4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 68: battlefield

The west coast of the island of fungi.

This beach, which is no longer white, is filled with a strange smell, **** taste, rotten smell, and even the air seems to be dyed with a different color. Under the light of the sun, this Everything is slowly evaporating.

The war is cruel, and it will always capture countless lives. When Lin explores the caves in the sea, the war here has not stopped for a moment. The debris of the fungus is full of the beach, and there are a lot of potholes in the top ten meters of the beach. This is the trace of the bombs. A pile of dead bodies are crowded in these potholes, and some huge biological wreckage is poured around, giving off a strange smell.

Even when it is alive, it is an overwhelming plague, but after death, they are still foods of rot fungus.

On the back beach, there are more corpses, most of which are not filled with spikes, or they are blown up by most of the body. Their blood has already penetrated into the sand and dyed the entire beach. A strange layer of color was added.

Some of the fungus monsters that can run farthest are only a meter away from the Styx cannon. They crossed the trap and escaped countless shellings, but eventually they could not climb the sand dunes where the Styx cannons fell. On the beach.

The madness of the fungus blame makes their corpses pile up like mountains. In fact, the bodies that have been seen so far are relatively few, and the number of countless numbers has been swallowed up by phage.

The body of the fungus can be said to cover the entire beach, and the sea is no exception. The ocean has been completely discolored by their blood, and countless wrecks float on the water. These wrecks have no ability to infect. The fungus completely died under the soaking of sea water. So it attracts a lot of fish and a variety of plankton, which is a feast for them.

At the same time, Lin also began to clean up the bodies on the beach.

Previously, under the crazy attack of the fungus, the phlegm was unable to swallow the blood and debris of these bodies even because the number of opponents was too large, causing the hyphae to increase, and the hyphae even counterattacked the phage under the gravel. They rely on the blood of fungus to grow. It is many times faster than normal growth, and even once attacked by hyphae to a deep place, but now the phagosome has begun to slowly swallow it back, and the blood outside is slowly drying out due to the sun's exposure. Fungi are no longer growing.

The duration of the war is not very long, but the number of deaths and injuries of the fungus may be estimated to be more than several hundred thousand, or even millions, because there are quite a few small fungus monsters, and there are many losses on the side of Lin. The trap is now almost useless. The bombs also had countless consumption, and even hundreds of Styx guns were destroyed more than a dozen.

Except for the two that were previously dissolved by the head of the plague. The rest of the turrets were destroyed by a creature - the dragon.

There are hundreds of dragons participating in this war. Their size is generally around a dozen meters. At first, many people only know how to rampage, but some of them will use tactics.

They know how to besiege, sneak around the back, and also spray a lotion containing a lot of fungus, etc., and the dragon generally has a characteristic: the shell is quite hard, and now their bodies are on the beach, Lin Biology needs to have deeper research...

Now the fungus's corpse is full of Lin's vision, everything seems extremely quiet, war... is it over?

In fact, this is not over yet, and the war has only been suspended.

There are some fungus geeks that don't rush to the beach. They... retreat. Lin found that they seemed to be suddenly smarter. The latter part did not continue the crazy charge, but returned to the ocean.

Their current position is just above the head of the plague that moves on the ocean floor.

The head of the plague never stopped, even after Lin cut off the two brains, but they seemed to be faster after that...

why? May have a lot to do with the two brains.

Lin did not reach any communication with them. It was better to say that there was no opportunity for communication. After disconnection, they soon died there.

Why is this so? Lin found that they had a very wonderful relationship with each other. The battle between the two brains may last for hundreds of years or even longer. During the battle, the body shape has also changed a lot.

For example, the small brain, which relies heavily on the nutrients obtained from the big brain, even oxygen is obtained from the water passed from it. If it loses a big brain, it will soon die.

The big brain is simpler. It has a heart-like structure, not only for blood transfusion, but also for the continuous delivery of troops to the opponent. Even if it is disconnected, it will continue to be transported. In the case, the troops that transported the past will be solved by the cerebellum, but the water will flow back after the cerebellum has been circled, but after the disconnection, no water will come back, and finally it will lead to loss of excess water and death...

