4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2205: Gathered wreckage

This seems to be a creature that can... really fits the name of a wildfire.

They are very few coagulated organisms that can move in the dead field of death.

To be active in this place, it is impossible to prevent coagulation.

There is also the ability to pretend to be ... death.

The main effect of the dead field is not ‘stationary’ but death.

Here is a place where many biological wrecks are gathered, and there are quite a few vacancies of normal emptiness at the center.

The marginal areas are all solidified creatures. These solidified creatures are almost accidentally entered into this place because of curiosity or simply passing by.

After they came in, almost all of them were separated.

To be precise, the organ structure in their bodies produces a kind of ... rejection reaction, which they themselves decompose.

Almost every kind of solidified creature that enters here has this kind of end, except for a few, such as Lin, who is caught now... this kind of wildfire.

They actually produce a 'rejection reaction' after entering the coagulation field, but the effect is not very strong, which is enough for them to be supported inside for a long time.

They will find the wreckage of some normal emptiness creatures in the static field, and create objects that are almost identical, but magnified many times, according to the shape of the wreckage.

Like the tyrannosaurus bones that Lynn saw before, they are made from real bones.

Then, they stay in this kind of self-made 'wrecked aircraft' and their rejection will disappear.

In this way, they can move around in the static field, because there is a huge amount of debris floating here, which is a huge free restaurant for them.

However, because they can't breed here, they will leave after a period of life.

Previously, the wildfires were supposed to...create the creator's 'wrecked aircraft'. They usually detected the wreckage first and created the same enlarged structure, but they found the creator alive during the inspection.

So I canceled this idea and went to find other wreckage.

After that, there were still a lot of wildfires who came into contact with this special creator. They seemed to... like the special creators. So far, there have been a lot of wildfires looking for it.

But they all gave up after discovering that it was alive, and the wonderful thing is that they didn't kill it.

Then, the last group found that its wildfire placed a certain 'mark' in the cells of the creator.

Maybe they want to come back and see the creators die and die... This group of wildfires is just the ones who drove the **** bones, so after Lin took the creator brain cells away, they chased them.

Because there are also markers in the brain cells... they are tiny substances that are stuffed inside the cells.

And this kind of wildfire has the ability to transmit signals to cell biology, and they have ... intelligence that is ok.

So Lynn tried to communicate with them during the research process and got a lot of information from them.

In short, the static field of death is a very strange place, gathering a large number of normal biological wrecks that do not know where to come from, and most of the solidified organisms entering here will also die.

WISPs use the wrecked aircraft to die.

What is the actual cause?

In fact, these wISPs are also studying the situation here during their life here.

Because of their high intelligence and their strong curiosity, they have discovered... a wonderful law since long-term research.

That is, the entire static field is constantly expanding.

They don't know why they are expanding, but they also find that there are more and more normal biological wreckage inside.

It seems that there is a certain correlation between the two...

And Lynn can generally guess by the things I have encountered before... Why does the solidification of the void have a fearful response to the ‘death horror’?

Perhaps it is because... after the biological wreckage in the normal void enters the solidified void, it will aggregate to form a dead field of death.

If this static field is expanding, it may affect many solidified organisms.

Then... when connected to the normal void, it will avoid the wreckage of the contact creature.

However, one question is... Who is avoiding it?

That should be a creature in control.

Will actively avoid the wreckage, avoid the clogging of the emptiness contact with the wreckage ... It should be that some kind of creature is operating.

Therefore, they will avoid getting involved in more debris and expanding the static field.

And it will be directly involved in the wreck, no matter how many open, it should be adjusted without the controller.

For example, the smashing of the eyes of the **** of dark algae...the coagulation of the void, Lin feels that some creatures may be controlling this kind of oppression, so it will be taboo in the face of the terrible area of ​​dark algae manufacturing.

And perhaps this control creature left behind, or did not want to manage so much, it directly crushed the terrorist area.

As for the living normal creatures entering the clotting void and dying... then its wreckage will not enter the static field.

In summary, this static field may be the reason why some of the solidification voids will be "repelled" by horror.

But these...just Lin’s guess.

And the main question is, what exactly is this dead field of death... Why can it kill the incoming solidified creatures?

Is this a natural phenomenon? Still what... conspiracy?

Lin felt that there was something possible, so Lynn decided to join with the ... WISP and enter the core area of ​​the static field to see.

With the help of wildfires, Lynn feels that it is possible to go in because they have strong anti-coagulation ability.

However, they have not entered the depths. After all, the solidified biological bodies that can be eaten are on the periphery...plus they feel that there are terrible things in them, so they have never been in.

They are more worried about their own safety than satisfying curiosity.

Although they don't have a heart, Lynn finds that they have a terrifying reaction similar to the rapid beating of the cell's biological heart.

For example, when they are in danger, their physical activity will become more intense.

Whenever they approach the depth of the static field, they will... naturally, this reaction will cause them to dare not go in.

So Lin wants them to help the Nautilus to fully anti-coagulate, and then Lin himself drives the nautilus into it.

Ghostfire means yes, but they also want a return.

Just want Lin to kill the creator, then... then they can make a creator's wrecked aircraft.

So... why don't they kill the creator in person?

It seems to have more complicated reasons.

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