4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2229: Command

"They can't do what I want them to do..."

"They are nothing."

"No, it's still a bit useful."

"That is to help me attract some... creatures..."

It is a more interesting individual.

The commander of the Lost Legion... is a big brain, and Lin found that it is still alive, but it has lost its ability to communicate.

It has many defective parts inside, and many cells die.

This seems to be because it has carried out a 'force blend'.

Lin noticed that there were many nerve structures in the brain of this command, and Lin felt that it might have stuffed the nerve structure of the virtual bus into the brain.

Whatever it is for, this is the cause of the massive death of its brain cells.

However, it still retains a certain amount of thinking ability, and it can also send signals to the outside.

It is just that it has lost ‘consciousness’, so its thinking is constantly repeating.

At the same time, Lin also found some memories, including its past.

As Lin guessed, the commander of the Lost Legion is an interesting creature that is not a creator in itself, but... a creature that is closer to the creator.

It may also be a creator of a subspecies, like a special creator.

In short, Lin found that this creature has a large brain as the body. Everything except the brain can change the shape.

Before Lin confirmed what it was, just call it Lost.

According to Lin, the creators like to create their own ecology, and regularly harvest all the creatures in the ecology, store the nuclear information of these creatures, and recreate the creatures to continue harvesting.

The leader of the Lost Legion also wants to do the same thing.

However, the goal of its harvest is all the cell biology in the void.

It believes that all the cell biology in the void, the original birth cause is the creator... The creator created all the cell creatures in the void, and the creator created the scene of the virtual space cell life today, but did not control the big Most cell organisms.

Many cell creatures are 'free'. They are evolving and evolved by the empty bus to the void... So they call these uncontrolled creatures 'lost creatures' and plan to recycle them all. .

To be precise, the nuclear information of these organisms is recovered. It believes that this is what the creator's population should do.

Therefore, it created the Lost Legion.

Its original idea was to make a 'cell ball' as large as a normal tumbling person. It initially tried to create a huge sphere with a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers according to the internal structure of a certain biological cell.

Later it canceled the idea, because the internal structure is difficult to maintain stability when the ball is too large.

Then, it didn't use any method to stabilize it, but divided the sphere into many parts.

And these parts have become a huge biological unit... This is the formation of the Lost Legion.

As the special creators say, the Lost Legion constantly harvests the 'free' cell creatures they encounter in the void.

The command is to collect all the lost biological information that the creators have failed to manage and collect.

It uses a virtual bus to guide it through some methods, so it succeeded in destroying countless creatures and collecting a lot of nuclear information.

Occasionally it will find some cell creatures that can compete with the lost legion.

It will use a variety of methods to investigate the opponent in advance, and if you find that the gap is not big, you will try to play a game.

The gap is too big, it will give up this goal.

But so far it has barely encountered any strong opponents.

But... Finally, it entered the solidified void because of an incident.

This paragraph of Lin found that its memory is very vague, it is not clear what is the reason for coming in.

After all, when it came in, its army could not move.

In the condensed void, commanding the huge lost army... slowly decaying and dissipating, leaving some of the more solid part of the body.

Like those huge ribs.

The reason for the loss of the Lost Legion is mainly due to some small solidified creatures like the fire.

Some fire-like creatures will float to the skin of its Legionnaires for a short break, and their fire will revitalize some parasites.

Like most cell biology, the Lost Legion's arms parasitize many parasites, even larger and even a few meters in size.

Moreover, these parasites are also very tough and can withstand extreme environments, and the Lost Legion has always had a lot to do with the life of the void.

All in all, these microbes themselves are alive by the absorption of the arms themselves, and the damage they cause to the giant arms can be completely ignored, but now the arms themselves are solidified.

When the fire flies to the arms of the arms, only the parasites wake up, and then these parasites continue to absorb nutrients on the skin. They absorb nutrients in many ways, like the 'mosquito' that penetrates the skin. The cells inside, or some have the ability to dig a small hole in the skin to eat the meat inside and so on.

But because the unit itself is solidified, it can't repair any damage at all, and can't replenish any cells, even if the damage is small.

Thus, no matter how large the arms are, they are all rotted by the slow erosion of parasites.

Simply put, the parasites have eaten up its corps a little bit.

Of course, there are many other solidified creatures that have caused damage during this period... There are many solidified creatures that will simply drill the outer skin of the arms because of curiosity.

In short, the last huge legion left a little bit.

Except for the head of the brain.

The head of the brain is located in a sphere more than one kilometer in diameter, which is now seen by Lin, and has no parasites on the surface.

Because the parasites on other arms are all directed to raise them.

It wants to create a small ecological environment on each branch, and then it will harvest these parasites regularly and put them new.

If it knows that the parasite will eat its legion, it will not want to get these parasites.

However, the ball on which he was staying had no parasites, so its ball itself was not eaten up a bit.

Although it has also been attacked by some coagulated organisms, it has also brought some anti-coagulant substances into the ball because of the arrival of some coagulating organisms.

Lin is still not clear about the detailed reasons, but the head of the brain has obtained a lot of anti-coagulant substances... It woke up.

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