"You must send this information... to the research team!"

After saying this, the spirit of this group dissipated.

In simple terms...


Because it hasn't eaten for too long.

Spiritual dust can't be maintained all the time. In fact, they are also... a kind of creature that consumes energy when it is active.

Therefore, each group has a life span, but the general spirit dust will automatically replenish energy, only the conscious spirit dust... will not replenish energy.

Even though this Ershi people have done a lot of research, but it does not understand how the spirit of dust supplements energy, so it can only... disappear here.

In addition, if there is self-awareness of the dust that has been attached to the local creatures, it usually knows how to replenish energy, but the people of Ershi are not.

"...So what are we going to do now? Veronica classmates?"

Lin and Bilu are now on a small hill, watching the surroundings around here... Imagine the future.

Lin feels that there are many things that can be done, for example, to continue research and study of the souls and creatures here, and also... you can go to some other worlds through some channels here.

Lin feels that there are still many questions that have not been resolved here. For example, what are the people of Ershi here?

They were originally grabbed and mined somewhere, but what are they caught?

There is also... what is the attitude of the souls to the people of Ershi, just to regard them as a group of ordinary creatures used to attach the spirits, or have a special purpose.

And the connection between them and Midgart... The corpse worms that were in the cold before were some related to the condensed void.

Lin feels that there may be some transmission channels in the world that can lead to the pipeline. If you find this channel, you can find...Miedgart.

At the same time, Lin wants to observe the world... What is it like, is it a bus-like creature?

There are very few records in the archives, so it is not clear, Lin wants to figure out the specifics of the world... this requires an aircraft.

"Why do you want to fly out?"

After Lin and Bilu said the plan, Bilu was very confused.

"Observing the whole world." After thinking about it, Lin decided to start work... It is not very difficult to build a flying aircraft to the void. It is better to dig the material directly from the ground for a longer period of time.

But there are a lot of things that can be used as materials, such as light mosquitoes... they are very suitable.

"Veronica, you see, is that ours?"

Bilu suddenly pointed to the distance and said, Lin also saw what it meant... There was a mechanical scorpion that was slowly crawling.

The scorpion was indeed made in the cold before Lin...and didn't bring it.

Thinking, Lin went in the direction of the blind man, the scorpion mech did not react, just still walking... Lin climbed to the back of the mech, and jumped in with the dew, found the inside... dying Goose.

"Oh... you, are you coming to save me?"

The goose glanced at Lin and Biluo: "You are coming too late, the world... will soon end..."

Then it dies.

But soon Lin was alive again.

Because the cause of this geese's death is dehydration and weakness, so long after it has not died, Lin can easily add nutrients to it and save it.

During the time when the geese had not woken up, Lin examined the memory of the goose.

It turned out that after Lin and Bilu left, the goose was still in the mech, but the corpse and the corpse worm did not continue to attack the mech, but left it in acupuncture.

Then the mech didn't know why it started... the autopilot system, which carried the goose off the acupuncture zone, then wandered around the area and slowly approached the city of the corpse.

After entering the city of the corpse, the geese saw the shadows everywhere, and all of these shadows gathered in the city...a location.

The geese found that they all got into a building. Although the geese were scared, it was also very curious, so they kept paying attention to the outside.

Suddenly, some thoughts appeared in his mind.

It believes that these shadows, the body of the corpse and the corpse are all preparing for the attack, so it feels a huge fear and faints the past.

Then the goose wakes up and wakes up, and the mech has been wandering around the city...

The energy source used in the mech is the high-energy battery found in the exhibition hall, and there are several spares that will be automatically replaced to maintain the mech for a long time.

During this period, the geese stayed in the mech, watching the mech wandering in the city of the corpse... It experienced the most horrible moment of its life, even more horrible than watching the image of the roast goose. .

Every time it falls asleep, it will have a nightmare... It dreams of the shadow of the corpse worms invading Ershi and attacking everything on Ershi... everything.

In general, it would be nice to see that the Ershi people were attacked, but the goose found that its kind was also attacked together in the dream, and the death of Ershi people together was very miserable.

This nightmare lasted until... the water stored in the mech was drained by it.

However, the mech seems to have entered a special place, where the location in the city of the corpse, after entering, you can see the surrounding scenery turned into a gravel wasteland, which is here.

Finally, the geese saw Lin and Bilu...

This is the specific experience of the geese during this period.

But Lynn can translate this experience more...detailed.

In the nightmare of the goose, it saw the shadow attacking the Ershi people, but it did not know what the shadows were, but if you know what Lin knows now, you can say... Goose dreams of a lot of spirits attacking the Ershi people. scene.

The scenery in its dreams is very real and can be seen... The dust is like a storm that has blown through the cities of Ershimin.

All the Ershi people in the city were attached by the spirit dust, and then the spirit dust absorbed the information... The dust that finally absorbed the information all merged into a huge incomparable spiritual dust, which exploded.

The dust of the explosion re-infected all the people of Ershi, and the infected Ershi people began to dismantle their buildings and various architectural creations, and established various horrible things such as cemeteries on the ruins, and then did not eat. Drink water and die slowly.

This phenomenon will slowly spread to the entire Ershimin population until the species disappears completely...

Lynn thinks that this may be the plan of a real corpse worm, not a dream.

Bilu felt that they should be stopped.

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