4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2062: Continue the journey

The sky here is not bright. .

But there is on the ground.

There are swaying lanterns on both sides of the street, and the light green flame burning in the lamp is beating...

Lynn's Veronica and two huge Ershi militiamen walked in such a landscape, which can be said to be the central area of ​​the city.

There are still ruins of half-residue buildings everywhere, and these lanterns have been added as a horror scene.

Lin was originally thinking about strolling around and seeing if there are any other creatures in it. In fact, there are quite a few.

Like looking into the sky, you can see some birds with bones flying in the air, the air is filled with ... the smell of dead bodies, and this smell is from a building not far away.

It was a restaurant, and the signboard on the facade of the restaurant was painted with the hands of a **** Ershimin.

Through the cracked glass window, you can see that there is a fat-looking ‘chef’ with a mask licking the meat on the table with a saw.

It can be seen that in order to avoid being squeezed by the solidified void, the eye of God does a very good job... it tries to create one of the most terrifying places.

Lynn felt that she should stay and see what would happen in the end, and Lynn also wanted to figure out the connection between the solidified void and these horrible things.

More importantly, Lin feels that it may not only squeeze this place, but it may appear in some places where Lin cares, such as pompons.

However, it has not been fully confirmed yet, so stay tuned here and observe it.

"What do you want to do? Don't do anything... that doesn't make sense, yes... no meaning..."

The spirits that followed Lin’s body have been talking about these words, and their words represent...

The eye of God does not seem to want Lin to stay, perhaps it thinks that Lin will destroy the terrible zone it created.

So... Lynn saw that the restaurant’s door was open, pointing to the side from the long saw that the chef who was still licking the meat.

"Ah... I want to... kill... kill!!!"

This chef is more than two meters tall, compared to Lin's two large Ershi people... The size is small, but it is not just one, more and more chefs are coming out of the open restaurant.

"Kill!" The chefs all rushed up, and Lin also let the two large Ershi people greet them.

At the moment when the two sides collided together, many chefs in front of him were knocked down by Lin’s Dalshmin, but several chefs on both sides slammed them.

At the time of their battle, Lynn left Veronica to leave the place and continue to follow the street to the depths of the city.

Lynn decided to let the two large Ershi people set up a new base after going to the restaurant after solving the group of chefs.

And Veronica...Lin wants to use it to explore the edge of this place.

At present, Lin feels that it is like a space inside, but it is not very confirmable, so...

It seems that there are also many creatures here.

After Veronica ran for a while, Lin found that she came to a place full of decay.

Although this smell has been there before, it is especially serious because there are corpses everywhere.

Not just the people of Ershi, there are many Ershi creatures, but these are not terrestrial creatures, but fish.

A large number of fish bones, including large fish or small fish, are covered with streets.

There are also a lot of Ershimin bones between the fish bones, which feels like...


Lynn heard a sound.

I saw a huge black shadow rising in the distance, and its height overshadowed all the ruins of the building...

It made a bang and made a comeback to this side.

This is obviously... tsunami.

The Eye of God is still preparing such a large disaster scene here. This feeling is really... very interesting.

Lin did not escape, but looked at the tsunami of Haotian rushing to the side, instantly drowning the entire street, drowning the ruins of the building.

Also drowning... Veronica.

Lynn's Veronica is rolling in the sea, and Lin feels the violent impact while detecting the contents of the water.

This is not sea water, but... fresh water, and it is very clean water.

That is, there are almost no microorganisms in it.

But Lynn is very surprised how the eye of God got so much water? Does it have a world connected to a lot of water?

And there are a lot of interesting things in the water... a large group of bone fish.

It seems to be the fish skeletons that have just been laid on the streets. When they meet the water, they all move up and swim around here.

This tsunami did not last long. Although it seemed to be a huge force, it did not rush to the place where Lin met the chef.

After a while, the tsunami seemed to be sucked up by what, and suddenly stopped moving forward and began to regress.

Finally, the water is completely gone.

Lynn's Veronica and a lot of fish bones were left on the street, as for the location...the same as the place where the tsunami first appeared.

Lynn thinks this scene... not so scary before.

Of course, it is not to scare the people, mainly to resist the clogging of the void, then the degree of horror is not the main goal of the pursuit... Although I do not know what level of horror or what is inside can resist the condensed void.

After Lin drew the water from her body, she continued on her journey to the edge.

But Lynn thinks it might be slow to go so... then try to fly up.

First prepare a pair of wings, then throw away some of the weight in the body... Then fly into the air.

"Veronica classmates!"

When Lin was making a 'transformation' for Veronica's flight, Bilu suddenly made a contact.

It is connected through the college watch and Lin...

"It's coming! It's here! Why is it here!"

In the contact, Bilu only said a few strange words, and then hang up.


Because Lin felt very strange, then I noticed the position of the dew.

Lin has some cells in the body, but these cells usually have no vision, and Lin now let them grow some vision to see the surrounding environment.

After reading it, Lin found that Bilu did come to a brand new place.

This place is a very strange place, looking like a huge beach, and the environment is very similar here.

That is to say, the sky is black and the beach is gray.

Sea water... like the tsunami that just flooded Lin.

This place is suddenly coming from Lu, it does not know why, but Lin may know...

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