4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2060: Horrible scene

This is a horrible building.

The bright red walls, the ground are covered with teeth, and strange screams come from time to time outside the windows.

This is indeed a terrible sight.

For Ershimin.

For Lin... there is nothing to fear, and Lynn is now focusing on a large group of strange creatures in front.

"Ah..." These creatures screamed like the screams of the people of Ershi. They looked like they had two legs of the Ershi people, but they didn't have the upper body.

Their bodies are only in the lower body, and there are no other organs that look very interesting.

The creatures are now charging Lin, who screamed on the aisle full of teeth and slammed into Veronica.

But before they hit it, they were flying out of Lin's two large Ershi people, three meters high, one by one and hit the wall and the ground.

These flying creatures struggled to climb from the ground, and they launched a more screaming scream... the second attack.

Although the attack did not make sense, when they were beaten once again, and a few of them were directly used by Linde to smash it, they finally understood how to retreat.

It’s really fun here.

Looking at the limbs that escaped, Lin examined the wreckage they left on the ground. These creatures are not cell creatures, but the kind of mice that are all solid substances.

Although looking at the lower body like Ershimin, there is nothing to do with Ershimin... If you have to say something, then only their shape is quite scary.

As for the teeth on the floor here... it’s really a tooth.

It should have been pulled out from the mouth of a certain Ershi people and then thrown on the ground. After all, they caught so many people, it is not so strange to pull one or two teeth, and there are teeth everywhere. No small fear effect.

Lin originally wanted this group of limbs to be a cell creature. If it is not, then continue to wander around here... Look around to see if there are any other cell creatures that can be captured and used as arms.

If you can't find it, then you can only build a mechanical unit.

Although it is full of air and temperature is suitable, it is almost no microbes on the ground or on the wall, or on these teeth.

It seems to have been sterilized.

"It noticed you... it will remember you..."

The spirits that have been following Lin are always repeating these words. It refers to the consciousness of the eye of God, but it does not know the specific position of consciousness, so it is not very useful to say anything.

At this time, Lynn Veronica and two huge Ershi people have come to the ... in front of a room.

This place has a large door, it is closed, with the word 'dead' written on it.

A common scene of scaring people.

‘Hey! In the next second, Lin knocked the door open. At the moment of the collision, Lin saw a sharp spear stabbing.

Lynn's Veronica was hiding, and the spear was stabbed in the back of the Darsh.

Daersh pulled out the spear and threw it on the ground, and Lin was paying attention to the room.

This place... seems to be partying.

You can see tables filled with food, ribbons hanging from the ceiling, balloons, flashing lights and music, which is a very lively place.

Just... it’s a little different from a normal party.

Like the food on the table is a lot of minced meat, the ribbon is painted with blood and internal organs, the balloon... Although the appearance is normal, but occasionally there will be one or two popping out, from which it will smell very stinky. Smell, for Ershimin.

As for the music, it is also the music that makes the people who have heard the grief and may commit suicide.

The party here is a large group of short baboons.

They are less than a metre high and feel like the skeleton of a baby. Lin feels that they are not cell creatures, but the shape is exactly the same as the bones of Ershimin. These dragonflies are using various weapons, such as axes and spears. The sword is thrown and thrown, and it will also lick the meat on the table.

The spear was just thrown over by them.

"Hey!" Lin found that a few cockroaches noticed this, and then made a scream... Then, the whole place was noticed here.

‘咔哒咔哒...’ A little cockroach slowly came over, and it went to Lynn’s Veronica and extended his hand.

It seems to understand that Ershimin expressed friendly actions, so Lin also extended his hand.

"Hey!" At the moment when Lin reached out, he slammed his mouth and bit it, but Lin took a palm with a very fast backhand on his face.

Its head was swung out by the spine, and its body fell out of control and fell to the ground.


The large group of screams in the back made a cry, and all the weapons in their hands were lost.

A wide variety of weapons flew in, most of them hit the two large Ershi people behind Veronica.

Their bodies were also cut by thousands of holes in these weapons, but no blood flowed out and did not fall.

After seeing that we almost lost our weapons, the two large Ershi people went forward and went to the center of the party.


The little cockroaches seemed to be scared. They all escaped. Lin found that there were a lot of small holes in the corners around the room for them to drill, and they all escaped from the room in an instant.

Except one.

This is just the one that has just been photographed by Lynn. Lin examined it and found that it was not a cell creature, but a creature on the surface of the eye of God.

Only their shape... has been changed to this way.

But the minced meat on their table is the meat of real cell creatures, so Lynn feels that these meats can be used to add more arms.

And there are other items that can be used, such as the device used to play music... just take it apart and make it a small mechanical unit.

"They ran... they appeared... they..."

Lin found that this group of spirits became more and more, maybe it has something new to express now, let it touch the brain to see.

It turned out to be...

This time, from the information obtained from the spirit, Lin confirmed that there is a place nearby that can directly contact the eye of God.

Moreover, there are some information about why the Eye of God has created this zone of fear.

It seems that it would not have been done... but it has changed since.

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