"Don't take our feelings and values ​​to communicate with alien creatures, they won't sympathize with us... but in contrast, they won't feel we are evil."

Lynn's Veronica and Bilu are now in the battleship called the 'Triangle'.

Not long ago, the Ershi people here explained their operations in this area.

In short, what is known at present is that the Ershi people in the surface base have completely infected the corpus.

So they grabbed a part of it and locked them in a special cell.

There is something in the cell called ‘Activated Radiation’ that allows the infected Ershi to attack in a short time and then...death.

In this case they will not become corpses, but they will still show signs of corpse.

Because Bilu is not infected, it is okay to be thrown there.

Moreover, they still regard both Bilu and Veronica as 'Lin', so these Ershi people explained their plans.

Abandoning the members of the base and observing them in the air to be infected and besieged by the corpse. This is a very sinful act by the people of Ershi, but they think that Lin does not think that their behavior is sinful. But I think this is... a very normal behavior.

Lin feels that it is normal for them to think that they are treated as a kind of 'absolutely rational', no emotional creatures, so they don't think they are wrong.

However, Bilu has a lot of opinions on this.

But Bilu didn't say anything, but it looked very unhappy... Currently it is staying in a room in the battleship with Lin.

"Vironica classmates...we still want to go back, I don't want to play in these strange places anymore."

Bilu sat on the bed and looked at the window next to it. The window here was not a real window, but a picture outside.

It can be seen that the warship is flying on the endless plains, and occasionally there will be scattered groups of corpses, and the warships will instantly burn these corpses.

Before Lin told the warships, Ershimin said that they said that the study of the corpse has been done almost, and now the body of the world is being cleaned.

It is currently cleaning the surface, and then dispatching troops to clean up and hide in the ground... They think that there is also underground.

Then, they will find a way to make the world... disconnected from the eye of God, so that the corpse worms there can no longer come here.

The corpse is going to destroy the entire Ershi community, and the research team is working hard to avoid this threat.

The research team strictly does not belong to the main military power of the Ershi people, but they have been working hard to protect Ershi.

Lynn feels that this research group did a good job. For the entire population of Ershimin... they are a very powerful and useful force.

Although Lynn thinks they have some strange places...

“Do we have to stay here all the time?” Bilu asked again: “I really want to go back to the college to live a normal life...”

"You don't want to continue to take risks?" Lin asked.

"But these..."

"Hello, can I come in?" At this moment the entrance to the room rang a voice, and Lin looked at the door... I saw that an Ershi was standing at the entrance.

"Do you have anything?" Bilu turned and said: "Let's talk about it, let me feel interesting!"

Because the door at the entrance was not closed, Ershi people quickly came in and said: "I would like to ask you about the incident."

“Thinking?” said Lulu: “No, it’s something you said to me!”

"Ah... interesting things..." The Ershimin said with a look of embarrassment: "We..."

It seems to be planning to come and chat with Lin.

Lin had talked a lot with these members of the research team. They seem to have the opportunity to learn something from Lin...the creature.

But this time, Bilu didn't want to give any advice. It has been asking the Ershi people if there is anything interesting.

Therefore, it is also forced to say a lot.

It is all about recent events, such as the corpse, and after Bilu said that there is no interest, he said something... a long time.

It's like something interesting in the research group, like a joke.

Of course, only Ershi people feel interesting... but Lulu is also very happy.


The chat didn't last long, and the battleship suddenly shook up, letting the Ershi people say quickly: "Sorry... I will talk about it next time!"

After that, it ran out of the room.

"It seems like something happened." Bilu said: "Vironica students, let's go out and see."

"I can see it here."

Lin adjusted the display on the next side. I have been showing the ground just now, and now it has been turned into a display air.

The sky of this world has always been gray, and it seems to be covered by a lot of dust, and now the dust has disappeared at this moment.

The brilliance of the stars is shown in the picture, and you can also see... there is a big object in the starlight.

It radiates like a flame, seems to be burning, and getting closer and closer...

"What is this? Rock?"

"Now make an emergency transition! All occupants must grasp all fixed objects! Repeat it! Grab!"

At this time, the broadcast inside the ship rang, and the entire battleship began to sway violently, like in an earthquake...

Lynn grabbed the bed, and Bilu grabbed Veronica, after a few seconds...

Lin felt the shock slowly stopped.

The scenery outside is also a bit different.

Although the stars are still shining, it is not just the starry sky, but another...starry sky.

This warship has just undergone an urgent transfer. Is this the object of a meteorite?

Although the meteorite is very large, Lin feels that the speed of the battleship can make it avoid collisions and there is no need to transmit.

The location that was sent to it looks strange.

After adjusting the various perspectives of the picture, Lin can find out... This place is the eye of God.

This battleship... returned to the position of the eye of God. It avoids impact and there is no need to transmit it.

The location that was sent to it looks strange.

After adjusting the various perspectives of the picture, Lin can find out... This place is the eye of God.

This battleship... returned to the position of the eye of God.

After adjusting the various perspectives of the picture, Lin can find out... This place is the eye of God.

This battleship... returned to the position of the eye of God.

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