4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2282: Captain class

It turns out that... they are related.

Lin also observes the space played by history...and the ‘life bed’ where the captain class creatures are located.

Since Lynn discovered that the captain of Lin made the signal... and the wild captains had a ‘connection’ on the information, they learned a lot of information.

For example...the things of these captain creatures.

Captain-like creatures are not 'normal' creatures, they are actually a collection of ....

They may be any kind of solidified creature that Linde has seen, and they all have the potential to become captains.

The emergence of captain-like creatures is caused by something that Lynn feels can be called ‘swarf comet’.

This is not directly related to the comet in the normal void, but in terms of appearance, the 'light chip comet' is very similar to the normal comet, and it appears like a huge light ball across the sky, and There is a long tail behind it.

The tail of the swarf comet is thousands of kilometers long. It is made up of countless tiny luminescent powders, so Lynn gave it the name.

These swarfs are inherently anti-coagulated, so they can glint in the solidified void.

Of course, the most important thing is... Whenever the comet flies, a large amount of light debris will spread in the surrounding void. If some solidified organisms come into contact with this light, the light debris may be incorporated into their bodies.

Then the coagulated creature will immediately change the behavioral pattern, and they will quickly find other companions, which are also the coagulation creatures that are parasitic.

Then, no matter what kind of creatures they are, they will treat each other as their own companions and live together.

After a while, the body structure of these creatures will slowly change, mainly becoming more and more similar, and finally, these creatures will begin to merge.

Then, the captain class creature was born.

Usually the captains are a mixture of many different species of creatures, and they also have a very strong...spiritual ability.

They can send signals to direct other types of solidified organisms, and they can be controlled as long as they are merged into the captain's biological species.

Usually a captain class will try to control and live with a large number of other types of solidified organisms.

The captain will also grow slowly during this period.

Their growth cycle is rather slow. During the growth process, they will command other coagulating organisms to collect the light debris and concentrate the light debris... The captain will pick some special creatures to let the light debris 'infect' them, and Let them form a new captain.

But the captains themselves are not reproductive. They can only use the light to make more captains... If there is no light, then the number will not grow and will slowly die out.

But the captains themselves can live for a long time, and they are not very concerned about future generations.

Probably because such creatures have this characteristic, they will be specially selected as the captain of the death warship.

Captain-like creatures have a very long 'growth', they will grow slowly over the long years, and the volume will become larger and larger at this stage, and its 'mental ability' is also increasing. Strong.

And how big a captain can grow up seems to be related to the creatures that fuse them.

It is mainly related to the ‘thinking’ of the fusion creature.

The stronger the thinking ability of this creature, the longer the captain can grow...

This kind of thinking ability refers not to intelligence, but to the degree of whimsical, mainly to see how many things a thing can be associated with.

Lin has no way to know the details of it... In short, after the fusion, the original biological thinking system is still in the captain's body, and it will grow up according to this.

As for the death battleship, it should be designed by Midgart, a battleship that grows together with the captains.

Although the death warship is designed in the end, there are still many places that I don’t understand... But in general, this kind of warship...not like the usual warship, the designer did not directly set the entire warship, but just made Out of the 'seed' of a battleship.

As for how this seed grows, it is completely free and not completely set.

All in all, the stronger the captain itself grows, the stronger the dead warship will be, and it will be able to “evolve” various weapons and capabilities as the captain grows.

Like the weapons of the death warship, such as 'disintegration rays', its nature and power are affected by the captain's own spiritual control. It can be said that it is entirely a weapon that grows according to the growth of the captain.

Lin felt that she should study it carefully... How did the death warship grow with the captain?

In fact, there are still many places where these solidified substances are not understood... mainly their ‘nature’.

They seem to have many wonderful 'causal relationships' and many incomprehensible relationships.

But Lin now knows at least that she has assembled a lot of coagulant.

So... continue to study Lin may also be able to build a ship.

In short, it seems that it is hard to say what the death warship will grow into.

But... it can't grow indefinitely, and it itself is affected by the captain's growth ceiling.

The captain will stop growing to a certain extent, and this degree is related to the creatures that fuse it.

For example, a group of captains with a poorly thinking solidified biological fusion can only grow a little... The dead warships that grow out according to this captain may only use one disintegrating ray.

But the bio-integrated captain with a strong thinking ability can make the death warships use a lot of wonderful abilities.

Therefore, Lin believes that the people in the work space are probably used to build the captain.

Because, the ability of Ershimin's ‘whimsical’ is very strong. If you use Ershimin... to integrate a captain, it may grow to a very powerful level.

Although the captain is now able to use the signal to influence the nerves of the people, it is only because they understand the people of Ershi... so they can release some influence signals.

Not because they are the fusion of Ershi people.

However, Ershimin is a normal void cell creature that should not be used to synthesize the captain.

In simple terms, solidified matter...is not composed of 'basic particles'.

On the basis of different substances, Lin feels that it is unlikely to be integrated.

So, however, Ershi people can still be used.

Instead of using them directly to fuse a captain, they use their thinking skills to fuse.

So these spaces have been ... squeezing their thinking ability, pushing the imagination of these people to the limit.

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