4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 64: Brain and brain battle

Lin also did some research on the small brain, and their army generally ignored Linde's drillers, and the war between them was quite strong.

The small brain is about the same size as the big one, but there is no sleeping area in its brain, almost 100% of it is running. Even so, it is difficult to attack the big brain.

In addition, this cerebellum also has a reproductive organ, and the arthropods that are outside and the fungus war are thrown out.

Lin basically figured out these two brains. They are like this. The nutrients uploaded by the large land continuously breed the army, while the small ones take the big nutrients to produce the troops. A wonderful balance is achieved between the two. Who can't kill anyone can only be in an eternal battle.

No, this kind of war is not in the eternal balance. The big part of the brain is in a sleeping state. Lin found that it was actually made by a small brain. It occasionally produced some special cell forces. The driller just saw this scene. These cells have a camouflage ability to sneak into the big brain. Lin found that they contain a toxin that should stop the large brain areas.

Lynn doesn't know what those areas are doing, but it obviously affects the intelligence of the big brain. For example, the cells it releases are usually crazy, while the smaller ones are more elite and use tactics.

However, this kind of sneak action of the cerebellum is difficult to succeed once. Usually it will be discovered and eliminated when it sneaked into the middle, but even if it happens by chance, if it goes on, it will probably be a while... The small brain can make the big complete Stop running.

How do they form this form? Why do the two brains stick together and then continue to fight? How long have they been playing? What is the relationship between these two brains and the plague fungus?

There are too many mysteries here. Lynn doesn't know where to start research. Maybe you should go to see what's nearby? Maybe you should try to read their memories? Or say...

Lynn has a special idea... These two brains may be one and the same? It is true that such an example occurs occasionally. If a particular area of ​​a biological brain is harmed, Lin calls it the 'connection center'. Damage to this area causes the creature's brain to have a special problem called 'split'. After their connection is damaged, they will Leading some brains do not know what the other part is thinking.

At this time, there will be some very interesting things. For example, the two half brains control the limbs separately, the movements are not coordinated, etc., and they may move the left leg forward. One that moves the right leg back, this creature usually dies very quickly, no one can survive...

But... the brain that Lin found now is perhaps a living example. The thoughts of the two brains are different. They try to solve each other!

These two brains may even mobilize the original immune cells to fight, which may be because of their strong control. If they are the brains of plague fungi, perhaps this can explain the occasional intelligence of the plague army.

Lin also learned that there is a lot about the ancient cockroaches, the larger brain released a signal, the purpose is to attract the ancient 鱿.

The reason it attracts the ancients may be to use what they do. For example, to get rid of that little brain, but no success. After all, the ancients have their own ideas, they probably like the feeling of receiving signals, but they don't know what the signal is to tell them...

So what are you doing now? Destroy these two brains? Will this stop the plague fungus? Or help one of the two to defeat each other, so maybe you can communicate with them?

But let's talk about it here first. The location of this crystal is not at the end of the cave, and there may be something hidden deeper.

Lynn let some assassins continue to stay here to see the ancient dance 'dance', while others continue to move deeper, while the driller continues to explore two brains. Lin just looked at it before, and there are many details. Some were not observed.

The assassins walked toward the deeper caves. In this place, as before, there were many crystal clusters on the gravel-covered ground, but there was no such thing as echogenic eggs. Instead, there were many wrecks. .

These wrecks have been unrecognizable, but they can be known as some kind of arthropod shells. They have a considerable amount and almost replace the gravel to cover the ground.

Lin asked the assassin to open the wreckage, and on the ground covered by them, there was something that Lynn saw in the salt caves of the mainland... fossils of fungi.

These fossils are exactly the same as there. There are many mushrooms and hyphae protruding from the ground. Under the wreckage, most of the mushrooms are missing. Looking at the traces of the handle, Lin thinks this should be the kind of meeting. Exploding mushrooms, their heads are blown up.

So what?

In the following journey, some large wreckage appeared. The damage of these wrecks is not very serious. It can look at the original shape. This is a large-scale arthropod. Lin believes that it may be some kind of division of labor. Type of species.

Because there are quite a lot of them here, and the broken pieces are all around them, there are traces of corrosion on the shells of these large arms. It is obvious that there was a war here.

Lin almost guessed what was going on, but I had to explore it completely, and it should almost reach the end of the sea cave.

The assassins found more and more wreckage, but there seemed to be only two forms. The caves here began to become more spacious. After a long walk, the assassin's light found a huge thing in front.

This is the head of the ... plague?

Is there also the first place in the plague? The assassin spread out and looked at it. He found that there was only one head around. This head was bigger than before, but it seemed that nothing was special.

The assassins walked around and continued to move forward, but the front was already at the end. The assassin’s light shone in front of a large rock wall and there was a large pool on the ground.

It seems that there is no other way out. The assassins have tested for a while on the rock wall at the end. Lin can't find any hidden passages. Then Lin also looked at the water pool. The 'content' of this pool is very rich. Not only are there many wrecks, but also many small fish, as well as trilobites, starfish and prawn, which are small and only ten centimeters long.

How come there are so many creatures here? Thinking, Lin let the assassin sneak into the pool and found a cave with a diameter of more than one meter in the bottom of the sand.

Lin let an assassin get into this cave, where the twists and turns are complicated, and there are many sea creatures living here. After walking for a few hundred seconds, the tortuous cave slowly turns into a vertical upwards. Finally, the assassin Arrived in an open area - the ocean!

Looking at the boundless waters around, it was as Lin thought, the cave just passed directly into the sea, so so many creatures came in.

However, the situation here does not seem to be normal.

It should be in a deep position, the surrounding light is dark, but Lin can still see the environment here, there are many structures like stone pillars, these stone pillars are covered with various holes.

The assassin swam into the hole in the stone pillar and found that there were also many wrecks inside. Even in the sea, they remained completely intact, unlike the broken wreckage seen before.

Lin has seen this kind of stone column before. This is obviously the nest built by these creatures. Now it should be able to figure out exactly what happened between them, but it is very inaccurate, if you can know the details. Better.

At this time, Lynn found an interesting method in the two brains.

In the big brain, those sleeping areas are in a state of being asleep because of a toxin. If Lin removes this toxin, it may wake up part of the brain.

Before that, we must figure out their left and right. The current brain should be in a state of no consciousness. Lin does not want it to wake up completely. Lin found that in one of the areas there is a structure similar to other biological memory areas, and some different biological memories. The location of the district is different, but most of them are scattered, but this brain has concentrated the memory area, and the information stored therein seems to be very easy to read. The substances stored are much more obvious than the average creature. .

If you use the reader to read this position, you should be able to know a lot of things. Although Lynn does not know whether the reader can read it completely, this brain is definitely easier to read than ordinary creatures.

Think of it, Lin asked the assassins outside to shoot a number of sticky eggs on the crystal. A large number of drillers emerged from these eggs, and they drilled a large hole in the crystal, followed by The last egg hatched a small brain-reader, which followed the group of drillers into the crystallization and floated over the brain inside.

At this time, the ancient cricket is still dancing, the tiny army between the brain and the brain is still in war, and Lin’s readers have pierced the tiny tentacles into the brain, and the tentacles are constantly growing, connecting the memory. region.

At this time, the micro-exploratory driller inside began to secrete a detoxifying liquid to awaken this sleeping area.

These liquids must not leak to other places and must be controlled in one area...

Along with the detoxifying liquid, this area slowly relieved the state of sleep, and the reader also received the information it remembered at the same time... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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