4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2192: natural phenomenon

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One is under the dark sky of Ershi... Lin is slowly floating.

Lin has already left the subway station and came to a residential building.

Lin took the promise to a house on the first floor, and threw out the original inhabitants who had been cut off by a large number of solidified creatures, and then placed the promise here.

Putting it in the house is always safer than outside. The reason why Lynn makes it safe is also because...Lin found that the message of 'Esh' seems to have returned to Noah's brain.

Then, Lin continued to explore.

Lin found a special case before, that is, the 'anti-coagulation field' is not a creature-specific ability.

In fact, the anti-coagulation field occasionally appears in a random position, because Lin has not caught the law, so it is said to be random first.

This kind of accidental anti-coagulation field is only one meter to two meters, very small, and it is very short. It just appeared on Novo's body.

Lin wants to study this phenomenon and feels that it is very helpful to fully master anti-coagulation.

Lin’s current pompom... floats over the streets of the city.

The number of solidified organisms known as the 'transitional biota' is not very large, and only one or two of the Ershi people in the streets can be seen occasionally.

Lin had some information from the waking Novo. There are many different types of ‘transition biota, but they basically have three divisions.

The first one is responsible for imitation. They will detect various things on Ershi, including Ershi, and slowly become their... shape.

The two are responsible for cutting and disintegrating. This is usually the most aggressive. They will cut down the various objects on the Ershimin and Ershi, but they will not imitate them.

The three are capable of both, and they will be decomposed and imitated, but the aggression is not very strong.

There is actually an inaction type. They don’t do anything. They just seem to pass by, but they are always mixed in the group of the transitional biota. They don’t know what it is for, so they are usually not included in the threat. Among them.

Novo said that a group of transformational creatures will eventually completely break down a large object from the normal void and all the creatures and non-livings on the object, and then imitate a group of exactly the same.

The meaning of doing this is a mystery, perhaps because they want to get the biological data outside the void.

Novo hasn't noticed this group of creatures before, but now I noticed that what I have to do is... solve them before they have any big impact.

What should I do?

Lin is thinking about this.

The pompon floats in a dark world, ‘seeing’ a variety of wandering solidified creatures, and Lin feels that it is not easy to solve them...

I don't know how many of them are, is it covering the entire Ershi? If so, it is really tough.

But...not exactly no chance, because before the re-solidification, the last thing that comes to mind is... how to deal with the 'transitional biota'.

The main thing is to rely on the 'natural phenomenon' here.

‘噔’ When Lin thought about it, Lin found out... light.

The solidified sense of smell can perceive areas with bright light, so Lynn now knows that there is a light on the street.

It is not the light of the street lamp, but the fire.

To be precise, it is a kind of 'floating fire'.

There are many types of fires, some of which have been seen before, and generally only move slowly in a small area.

There are still some...there is a floating life in a large area, like a jellyfish, and there is no fixed place.

This body size is smaller than the previous ones, and their bodies are only 30 centimeters in size.

Occasionally, they will float like the ones that Lin sees now, and fix themselves on the ground, which makes the streets of Ershimin just like a street lamp and become a luminous road.

And if this happens, it means... There is a 'natural phenomenon' of a solidified void that will happen.

Nuo called this phenomenon 'coagulation cold current'.

The coagulation cold current is a storm-like phenomenon that moves around, and when it passes, most of the solidified organisms lose their anti-coagulation ability at this time.

Many creatures can only move and freeze in the meantime, and some faster creatures will try to avoid them.

However, the range of solidification and cold current is one million kilometers in diameter, which is not so easy to escape.

Most creatures choose to wait, but some creatures... like this group of drifting fires, they choose to resist.

They would have been scattered on a large object just before the arrival of the coagulation cold current. For example, they now use Ershi as a gathering place.

It is said that they form this habit because some creatures deliberately move in the cold and cold, and kill those creatures that freeze the cold.

But as long as you keep anti-coagulation, you will not be attacked.

Thousands of rafting fires are constantly flying down, making the streets bright and bright, and this huge amount of fire will bring together all of their 'anti-coagulating forces' to resist the cold of the coagulation Attack.

It seems that the entire street is in a certain kind of festival, and the people and vehicles on the streets have resumed operation. They are surprised to see the glory of the sky, I don’t know how to be good.

Those vehicles also stopped, and the people in the car and the streets were a reaction.

Lin thinks this is a very interesting phenomenon... but the main point is to use the coagulation cold to fight the 'transition biota'.

Nuo believes that the transformation of biota is brought together by a kind of ‘consciousness’.

A phenomenon similar to group consciousness that “captures” many wild coagulating organisms, adds them to the coagulated biota, and works together to imitate.

So this biota will gather so many kinds of creatures. In fact, they are all forcibly connected together. These coagulated organisms are just a group of wild animals that are unrelated to each other.

When the coagulation cold current passes, the consciousness of connecting the biota will be interrupted, and the transformed biota will return to the state of the wild at this moment.

If you want to deal with them, you have to deal with them when you are cold...

Instead of killing them, there are ways to keep them from being controlled by consciousness, so that they can forcefully...

Disassemble the entire biota.

At the same time, Nuo also believes that it can really wake up when the cold current passes.

Because it should have been obstructed by the consciousness of the biota.

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