Of course, the cerebellum also relies on these waters to obtain essential necessities such as oxygen.

How do you say this, this relationship is too weird, although they have been fighting, but they have formed a wonderful symbiotic relationship, the two sides become a state of not being able to live without playing, even if they continue to fight, their One of them will win, and the winner will die soon.

If you win a small victory, it will soon have no nutrients and oxygen. If you win a big victory, it will continue to produce troops. Finally, these troops will pile up in the body and squeeze other organs because there is nowhere to go. The space is constantly getting bigger and then... it is possible to transform into art.

In general, small brain dependence is stronger, but big ones don't think and are crazy, so the possibility of death is greater.

Lin originally thought it could save the small, but Lin couldn't quickly make a similar big brain to deliver it, containing oxygen and some other nutrients, even if it provides oxygen, it will die.

Even so, Lynn used the method of transporting nutrients to let the little brain live for a while, but Lynn found that it would not think at all. After the big brain died, it had only one feeling called 'confusing'. .

It doesn't know what to do next. It seems to have lost the goal of life. Even when it is attacking a big brain, it seems very clever, but now it seems to be a creature without thoughts...

Nothing is sent to it, so Lynn simply let it die, and it will not survive anyway.

However, after these two brains died, Lin discovered the real problem...

The plague army did not stop, they were still in action, and they were smarter than before. They started to attack only madly, and occasionally they showed intelligence, but now they know how to retreat first.

At the beginning, Lin might have reversed the relationship between the brain and the plague fungus. In the long-term and another brain war, the brain has completely lost its ability to think, and it has become nothing different from a real madman.

So the signals it sends don't give intelligence to the plague's army, but they make them crazy, and only show intelligence when they don't receive the brain's signal.

In places far from the plague five islands, such as those near the mainland, the signal of the brain may not be transmitted there, so the fungi there are more normal, and Lin did not have any crazy performance when the islands cleared the fungus. .

It turns out that... It should be noted earlier, when it seems that the brain has a bad influence, after the brain is dead, they can be said to end the crazy influence of the brain on them.

But what is this group of fungi now commanding them? Are those intellectually high fungus monsters? Or a fungus lord? Or are they acting on their own?

This is not known, but at the moment they are at least smarter than before.

It seems very interesting, but the remaining fungus monsters are estimated to be only about 5%. After they end the brain's influence, will they attack Lin? Or would you want to escape far?

But the head of the plague is still coming here, no matter what, the plague must be destroyed.

Lin began to prepare a force for sneak attack under the sea, ready to attack the last group of these troops. These fungus monsters are still afraid of the sea. It seems that the 'curse' will not fade because of the death of the brain.

Lin first dispatched a force 'cleaner' to cooperate with the phlegm to remove the dead bodies on the beach and nearby seas. They climbed out of the island in large numbers. This is a large-scale unit with a body length of about five meters. The teeth in the teeth have a structure such as serrated for the ground meat, which is very suitable for smashing these things.

Because there are too many bombs consumed in this war, Lin needs to quickly supplement the nutrients. In fact, there are resources on the island that are more difficult to deal with plague fungi, so they should be killed in the sea.

Instead of dispatching other troops, Lynn used the Behemoths who had been on the island to solve the plague. The Behemoths did not participate in the previous war, so there was no consumption at all, although the plague There are a lot of them, but Lynn thinks that it is enough to use only Behemoth.

The huge shape of Behemoth slowly flew to the beach where the body was spread...

Finally, it is coming to an end. This war, the plague will be completely extinct!

Looking at the ocean in the distance, Behemoth suddenly began to accelerate and rushed over!

‘咕...’ Suddenly, a strange noise stopped Behemoths. Lin saw that there were a lot of bubbles on the water, and the bubbles even shrank the surrounding floating bodies. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ the city's mooring road ~ rewards ~

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