4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2292: Whales and pollution

On the churning black liquid, there is a small white island.

Standing on the island is an Ershi... There is also a ball of fluff.

"We have to find a chance to go out."

Looking at the small island with a diameter of just over ten meters, the promise of the Ershi people said: "This place is quickly overwhelmed."

"You seem very clear."

"Because I can feel...their ideas..."

This place is a living body that can be called... 'Hua Si whale'.

This is a large creature that wanders in the fuse of the comet, and looks a little like a whale.

It is a few hundred meters in size, and the skin is somewhat crystallized. It is said that this creature is a special 'scavenger' in the constellation of light.

There are only a few specific types of coagulating substances in the comet, that is, the material that Lin found here can be driven by imagination.

But occasionally there are some other substances or creatures mixed in, they usually wander in the comet for a long time.

The whales are specifically looking for these mixed substances and swallowing them into the body.

The substance that is swallowed in it will be broken down by it, and most of the coagulated matter will be converted into a coagulation substance that is very common in comets.

But if it is a substance that cannot be converted, it will find a way to discharge it outside the comet.

If it is a creature, it will break down this creature, but the part of the mind will be preserved.

To be precise, it uses some coagulation material to 'read' the nerve structure of the creature, and then save its thinking ability... in the coagulation material.

Then the thinking of this creature will stay here forever.

In a nutshell, ‘thinking whales’ seem to be similar to cells used to clean foreign bodies, while still having other functions.

The missile that Linde used to take with Nono was also treated as a foreign object and then swallowed in.

Its body is a ... gravitational space, most of the interior is occupied by black liquids.

But there are some islands between the liquids that look like crystals, which is where Lin and Nuo are now.

The missile that Linde made before has fallen into the liquid and is broken down. Now Lin and Novo have changed back to the shape of the Ershi people who want to leave here.

Connaught before said that it can feel the whales...thinking about it.

It should be because Novo is made up of matter here, and it will feel the idea of ​​this creature when it is in the body of whales.

In fact, it is because of this, it will understand the ecology of the whale.

If you stay here, you may be slowly disintegrated, because the liquid below will rise and eventually flood the island.

Maybe promises nothing... but it's not quite sure what will happen, so you have to leave before, but there seems to be no good way.

‘咕噜...’ Suddenly, there seems to be some anomalies here.

A large amount of liquid rushed in front of Lin and Nuo like a water column, and it turned into a sky full of water.

These liquids can be regarded as a kind of solution, and the objects that are contacted by them are first solidified and then slowly decomposed.

Lin hasn't studied how it's broken down, but it's definitely dangerous to be sprinkled with it.

Fortunately, there are not many liquids sputtered, and Lin and Nuo are hiding.

But the anomaly seems to have just begun...

‘Hey! ’

The whole place began to sway again, a large amount of liquid tumbling around, and Lynn saw a huge wave hit the island.

But Lin felt at this time... The gravity here suddenly disappeared.

"Use full force to jump." Lin said at the same time, flew to the heights.

At the same time, Connaughter jumped up with all his strength. When it just jumped, the black waves hit the island and completely drowned the island.

"It's very uncomfortable now..."

The liquid below is tumbling at this time. Lin and Nuo are floating in the air and can clearly understand the violent environment below. This gives Lin a feeling that the stomach of this creature is very uncomfortable.

In fact, it is true.

As these liquids swelled more and more intense, Lin suddenly found that not far away... the whale's mouth opened.

A large amount of liquid rushed toward the open mouth, and Lin and Novo saw it quickly moving in that direction.

Of course, Lin dragged the promise forward... It was very smooth, and Lin came out with the promise of the whale's open mouth. When I came outside, I could see the scenery outside... It was different from the past.

Originally, there was a scene dominated by gray inside the comet, but now Lin sees the color.

No matter where you are, you have a beautiful color, and there are many odd-shaped objects twisted here.

This seems to be the result of contamination of the outside of the ... cannonball.

In fact, after Lin Henu was swallowed by this whale, Lin did see a lot of shells hit the comet.

But I didn't think it would affect that far, because the location of this whale is already millions of kilometers from the entrance.

If it is also affected here, it means that the next few shells have a very strong influence.

Although I don't know why.

As these liquids swelled more and more intense, Lin suddenly found that not far away... the whale's mouth opened.

A large amount of liquid rushed toward the open mouth, and Lin and Novo saw it quickly moving in that direction.

Of course, Lin dragged the promise forward... It was very smooth, and Lin came out with the promise of the whale's open mouth. When I came outside, I could see the scenery outside... It was different from the past.

Originally, there was a scene dominated by gray inside the comet, but now Lin sees the color.

No matter where you are, you have a beautiful color, and there are many odd-shaped objects twisted here.

This seems to be the result of contamination of the outside of the ... cannonball.

In fact, after Lin Henu was swallowed by this whale, Lin did see a lot of shells hit the comet.

But I didn't think it would affect that far, because the location of this whale is already millions of kilometers from the entrance.

If it is also affected here, it means that the next few shells have a very strong influence.

Although I don't know why.

In fact, after Lin Henu was swallowed by this whale, Lin did see a lot of shells hit the comet.

But I didn't think it would affect that far, because the location of this whale is already millions of kilometers from the entrance.

If it is also affected here, it means that the next few shells have a very strong influence.

Although I don't know why.

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