"Ah, you are all twisting and crawling locusts under the waves. You know nothing, you are ignorant... You will soon be swallowed up and destroyed by your own madness."


"I don't think enough? You still don't understand that your path is only destroyed? Let me go, it's good for everyone."

"It's right! Mix the livestock, let us put it!"

Here is the interior of a transport ship.

Not long ago, the transport ship had left the bus debris area and entered a state of high-speed travel.

In fact, it is moved by 'short-range jump', which is a short-distance transmission, and there are some time to reach the destination, so Lynn will let Veronica walk around on the boat.

Of course, the first place to visit is still the location of blackbirds and birds.

At the moment of leaving the debris area and transmitting, the ship launched a system called 'Transfer Capture'.

After the transfer, the ship left its original position and also transported the brick to a room in the ship.

Following this, Ershi people dispatched troops to besiege the bricks, and finally grabbed the black crickets and birds inside.

The brick itself was sent to another research room to study, and the black storks and birds were kept in the place where Lin was now located...like a prison.

There are a total of ten black pelicans and nine birds, which are placed in the nineteen transparent, up to two-meter cylindrical cans in front of the eyes.

This whole room has a lot of similar jars, which seem to be dedicated to catching creatures.

"Let us, I will share the great cause of the world with you, let us not, you will die very badly."

The biggest head of the black scorpion has been talking about using the flat words, but no one cares about it.

In fact, the ersh people here are only one Veronica.

"..." and Veronica just looked at it and said nothing.

"You don't answer? Do you know what politeness is? Do you know what it is to educate?" The black-headed scorpion seems to have an opinion on Lynn's invisible behavior.

"Hello, we... to test them."

At this time, Lin found that the door of the room was open, and five Ershi people came in from there, each holding a big box.

The Ershi people walked over to the jar with the black scorpion and pulled two wires from the box to the top of the jar.

"What are you doing tests?" Lin asked one Ershi.

"This is testing their life forms." The asked Ershimin opened the box and saw a picture popping up inside, showing a lot of ... data on the screen.

“We are investigating and classifying clotting Nether creatures.” Ershimin said: “We will use a variety of detection methods, this is the first, and finally we will dissect it.”

"You dare to do this kind of thing!" Blackbird apparently understood, and immediately said: "My anger will burn you to ash!"

“Do you giggling?” The dodo next to it is a little scared: “Do you want to dissect me?”

"..." Ershmin did not pay attention to what these creatures said, but continued to look at the data on the screen.

"Birds..." Lynn glanced at the Dodo next to him and asked, "What are you going to do with them?"

"Bird feathers and this solidified creature have some special reactions." Ershimin said: "We are studying this now, so we have also caught the birds."

"……Is it."

Next, Lin looked at these Ershi people's investigations. Lin found that their survey data was very interesting. They have classified many kinds of solidified organisms.

Most of them are species that have been seen by Lin, appearing in normal voids.

At the same time, Lin also investigated the black scorpion with her own micro-arms. Before actually, they did not carefully investigate their bodies.

Now, Lynn discovers that the bird's feathers... does cause some special reactions in the black scorpion, which is accurately an excitatory reaction.

The effect of feathers on black scorpions is similar to that of Ershimin... As long as the feathers are put into the body, they will be very happy and excited.

But Lynn noticed that this has nothing to do with the composition of the feathers, but the shape of the feathers.

As long as a feather-like object is put into the black body, they will be excited, whether it is a real feather or not... It seems very interesting.

In addition, Lin also found organs of pronunciation in the black scorpion, etc., their structure and cell biology are quite similar, that is, there are many obvious visceral distinctions.

"I... I want to burn you out, kill you! I will clean the whole world with blood! Kill all of you!"

When Lin and Ershimin did various researches on the black scorpion, the black scorpion clearly became more and more angry.

It keeps talking about the lines in the movie, and many of its organs are running vigorously, which means it is really exciting.

Especially when Ershimin decided to take a black cockroach out of the jar and transport it elsewhere for anatomy.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Are you hurting me?"

This black scorpion struggles this, but

Most of them are species that have been seen by Lin, appearing in normal voids.

At the same time, Lin also investigated the black scorpion with her own micro-arms. Before actually, they did not carefully investigate their bodies.

Now, Lynn discovers that the bird's feathers... does cause some special reactions in the black scorpion, which is accurately an excitatory reaction.

The effect of feathers on black scorpions is similar to that of Ershimin... As long as the feathers are put into the body, they will be very happy and excited.

But Lynn noticed that this has nothing to do with the composition of the feathers, but the shape of the feathers.

As long as a feather-like object is put into the black body, they will be excited, whether it is a real feather or not... It seems very interesting.

In addition, Lin also found organs of pronunciation in the black scorpion, etc., their structure and cell biology are quite similar, that is, there are many obvious visceral distinctions.

"I... I want to burn you out, kill you! I will clean the whole world with blood! Kill all of you!"

When Lin and Ershimin did various researches on the black scorpion, the black scorpion clearly became more and more angry.

It keeps talking about the lines in the movie, and many of its organs are running vigorously, which means it is really exciting.

Especially when Ershimin decided to take a black cockroach out of the jar and transport it elsewhere for anatomy.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Are you hurting me?"

This black scorpion struggles this, but

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