4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2186: Landing

Condensed "fast... it’s coming."

Here is... solidified in the void.

Lin’s pompom is carrying a ‘fire,’ and it’s floating with the promise...

Purely dark.

Already leaving the land before, I jumped into the vast canyon and now feels...like riding in a ball of light, and the ball of light is moving in the shadow of boundlessness.

Occasionally, you can see some small creatures on the edge of the light. The most common one is a creature like a green fire.

They don't seem to be affected by the coagulation, they often come in from the darkness of the outside, and then float out.

But the most important thing is... The distance of the former Norse is only one hundred kilometers, which is very close.

So Lin speeded up the flight, and Nobel also adjusted the propeller to keep the speed. But this acceleration had to slow down and stop for a short while.

Because, in front of Lynn’s eyes, there was a side...the wall.

This wall is made of silver metal. Lin examined it and found that this composition is very similar to the battleship shell of Ershimin.

This may be a ship of the Ershi people who had been solidified here. Lin planned to go around it, but Nuo said: "You should go inside and have a look."

"What's inside?" Lin asked.

"There may be some bigger solidified creatures, we..."

‘Hey! The words of Novo have not been finished yet, and the metal wall in front of them suddenly... exploding a hole with a diameter of more than two meters.

From the hole, many creatures like squid were drilled. They are more than ten centimeters long and are all blue.

At the moment when these squid appeared in the light of the fire, they all seemed to be moving very excitedly and constantly.

Lin found that the places where they swam would leave a black mark, and as they swim around in the light, there will be more and more black.

"Get out of the way!" said No: "This creature can eliminate the 'anti-coagulation field'!"

Lin heard the words and quickly stepped back, but these ‘salmon’ followed, and they seemed to be attracted by the fire... they always chased there.

Lynn saw No. took out a pistol.

'boom! After a burst of gunshots, a squid was hit, and its head slammed into the darkness.

Other squids seemed to respond to the attack of their companions. They all rushed to the Nobel, and Novo fired two more shots... and two squids were cut into two.

But there are still dozens of squid, they swam quickly to the side of Novo, and rotated around it.

The places where they swim will leave black marks, and the nobs surrounded by a lot of squid will look like they are surrounded by black whirlpools.

So... oh! ’

A pile of squid pierced a squid, followed by dozens. Lin's pompom shot a lot of fluff in a second and hit all the squid.

This simple penetration damage seems to be very effective for this solidified creature, and all the squid quickly move, and the black marks they created in the past slowly dissipate in the light.

Lin grabbed one to check it out and found... it felt wonderful.

This kind of squid seems to be a creature that is difficult to understand.

It is said that although the structure of the 'furnace fire' is complicated, it can still distinguish various organ structures, and it is a creature that can be understood.

And this kind of squid... I don’t know how it is made, because in Lin’s view, it is filled with exactly the same substance, without any distinction in organ structure, at least not now.

There is no way to see how they are flying here.

Nuo said that it called this creature 'muddy', and it did not study them much. They only knew that they would interfere with the anti-coagulation field of other organisms, but the significance of this interference and their ecology are completely mysteries. .

But if they don't kill them, they may eventually invalidate the anti-coagulation field of the fire.

It seems that this is a very dangerous creature for creatures that rely on the anti-coagulation field.

Next, Lin decided to bypass the solidified battleship in front of her and continue to fly in the direction of Ershi.

On the 100-kilometer road, there is no such thing as a muddy creature, but there are still a lot of green wildfires... They are a small group of green light and fine, learning the flames of the beat, no harm.

Soon, Lin and Nuo felt...air.

Now that I have begun to approach the atmosphere of Ershi, the wonderful thing is that there is no gravity here, as if Ershi himself is here... lost the ability to generate gravity.

With the advancement of Lin and Nuo, the atmosphere in front of it has become more and more thick. Of course, Lin and Nuo can only see the range of ten meters, so there is no way to see the appearance of Ershi.

Danuo’s performance was a little excited because it... finally came back.

Flying to the surface is not a long process, and Lin and Conn finally landed in a lane.

The driveway is made up of materials that Ershi people often use, and it seems to have fallen into a big city.

"What should I do now?" Lin asked Novo: "Do you have a way... to wake up the body?"

"This position can't be..." said No: "We have to go to some special places and go here."

When he said that Novo would move forward, Lin followed behind it.

‘Hey! And suddenly there was a sound in front of him, and Lynn saw... a car appeared on the edge of the light.

At the moment of entering the light, the car slammed into this side, and Lin immediately floated up, and the vehicle rushed to the rear of the pompom, and once again entered the darkness.

As it turned out, the car was originally solidified at high speed, and entered the anti-coagulation field to make it move again.

It’s a little dangerous to walk here, so go to the street next to you.


Lin suddenly found out that promise was gone.

It disappeared in the moment it was just over.

It was not hit by the vehicle, but it seems to have been sent away.

I saw... a car appeared on the edge of the light.

At the moment of entering the light, the car slammed into this side, and Lin immediately floated up, and the vehicle rushed to the rear of the pompom, and once again entered the darkness.

As it turned out, the car was originally solidified at high speed, and entered the anti-coagulation field to make it move again.

It’s a little dangerous to walk here, so go to the street next to you.


Lin suddenly found out that promise was gone.

It disappeared in the moment it was just over.

It was not hit by the vehicle, but it seems to have been sent away. Sent away.

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