The amount here... seems to be a special area.

When a large number of bullets flew in, Lin also saw the situation in the building in front.

The building originally seemed to be a place like a warehouse with a lot of space.

It has a length and width of more than 100 meters, and it is crowded with a large number of ...

The reason why Lynn can see them is mainly because it is bright...Accurately, the space inside this building has not been solidified.

Ershi people use a variety of small lighting equipment to make it very bright, in addition to lighting equipment they have quite a lot of ... weapons.

So at the moment Lin opened the door, they fired at it.

The pompoms quickly moved to the side of the gate to avoid their shooting, but the promises around Lin did not move so fast.

It was hit by a large number of bullets and was knocked down on the ground.

"That is... that is not the kind of monster!"

Then the Ershi people inside stopped the shooting very quickly, and several quickly ran over, and Nuo also stood up at this time.

Its protective clothing is tough and resistant to this level of shooting.

"Are you... from the outside? No injuries?" The group of people, who seemed to care about it, asked questions.

So, Nuo also asked some things from them.

They are all employees of this warehouse, originally gathered here to get ready to work... but suddenly found the outside to get dark.

Because the darkness of the outside touch will slow down the body, they are scared to go out and have to stay here.

And there are often some weird creatures in the entrance, they will also attack the people.

Fortunately, here is a weapons warehouse, they have a lot of weapons to fight against the attacking monsters.

It seems that these people are nothing special, especially this place... It seems that for some wonderful reason to maintain a counter-coagulation field.

There is also the creature just... the creature that eats the people of Ershi, Lin thinks that it ran in, but this group of people did not seem to see it.

"You take this... can the device move freely outside?" At this time, an Ershimin looked at the beside the Nobel... the woolen ball wrapped around the fire said: "Where did this come from?"

"...the creature is not here." Nothing did not care about this Ershi, but said to Lin: "It may have escaped to this neighborhood, go find it."

"Hey, wait, are you going to go this way?"

Looking at the promise to turn and leave, these Ershi people are anxious: "Our food is very rare, if you don't get anything, then..."

‘Hey! ’

A violent bang interrupted the words of Ershimin, and the ceiling of the warehouse center suddenly exploded. There were a lot of blasts... WISPs came in.

"……what is this?"

This caused the attention of all the people in the warehouse. These wildfires are very similar to those that Lin had seen before. They are a small group of flames flying in the air.

But these are... silvery, unlike the green that I saw before, it seems dangerous.

Because Lynn saw them, they quickly drifted to the surrounding Ershi people.

No matter how the people beat, there is no way to scatter the flames on these bodies... Then the whole body of the Ershi people... slowly dimmed.

Just as they lost their light, the whole body turned into a black shadow... and then fell to the ground, and there seemed to be no way to do anything.

They are obviously solidified by...

These Ershi people entered a state of solidification after being contacted by flames, which made the surrounding Ershi people quite frightened.

And Novo said: "Being out of here, those creatures are very dangerous."

So, Lin and He left the warehouse and moved outside.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

The few people who stood at the entrance saw the promise to go and immediately chased them up: "Bring us together...ah!"

Connaught kicked directly on the first Ershimin, which kicked it back and slammed into the back of the body, and all together... flew out of the fire.

"...Do you want to help them?" Lynn asked Novo.

"No." Nuo's answer was very simple, which made Lin feel wonderful.

Because it used to take care of the people of Ershi, but here... obviously it does not want to pay attention to the people.

After a long walk, Nuo told Lin that it was a creature called 'Ice Flame', which attacked some solidified creatures and had the ability to shield the anti-coagulation field. When the target fell into solidification, they would Slowly break down the other's body.

They attacked the people of Ershi only because they thought that the people of Ershi were also edible, but in fact they could not 'digest' the people.

It turned out to be the case...but this is also a normal phenomenon. Living in such a place, surely all kinds of creatures will use coagulation.

Next, Lin and Nuo continued to move forward for a while, and soon Lin once again saw the traces left by the creatures that had eaten before.

Followed by the traces, Lin found the creature in front of the entrance to the public toilet.

It was also squatting on the ground like a pool of liquid, and when I saw Lynn approaching, it immediately tried to move towards the distance... but Lin’s pompoms were faster, and Lin flew over and pressed on it, with It fluffed into its liquid-like body surface.

...this creature seems to be very special.

It is mainly composed of a large number of fine particles, and these particles are very much like cells.

However, the composition of matter is different from that of cells, and it can change shape at will.

The most important point is that this organism has a brain-like structure in the body, and this brain can produce a brain-understanding message of cell biology.

This is similar to brain waves.

Lin can study it to get the view... here, that is, to observe the solidified objects.

Because this creature has this kind of observation capability, Lin can simply convert the observation information into information that the brain of the cell organism can understand.

Connaught Lynn’s approach is quite... agree, but it doesn’t help much for research.

Because it means that this creature has never been seen before, but the type of solidified organism it studies is only a small part.

It is not surprising that there will be some unknown species.

Curiously, this creature seems to be associated with cell biology.

This is a wonderful phenomenon, because Nobel said... there are also many in the solidified void

Can't help anything.

Because it means that this creature has never been seen before, but the type of solidified organism it studies is only a small part.

It is not surprising that there will be some unknown species.

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