4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2222: Fragmented space

"Work hard! This is our world! Not theirs!"

Under the gray sky... The e-books worn by Phoenix continue to speak passionate words.

The phoenix also fluttered in the rain of the people of Ershi with the shining wings of the words.

They... are really a lot.

In the sky, a large number of Ershi people continue to fall, they are all without limbs, 70% mechanized Ershi people.

They are just like this... constantly falling from the air, some falling down will explode, but most of them are not exploded but piled on the ground.

Whether it is an explosion or not, the first thing that the fallen Ershi people do is to constantly spit out a large number of spherical bombs.

The roaring sound echoed throughout the space station, and the explosion continued with the rain of the Ershi people.

But Lin found that the explosion did not hurt the underground environment... because a lot of Ershi people's wreckage piled up on the ground, they blocked a lot of explosive energy.

Therefore, this does not affect the main body of the coal gangue located underground, but it seems to affect the sky.

As the people of Ershi continued to fall, the explosion continued to roar on the surface, and Lin found the sky... there was a crack.

To be precise, there is a crack in the edge of this small space.

It seems that the continued emergence and explosion of this group of people can make the whole space unstable, and...


Lin found that everything was dark.

The sky suddenly blasted open, and the darkness obscured everything... However, there are many mice that have anti-coagulant substances, which are actually the skin debris of coal gangue.

So they can still move and watch around.

Now everything is frozen, a lot of Ershi people, and the phoenix in the sky... It is still moving in the crowds of the Ershi people.

It seems that the space of the coal gang has just exploded, and everything in the entire space has returned to the condensed void.

To be precise, it is back to the dead field of death, because the small space of the coal shovel is originally located in the static field.

Moreover, Lin also saw the static force of the static field. The main body of the coal shovel in the ground began to crack in a few seconds after the space exploded.

It seems that there is a huge force in pulling it in general, pulling its body apart and becoming a myriad of pieces.

As for the other coal squad soldiers in the underground, their state is similar, and they lose the protection of space. The static field instantly kills these solidified creatures.

Instead of solidified creatures, you can still live here.

Lynn feels that this wonderful power should be clarified... but Lin must first be a soldier.

Lynn decided to try to collect the wreckage of all the coal shovel and then create some special arms.

At the same time, Lynn is also observing another place.


The sky is gray, and countless buildings stand on the ground. These buildings are both wood and metal, and some are... two kinds of mix.

A large number of Ershi people walked back and forth among these buildings, all wearing dusty clothes and carrying large objects such as boxes.

It looks... it’s quite like a factory, but it’s a lot bigger than the small space of the coal gang.

Because it is filled with a lot of buildings.

However, most of the buildings are not factories but houses, the lowest floor, the highest three floors, and there are many clothes worn by the people.

A few of Lynn's mice flew in the air... It's a flying squirrel now, because they all spread their wings between their hands and feet.

Lin looked at the busy Ershi people below. Lin found that there were a lot of people who didn't carry things, just walked back and forth between the buildings.

But they are all going on and no one stops.

"Hey! Don't stop, go!"

Suddenly, Lynn noticed that one of the people in the lower alley had collapsed, and a companion next to it immediately lifted it up.

"I am so tired...I..." And this Ershimin did not want to leave at all. It tried to rest again, and its companion shouted nervously: "Don't rest! Stand up!" !"

Suddenly, Lin found the building wall next to it... opened a mouth, from which a mechanical arm reached out and grabbed the rest of the Ershi people and pulled it into the building.

"Wait! It just stunned... Wait!" No matter what the people of Ershi called, the walls of the building did not open again.

At the same time, Lynn heard a burst of mechanical noise from the building, and the sound continued for thousands of seconds.

Lynn left a flying squirrel to hover over the sky.

After the sound finally stopped, the top of the building opened, and the sound of a 嗖 嗖 sounded.

... The Ershi people who had been caught before shot from the top of the building and headed for the sky.

However, most of the buildings are not factories but houses, the lowest floor, the highest three floors, and there are many clothes worn by the people.

A few of Lynn's mice flew in the air... It's a flying squirrel now, because they all spread their wings between their hands and feet.

Lin looked at the busy Ershi people below. Lin found that there were a lot of people who didn't carry things, just walked back and forth between the buildings.

But they are all going on and no one stops.

"Hey! Don't stop, go!"

Suddenly, Lynn noticed that one of the people in the lower alley had collapsed, and a companion next to it immediately lifted it up.

"I am so tired...I..." And this Ershimin did not want to leave at all. It tried to rest again, and its companion shouted nervously: "Don't rest! Stand up!" !"

Suddenly, Lin found the building wall next to it... opened a mouth, from which a mechanical arm reached out and grabbed the rest of the Ershi people and pulled it into the building.

"Wait! It just stunned... Wait!" No matter what the people of Ershi called, the walls of the building did not open again.

At the same time, Lynn heard a burst of mechanical noise from the building, and the sound continued for thousands of seconds.

Lynn left a flying squirrel to hover over the sky.

After the sound finally stopped, the top of the building opened, and the sound of a 嗖 嗖 sounded.

... The Ershi people who had been caught before shot from the top of the building and headed for the sky.

"Wait! It just stunned... Wait!" No matter what the people of Ershi called, the walls of the building did not open again.

At the same time, Lynn heard a burst of mechanical noise from the building, and the sound continued for thousands of seconds.

Lynn left a flying squirrel to hover over the sky.

After the sound finally stopped, the top of the building opened, and the sound of a 嗖 嗖 sounded.

... The Ershi people who had been caught before shot from the top of the building and headed for the sky.

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