4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 45: Convergence

"Hey!" The leader yelled nervously as he pointed at Lin's pompoms, and continually greeted Tucker. At this time, the seemingly weak ethnic groups all rushed up in a moment of urgency, holding stones. And the wood thorns tried to surround Lin’s pompoms...

"Beep!" Tucker quickly swayed his forelegs and shouted: "Pterosaur, Pterosaur!"

"Pterosaur?" The leader suddenly stopped after hearing it, and then Tucker rushed forward, saying a lot of words seem to be trying to explain with the leader.

At this time, the pompoms used the tentacles to pull out the wood thorns from the body, and the thorns almost fell into the fluff. This group of velvet linings increased the muscles in particular, and it was free to control, but there was a small spike that pierced the meat. The power of that leader is quite big.

Under Tucker's 'interpretation', the leader seemed to understand slowly what the pompom is, and its emotions began to become more and more surprised. Then Tucker used stones to draw on the ground, the sum of the paintings. The same as what Lynn saw under the ground, it describes the process of pterosaurs reborn from the light.

It seems that the people of Xiaolong are quite convinced of this matter. Although the leader has not painted, the leader also understands Tucker’s meaning. He looks at Lin’s pompom with incomparably surprised thoughts, then turns and shouts at the ethnic group: "Hey! Ancient!"

Then, the leader turned and began to rush towards the distance.

The leader ran quite fast, and it ran with incomparably excited emotions, and its figure quickly disappeared into the salt... no more.

In her previous conversation with Tucker, Lin learned that this behavior seems to be called 'exile,' when something wrong with a dragon in the community. For example, accidentally hurting a companion while hunting. Doing something when not suitable leads to the introduction of carnivorous creatures and so on. You must leave the group, and the leaver can't come back, but you can look for other dragons, even the leader.

Their habits...feeling quite interesting, it seems to enhance the ability of this group to cooperate.

The lord also shot Tucker, but because Tucker was not their ethnic group at the time, and Lin felt that there was something wrong with the act of 'exile,' and the leader did not make any mistakes. It is obviously correct to attack a pompom that looks strange.

Maybe this needs to be changed. This should be one of the things that Lin wants to teach them. Now it is not necessary to call back the leader. If you let Tucker become the leader, it will be easier to teach them.

All the dragons have no objections. They seem to know the meaning of what the leader is doing. They will miss this leader, but they will not show it.

All of the dragons saw that Tucker and Lin were quite happy. They all gathered around, but it seemed to be too weak. The dragons did not perform dances and other movements. Some dragons had scars that were scratched by sharp objects. Lynn thinks they were attacked by some kind of creature.

When the dragons were excited for a while, they began to show some soft phenomena. They are quite weak and need to be supplemented with energy. However, there are salt fields and huge poisonous plants around them. This plant is called 'Tucker'. "Hou's has the meaning of forbidden touch. Lin prefers to call it 'water tower'. It can store a lot of water. Of course, it is also very poisonous in the water. Although this plant does not prey on creatures, it is dare to Bite your own creatures will never leave the other person alive.

Lynn is an exception.

The pompoms are near a water tower, and a large number of tiny tentacles are plunged into the large plant weighing about five tons, and the large amount of liquid inside is continuously sucked. This neurotoxin is generally ineffective to Lin because of the velvet. The ball has no nerves at all. Lin can easily filter and transform. Finally, the purified water and plant meat are made into a small ball and released from the other tentacle.

The surrounding dragons looked puzzled and seemed to feel quite strange.

Lin piled the ball out on the ground and said to Tucker: "Food."

After Tucker heard no doubts, he immediately grabbed it and put it in his mouth. After chewing for a second, it suddenly shouted excitedly!

According to the taste of Xiaolong, Lin has specially adjusted the feeling that they feel 'good to eat', mainly because there are some ingredients in it to stimulate their taste nerves. The effect seems to be very good.

When other Snapdragons saw Tucker eating the plant, they immediately went around to eat. Within a few seconds, they completely ate the balls.

This highly nutritious ball can be absorbed quickly, even without dissolving it. This group of dragons instantly becomes full of energy, and they start to dance excitedly around Lin's pompoms.

Sure enough, they will do this kind of action when they are excited.

Next, Lin continued to create more spheres, so that each dragon has recovered enough physical strength, but the body fluid in this plant called the 'water tower' actually has more than half of it. It will recover soon.

Plants usually have no complicated organs, and it is quite simple to regenerate. Even so, it will not let any creatures eat it. When Lin takes its juice, it constantly releases more intense toxins and even releases one. The pheromones tell the nearby 'water towers' and let them defend themselves.

Although they have no brain, they are not at all worse than animals.

Soon, the night has come again. At the time of the day, this group has been eating and dancing around the pompons. They like this kind of 'celebration'. Lin seems to be a 'savior' for them. The characters, when they are slowly getting cold because of the night, they are willing to dig holes in the ground to sleep...

Lin looked at the dragons who had drilled into the soil. They should wait until the second day and night, the ethnic group will start to choose a new leader. Generally, there will be no competition. The most intelligent among the ethnic groups, the most powerful hunting skills. A member of the team as the leader.

Tucker is more hopeful in this respect. It has been paralyzed among several ethnic groups and has survived the attack. It has skills that are stronger than the average dragon.

At this time, the pompoms examined the wounds on these Snapdragons, guessing various creatures according to their size and shape. Lin found the creatures that are suitable for making this scar... Maybe a kind of fast meat creature called Raptor .

However, there is also a carnivorous creature that is more suitable for this claw mark.

... white dragon.

This group may have been attacked by the white dragon. The white dragons do not like to attack with various items like them, and sometimes prefer to attack with claws.

Lynn would have liked to wait until they reached a safe place to live and teach them, maybe now. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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