4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2279: Life bed

Although I want to communicate with balloon creatures...

But before that, Lin still went to see where they grew up, which is called the ‘life bed’. .

Here looks from the outside... Lin feels that it is quite similar to the stable mainland, that is, a land mass floating in the solidified void.

But the stable continent is a mixture of many normal voids, while the lifebed is made up of purely solidified matter.

Moreover, the life bed is not 'hard', its surface is soft, and the internal liquid-filled object, the system of death warship detection can detect its general composition.

In general, it is very similar to the outside 'water wall', protected by soft and tough materials as the outer wall, and then filled with life-filled liquid, but it is much larger than the water wall.

The life bed has an overall length and width of more than 1,000 kilometers, and its thickness is also 100 kilometers.

Whether it is on the surface or inside, there are a lot of things... The moving things are active, they should all be creatures, and Lin also found some like balloon creatures.

Although they are different in shape, it is obvious that there is a tail as the main body behind them. There are many creatures besides them, because they are very interested in their life forms. Lin feels close to observe.

So Lin let the death battleship slowly approach the life bed and land on the 'surface' of its central area.

Here, Lynn can see that many large-scale species are slowly moving on the ground. They look very interesting, so study them first.

However, when the death warship touched the bed of life... Lin found that the entire life bed suddenly stopped.

Whether it is a species that is active on the ground or the bed itself has entered a state of solidification at this moment, it completely stops all activities.

Then, Lin let the death battleship fly higher. After a while, the life bed was resumed and the creatures on the ground began to crawl again.

This may be some kind of protection mechanism.

Lin tried again a few times and tested the creatures on the surface. Lin found the reason. The life bed and the creatures above did not have anti-coagulant substances in the body.

They can act purely because there is a 'anti-coagulation field' around the life bed, and the radius of the anti-coagulation field is only more than ten meters on the surface of the life bed.

And it can... look like it's off at any time.

As soon as it is turned off, the creatures here will instantly solidify, and the lifebed itself will be the same, and the surface of the lifebed will become extremely strong after it has solidified.

In short, Lin feels that there is something in the anti-coagulation field that controls the wall of life to avoid external attacks.

The feeling is a very simple reaction system, similar to some plants.

"It's there! I found it! Come over!"

Suddenly, Lynn received the information and saw a large group of creatures flying in the distance. These creatures are all... balloon creatures.

Their size ranges from tens to hundreds of meters, and the number... Lin thinks there may be tens of millions.

In fact, Lyne already knew that the balloon creatures here have a very large number and ... sphere of influence.

However, they did not extend their power to the bed of life, but rather they deliberately let the life bed develop on its own.

This is also related to their deliberate attitude of letting the baby grow up.

For creatures like Lin, who are directly close to the bed of life, they seem to have a lot of opinions.

So, Lin let the death battleship move down quickly.

Whether it is a species that is active on the ground or the bed itself has entered a state of solidification at this moment, it completely stops all activities.

Then, Lin let the death battleship fly higher. After a while, the life bed was resumed and the creatures on the ground began to crawl again.

This may be some kind of protection mechanism.

Lin tried again a few times and tested the creatures on the surface. Lin found the reason. The life bed and the creatures above did not have anti-coagulant substances in the body.

They can act purely because there is a 'anti-coagulation field' around the life bed, and the radius of the anti-coagulation field is only more than ten meters on the surface of the life bed.

And it can... look like it's off at any time.

As soon as it is turned off, the creatures here will instantly solidify, and the lifebed itself will be the same, and the surface of the lifebed will become extremely strong after it has solidified.

In short, Lin feels that there is something in the anti-coagulation field that controls the wall of life to avoid external attacks.

The feeling is a very simple reaction system, similar to some plants.

"It's there! I found it! Come over!"

Suddenly, Lynn received the information and saw a large group of creatures flying in the distance. These creatures are all... balloon creatures.

Their size ranges from tens to hundreds of meters, and the number... Lin thinks there may be tens of millions.

In fact, Lyne already knew that the balloon creatures here have a very large number and ... sphere of influence.

However, they did not extend their power to the bed of life, but rather they deliberately let the life bed develop on its own.

This is also related to their deliberate attitude of letting the baby grow up.

For creatures like Lin, who are directly close to the bed of life, they seem to have a lot of opinions.

So, Lin let the death battleship move down quickly. Whether it is a species that is active on the ground or the bed itself has entered a state of solidification at this moment, it completely stops all activities.

Then, Lin let the death battleship fly higher. After a while, the life bed was resumed and the creatures on the ground began to crawl again.

This may be some kind of protection mechanism.

Lin tried again a few times and tested the creatures on the surface. Lin found the reason. The life bed and the creatures above did not have anti-coagulant substances in the body.

They can act purely because there is a 'anti-coagulation field' around the life bed, and the radius of the anti-coagulation field is only more than ten meters on the surface of the life bed.

And it can... look like it's off at any time.

As soon as it is turned off, the creatures here will instantly solidify, and the lifebed itself will be the same, and the surface of the lifebed will become extremely strong after it has solidified.

In short, Lin feels that there is something in the anti-coagulation field that controls the wall of life to avoid external attacks.

The feeling is a very simple reaction system, similar to some plants.

"It's there! I found it! Come over!"

Suddenly, Lynn received the information and saw a large group of creatures flying in the distance. These creatures are all

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