "Do you know that this is..."

When the soldiers had not finished speaking, another dragon stood up and said: "This is wild, why can't you fight?"

"You...oh! This is not yours!"

"...have they lost that creature?"

The dragons here did not notice that there is a different individual in their bodies.

Although it looks like other emerald dragons, it is actually... machine structure.

Maya and the patriarch are observing the situation through this jade dragon machine.

"How can they shoot the creature directly? This is definitely not a normal phenomenon."

"The creatures themselves are not normal. They don't know where they came from. They shouldn't be random."

"Where did they come from?"

"It's hard to say, it may be the kind of creature we have seen before, and they seem to be on the other side."

"Which side is it?"

"The world of Inca swarms... let's go there and see."

............ At the same time, on the other side of the distance.........

This is a green world.

The lush vegetation grows on the ground, the sound of creatures echoing in the jungle, and the rain clouds gathered in the sky are pouring into the ground with countless water droplets... They form a torrent of flooding on the ground, flooding one after another in the jungle. Trees.

"This has become like this."

The Master and Maya did not...come to this place personally, they only saw the situation through a mechanical eyeball floating in the sky.

This world is currently known as the world of Inca.

That's because the Inca swarms are no longer living on the pompons, but are all transferred to the brand new world near the pompons.

They have transformed this world, and the way it is transformed... is to refer to the creator's method.

Let countless creatures evolve and grow in this world, forming a complex ecology. The insects will select special creatures from among them, evolve powerful creatures and incorporate them into their own populations.

However, there must have been no such creatures in this world.

Looking at the eyeballs in the sky, you can see that there is a special species flying in the sky here.

It is the same as the creature that Emerald Dragon saw before. It is like a burning bird, flying peacefully in heavy rain.

"Fast, follow it!"

The mechanical eyeball flew to the burning creature, and it seemed to notice that the eyeball was close and began to fly away.

The sky was raining heavily, and there was a violent storm, and the creature seemed to have not been affected. It was flying fast... farther and farther.

"Don't you knock it down? No, it might disappear."

The eyeball continues to keep track...but it has not continued.

After chasing a few hundred meters, the creature disappeared, as if it had been quenched by rain, and disappeared without a trace.

"It is very suspicious."

“It seems that they only appear in these places.”

"What does that mean?"

"It means... we have to solve this suspicious phenomenon."

"How do you solve it? Investigate its source and then shred its source?"

"Almost, these strange creatures may pose a threat to our world."

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