4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 58: Landing battle

The roar of the bomb, the splash of the stump and the gravel, the roar of the fungus, all the things are mixed together, the war has entered a crazy situation, more and more fungus geeks are riding on the aquatic fungus. On the beach, Chao Lin’s 'base camp' launched an offensive, but before that, they had to overcome many obstacles...

Lin’s Styx cannon is located more than 70 meters away from the sea, and the cannons are located on a sand dune with a height of more than six meters. They are not necessarily able to attack even if they are close, and they are close to each other. difficult.

"Hey!" A group of two or three meters of reptile fungus ran on the coast. When they first set foot on the beach, the ground suddenly blew up. This group of reptiles flew into the sky with high impact. After waiting to fall on the ground, there is only a pile of wreckage and limbs...

"Hey!" The other body is bigger. The fungus on the big sea creatures is on the beach. It rushes to the beach with its huge body, and suddenly it makes a loud bang at its feet. The power of the explosion instantly takes it. The stout foot blew up a large piece, but it continued to move forward, and the explosion under its feet continued to ring.

‘Boom...Boom...Boom...! ! ’

After a continuous explosion, the monster's leg was blown up. It only walked about ten meters, and then it could no longer stand and fell to the ground. At the moment it fell to the ground, a spiked The sand below it slammed and ran directly through its head.

This beach area is called the trap area by Lin. As the name implies, there are traps everywhere. The first ten meters are the 'burst traps', and a lot of shock wave bombs are buried. These bombs are not saying that they are gone. It can be continuously replenished through underground pipelines. The fungus blame a large number of small units will be consumed here.

And behind, there are more interesting things...

At the same time, the phage is also buried in the entire beach, it will see out when it is safe, absorb the debris of the ground, and then transport it to the ground for use as nutrients.

In the face of so many traps, the fungus's troops still rushed to the beach like crazy, accompanied by explosions. A group of small fungus monsters were once again blown up by the bang, but after them, a sea creature with more than four meters climbed onto the land. It moved a heavy body and rushed to the battlefield. The bomb has little effect on its heavy armor.

'boom! But in the next second, its head burst into pieces, and a bomb from the Styx cannon hit the limb perfectly.

Despite the large amount of defensive power, and the fungus's troops are quite large, they look like dense fog from the coast. It seems that there is no end at all.

Lin can use art creators to destroy them all at once, but Lynn thinks that might cause them to retreat. If they spread out everywhere to get infected, it would be more troublesome, and Lin would have to annihilate them all on the island of fungi.

In fact, Lin also does not understand how the intelligence of plague fungi is going on, they are very strange...

They sometimes look clever, for example, they use the dragon to extinguish the fire, they use some tactics, but sometimes they are very stupid. For example, when the plague starts, they actually fall one, and when Lin releases the fire wall, they I also rushed into the fire like a madman, until I hadn’t done it for a while.

Even now, they are also madly faced with such traps. They have never thought of landing from other coasts, but they are going straight to the west coast. The air force operations have always been straight strokes. Going to the back of the fort to attack, but knowing how to use some large units such as the dragon to block the bones in front of the small air force to resist the attack.

The plague fungus seems to be clever and clumsy, but it is more stupid.

What the **** is going on?

That probably only knows the brains that find them...

The battle is still going on. It may take decades or hundreds of years to collect such huge amounts of infected creatures, but now they are constantly falling in front of Lin, shattered into shattered by roaring sounds.

During the fighting, the heads of the plagues on the five islands of the plague were basically moved into the sea. They obviously did not float, but under the sea they could stand up completely and then slowly go to the fungus on the seabed. The direction of the island moves past.

It will take a long time for them to reach the battlefield. Lin must clean up the fungus army before that, at least a large part of it. The first plague seems to be cumbersome. In fact, it is not very good to deal with, mainly the carapace is very special. It is also a hybrid shell material that can only be fully loaded by such a large creature. It is also mixed with a large number of mycelial structures of spider silk, which can resist a variety of dissolution and impact, if it is a pure impact bomb of the art creator. Perhaps it is impossible to blow up this shell.

