4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2216: Hero phoenix

The number of people in a factory is almost 5,000.

It is said that the total number of Ershi people in all factories is almost one billion.

So, how many factories are there?

But even so many people, their work efficiency is not very high.

Maybe it's because they often stop working and switch to a purely suffering mode... Why are there such patterns rather than letting them continue to work? It is not clear why.

But in general, the 'coagulated dying ship' is built more and more under the hard work of these people.

Lin is still not sure how big it will be in the end. But the phoenix, which is responsible for supervising the people of Ershi, has been unable to tolerate the continued suffering of these people.

So, it stood up.

Accurately speaking, it is floating out.

"Everybody, listen to me! You have a chance to be redeemed. You have a chance to be free!"

Many people who work on the ground, now have stopped, because they saw a figure shining in the sky.

This figure fanned the burning wings, and its one side of the wings still hung a book... an e-book, and the opened pages of the book displayed a three-dimensional image of the protagonist in the book.

"Follow me, I will protect you, I will fight against evil for you!"

The protagonist in the image speaks the words of motivation, and the phoenix slams into the nearest one... with the voice.

Under its impact, the supervisor suddenly flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

"Look, the enslavement of your evil is so vulnerable, you have to courage! Fight bravely!"

At this time, in conjunction with the protagonist's words, this caused most of the Ershi people's movements to stop, and their eyes appeared... Hope.

Although Lin had blown up a supervisor before, most of the people of Ershi did not see clearly, thinking that the supervisor was faulty.

And now, they think... there really is something to save them.

At the same time, the appearance of the phoenix is ​​also in line with the aesthetics of the Ershi people... They will feel that this creature is gorgeous and solemn and handsome.

Although it is different from the legendary phoenix, after all, it has no bird's head and feet and looks more like a winged rugby.

But this did not prevent the people of Ershi from holding hope on it... However, when the group of Ershi people stopped working, the nearby supervisors moved.


An Ershimin was arrested by the supervisor, and it was screwed hard... The head rolled to the ground.

"Don't worry, give it to me!" The phoenix immediately rushed over, and with the heroic tone, it once again crashed into a supervisor.

When the phoenix hit the supervisor, you could hear the cracking of the mechanical parts inside. The body shape of the entire supervisor was severely distorted by the phoenix. It seems that it can no longer climb.

This phoenix can easily solve these supervisors. After all, the supervisors are only machines for the people of Ershi.


When the phoenix hit the supervisor, there was another shout from elsewhere, and the supervisors everywhere began to attack the Ershi people.

"It is my instinct to be weak and hateful!"

The phoenix once again flew high and flew past the supervisor.

While flying, it does not forget to flip the e-book to a different page, so that the protagonist can shout out various lines.

Lin’s mice were on the ground watching the Phoenix with the lines and solving the supervisors one by one...

There is not only one book in the book, the phoenix... it has a lot of books, and it should now be the one with the most passionate lines.

In this way, it solved all the supervisors under the voice of the hero.

Although the group of supervisors killed dozens of people before they were hit, they all fell.

The horrified mood of Ershi people became amazement and excitement, and they all cheered to the phoenix.

"Now is not a time to celebrate, my friends." The phoenix spread its wings and flew over the cheering Ershi people, and used the other wing to push the pages to a page.

"I can feel it." The protagonist in the book said: "The evil...has not dissipated, everyone, we must leave from here! Board the spaceship, I will take you... No, they are already here!"


After the sound in the book was over, the ground suddenly swayed... Then the ground cracked and a huge creature was drilled in the ground.

These are the 'coal gangs', which will split a large number of individuals after establishing their own small space.

But to be precise, these are not their descendants. Coal shovel will only produce a true offspring with the ability to expand space at a certain time.

As for the ability that has not developed on its own, it is used as a 'soldier' ​​to protect this small space.

Their role is... the threat of cleaning up this space.

Just now Phoenix solved all the supervisors... This is also the reason for the appearance of coal gangue.

Because when a large number of supervisors are damaged, the factory itself sends out a signal to attract the appearance of coal gangue.

The reason why coal gangs do not attack Ershi people is mainly because they are not solidified organisms, and this signal ... will make it treat these erish people as solidified creatures.

Therefore, Ershi people once again issued a scream.

The coal shovel that digs out the surface spits out a group of black spheres to Ershimin. These spheres are in contact with the people of Ershi... This Ershi people will turn black all over.

Simply put, it is solidified.

However, this solidification is not a simple solidification. It can be seen that the blackened Ershi people will slowly soften and become a liquid like a liquid.

"Ah! Help!"

After seeing the terrible situation of the same kind, the people of Ershi suddenly began to panic and escape, and the coal shovel also spit out black spheres.

One of the Ershi people was solidified and then liquefied, which gave them great fear.

Of course, Phoenix once again stood up.

"Don't worry! I am your shield, I will guard you to the last moment!"

The phoenix rushed to the coal shovel under the voice of the hero. It flexed its body and wings flexibly to avoid the black ball fired by the coal shovel. When these black **** hit the Ershi people, the phoenix also slammed into the coal gang. Above.

Its burning wings...there is actually no high temperature, but it seems to be sharp.

The wings of the phoenix crossed two coal shovel, and the body of the coal gang broke instantly, and the head and the half body fell to the ground.

However, the coal shovel that broke on the ground quickly turned black, and the phoenix immediately slammed it with wings, and flew the broken coal shovel and landed it in the distant group of Ershi people.

The body of the ‘Heng’ coal smash broke, and a large group of Ershi people around it turned black at this moment.

"I will protect you!" Phoenix's hero said again.

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