Dealing with them is generally the best way to cut wounds with small arms, so Lynne waits to start attacking them on the bottom of the sea... but before that, Lynn still has a lot to do, and they are too slow to go. Don't care too much.

Lin's second sneak attack troops have landed on the island. During the battle over there, Lin also directed the incident. Lin asked these troops to enter the depths of the island to see if they could find something interesting.

This unit is mainly composed of three hundred assassins, but there is also a special unit, called the 'resurrection', which looks like a black ball with a diameter of about three meters. Like Lin's pom-poms on the side of the dragons, the resurrection can stretch out the tentacles. It is mainly used to combine the broken debris, to treat their own arms, and to mix the remains of other creatures into themselves. The cells become their own arms, and there are some fighting abilities.

Resurrected mainly, Lin’s troops once again set foot on the plague five islands.

Now these islands can be said to have been ... have been destroyed by the fungus itself, there are traces left by the plague lords, the mushroom trees are basically squashed, and there are many huge potholes left by the plague lords. .

Lin is going to enter these potholes and explore further to see if I can go deeper into the island.

Lynn chose a nearest island cave, and Lynn had a feeling that it was not necessary to choose which island, because these caves are very likely...all interoperable!

Yes, they may all be connected under the ground. If it is the first to create the plague, it is quite troublesome.

From entering the edge of the island to the nearest cave, Lin's troops did not encounter any creatures and reached the hole.

The big-eyed dragons here don't know where to go. Lin's island is the last one, which may not be here.

The resurrected and assassin's troops went deep into the huge cave from the beginning of the fungus. Lin felt that something had pushed the head of the plague from the ground. It might be something deep...

Speaking of the fungus, the thing itself is very strange. It is so huge, it is made up of various creatures. Then every plague capital may take many years to make it. For plague fungi, it is even more in this way.

It is hard to guess how plague fungi have come up with this method of manufacture because they often behave very stupid.

But the feeling after it was made is really stupid, but the big one has only two legs... but Lin wants to know... the meaning of their existence.

Obviously the first thing in the plague is not prepared to deal with Lin. The first fungus should have been buried underground for a long time. Why? Why is the capital of the plague buried here?

And there are other troops gathered here. This is really strange. Lynn has not encountered so many troops before attacking the plague fungus. Why are they gathered here?

This is the mystery that Lin wants to solve, so the assassin's troops went deep into the cave. Lin now reaches a depth of more than 50 meters, but I haven't seen anything that pushes the head of the plague...

This time, Lynn did not come to assassinate, so all the assassins shed light and carefully observed the surrounding situation. This cave is not the usual plant mud, but a kind of mud in the sea, but they are all dry. The soil is very soft, and the head of the plague can easily squeeze them out and drill them out of the ground.

The lower the density, the greater the density of these muds, until the depth of more than 70 meters...

Lynn saw the cave in front of it reach the end, and below it was a lot of wet mud.

The ‘resurrectioner’ among the assassin’s group slowly drifted over, reaching out to touch the mud gently.

...this is sea water.

There may be some seawater infiltrated at this location, but not a lot, then the assassins stepped forward and began to dig these wet soil.

There should be a deeper channel below.

The assassins excavated at high speed, and soon the mud was dug up, and a cave appeared in front of Lin.

The cave has become a lot narrower, almost the width of the foot of the plague. From here on, the surrounding cave walls have turned into a stone structure, the surrounding is very humid, and indeed the seawater penetrates, but Lin also I didn't see the thing that pushed the head of the plague.

Are they crowded by themselves? It feels unlikely.

The stone caves were always vertical down. After a few tens of meters, Lin saw a light shining in front of him. It seems that the vertical cave passage has come to an end.

After Lin’s troops jumped out of the vertical cave, they found that it was another underground space. This space has seen a lot of land, but this... seems to be a little different. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~metalclaw~darkwildcat~ icefall ~p3p2p4p6~ monthly ticket~

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